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[8.49] Recipe Combine Bug?
The power pack upgrade kit is currently not working. I have tried to purchase it in two games with an upgraded golden hull and a extended power pack, and each time it says you do not have the required items. I did check both times to make sure nothing was on cool down and that I had enough money. Big Grin

Just to make sure we are all talking about the same item, the upgrade kit which creates the hull that can be used to repair you 5k damage. (I believe its the power pack)
Just tested in newest version the item can be combined.

"You don`t have the nessasary Items or Updates"
I think it is updates, what about spliting thins 2 things,
So that if you have this items it will display: "You don`t have the nessasary Updates"
Did you check to have Armor update lvl 10.

Im used to the powerpack recipe - and the problem is, that you can combine only after 50 minutes if no one made updates. :mrgreen:

Well I wondered often, why I can buy the powerpack after the first 5 minutes if i have the money, but the recipe need armor 10. I often first think to combine if I played 40-45 minutes - so I often wait till 50 minutes, because I dont want to spend money in updatesSmile
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- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
It may have been that we did not have the required armor upgrades. :oops: I will try again online.
And I'll try to improve the tooltip.
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