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hey guys,

we did some changes on the website (e.g. admins can delete leaguegames now) and Battle Tanks has a new filename format now, all following maps will be named like BTanks848.w3x. (the 8.48 version will be in bnet twice, once with the old filename and once with the new, but it's the same map!)

although we will release betamaps in the future, these maps will have no league support and will be named like BTanks849b1.w3x, BTanks849b2.w3x and so on..

i hope these changes will stop the nameproblem caused by IE and some dlprogs and will minimize bad games caused by imba tanks or sth.

rgds and gn8
psycho_dmr & bob666

p.s. an bob & exo, beim mapupload hat sich nichts geändert, das script regelt das automatisch. bob ich schick dir die neuen dateien morgen kurz rüber.
No Support via PM!!
Cool der League-admin kann jetzt was machen oder wie?:wink:

Außerdem denke ich man hätte der Map ruhig 8.49 nennen können so entsteht keine Verwirrung :/

Sonst hut ab Psy gute ArbeitBig Grin
When u want to play BT come Channel Clan BuG or Clan BuG2Smile We are waiting for good games !

Moreover visit us on http://www.clanbug.kilu.deSmile

[Image: paint1bw2.jpg]
eh, englishWink
i dont think that there will be problems because 2 names of the same version... before we had more than 2 names sometimes and it worked tooWink

and yes, we (and soon you too) can delete games now, i've made a new forum where ppl can report any problems with leaguegames - its your field nowSmile
No Support via PM!!
Thanks for the correction and new naming conventions.

Damn IE to heck!
Just to check: do you guys still have multiple maps of the same version?
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Yes, I do.
These one:
Battle Tanks 8.50.w3x

Of course, I downloaded map from here - "BTanks850.w3x".
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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