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Naval Battle - by TKF
NAVAL BATTLE (Hiveworkshop)

[Image: maps_15981_preview.jpg]

Basically it's a ship map with manual cannon reloading and aiming. You can hit and miss with the cannonballs. Also this map includes a boarding feature which doesn't exist in most bs maps. Also the maps size is epic.


[Image: 7c85439ad5139fd84ebfd12e02485847_2913.jpg?dl=1216757272]

Description: This is an intense AoS ship combat game that requires skills to sink your opponents. Unlike other BS maps with autofire with weapons, this map do purely have 100% manual cannon fire. You must use skills in this map to fire your cannons, and your cannonballs doesn't pass cliffs either. It does have a very simple movement engine which is so good that it doesn't use detection engine when hitting units (But only for the cliffs). Also there's plenty of ingame commands, so you have to check them ingame. Most common is -share...

AOS/RPG Style: An new gameplay with the combination of trade hunting, finding rare merchants, piracy, kill the enemy merchant convoy and fighting the hostile empires forces. Simply put, this is a combined RPG/AOS map.

Moreover, all weapons is remade and turned into several classes:

Weapon Classes:

Ordinary Cannons: Standard cannons does good damage against ships and structures
Missile Cannons: Like standard cannons, but do have extreme long range
Anti-Crew Cannons: Does little damage, but kills much crew on each hit
Sail Ripper Cannons: Does medium damage and slows enemy ships
Fire Cannons: Direct hits causes the ship to ignite and cause burning damage over time
Siege Cannons: This weapon is mainly used for attacking structures with, also capable to do some damage against ships.
Acid Cannon: This weapon does reduce the armor. It does only exist 1 acid cannon type weapon in the game.
Frost Cannon: This weapon has a chance to freeze a ship for 3 seconds.
Seeker Cannon: This weapon does have a proximity homing ability which increases the chance to hit enemies.
Lightning Cannon: This weapon does have chain lightning ability upon impact.
Critical Cannons: This weapon does cause quadruple damage upon critical hits.
Shockwave Cannons: This weapon damage several units in a line and ignores obstacles and cliffs. Expensive but useful.

Repair wood: Limited to 10 charges, and does now replenish health over time instead of instant heal.
Hulls: Adds slightly more hp and damage reduction, but also reduces speed
Hull Reinforcements: Adds more armor to the ship.
Sails: Increases the speed of your ship. (doesn't consume inventory slots.)
Crews: Gives a certain stat bonus to the ship crew
Boarding Hook: Gives you the abilities to board ships and capture them.
Structure Kits: Builds a tower or a cannon fortress
Bomb: Places a high explosive bomb which does 3200 damage, but be careful so you don't blow yourself
Repair kit: Allows you to repair selected tower of friendly ship

New abilities:
Captain Cannon: Improves the ships front cannon. Bigger ship classes has more powerful front cannon.
Ramming: (Interceptor and ram hull item) Causes the ship to ram into another ship for damage. This damages both ships.
Boarding: (Destroyer, Pirate ships and grappling hook item) This causes your ship to do an attempt on capturing the enemy ship (hero ships are sunk).

Keyboard Movement System: Allows you to steer your ship with your keys, if you enter -move command
Critical hit system: Gives you a chance of inflicting double damage
Multikill system: Gives you bonus gold for multikills and streaks.
Capture Abandoned Ships: Just move close up to the ship.
Burning System: Your ships might burn down if they are hit by a fire cannon. Using water item will remove the flames quickly.
Crew System: Mana shows how much crew your ship has.
Boarding System: Explained above
Damage System: Shows how much damage your ship has suffered in red numbers
Cannonball System: That's a basic movement engine for the cannons

Different abilities: I've added a lot of new ships. All the ships have various abilities. There is over 21 ships to choose from.

New Hero Stats:
Carpenter Skill: Increases the effectiveness of lumber usage, constant ship repairs and slighly makes your ship stronger.
Accuracy: Makes your cannonballs spread less and make you aim better
Crew Strength: You loses less crew when hit by weapons and attacked, also it makes your chances for boarding more successful, also if you're boarded, you will more likely to surive the boarding

Boosts hero stats: The lumber is replaced with ability points. You get ability points when you level and when you kill enemy ships. This trainer look like an old paladin.

Stats increase: You gain 2 random stat increases for each level and the ship gets 1% more hp pr level. At level 26, you gain land crew ability.

Average: I know this isn't the best terrain, but it's playable for an AOS.
When you fire your weapons maybe make some thing like thunderclup,
to slower your movement a bit. Maybe for 2-3 sec.

And when you hit your enemy with weapons (not fire),
Slow his movement 1-2sec.

The coodown of Repair Woods is big.
Reduce the cooldown.
Make repairing a bit faster.

Change Buying (from Main Harbour) places of
from Trader, Sell, Royal Cruiser (20000)
to Royal Cruiser (20000), Trader, Sell

Turning Speed:
The Juggernaut has got 0.20
Reduce all by 0.10

Cannon Barrage:
Harpoon Barrage:
Killer Barrage:
Has got 2 Tagets Ground and Something.
Change to difoult setting (Groung, Buildings).

Edited parts are Under Scored.
LuckyD0g Wrote:Suggestion:
When you fire your weapons maybe make some thing like thunderclup,
to slower your movement a bit. Maybe for 2-3 sec.

And when you hit your enemy with weapons (not fire),
Slow his movement 1-2sec.
There is sail ripper weapons which slows enemy ship, so I won't add abilities to standard weapons. Also if you are pursuing an enemy, you have to turn and fire, thus speed loss (unless you are faster). I've decreased all generic speedbonuses for the same reason, but kept the initial speed so the speed differences wouldn't be so insane. But currently I'm keeping as it is.

But I'll consider it. Currently the ship must stop to use barrages, not the cannons items.

LuckyD0g Wrote:The cooldown of Repair Woods is big.
Reduce the cooldown.
Make repairing a bit faster.
I think 30 sec cooldown is fine (it was 40). Instant repair is unbalanced so it takes 20 sec to repair your ship. I won't allow any faster repair. Weak repair wood is shait and does only cost 140...

LuckyD0g Wrote:Change Buying places of
from Trader, Sell, Roal
to Roal, Trader, Sell
? What's Roal?

LuckyD0g Wrote:Turning Speed:
The Juggernaut has got 0.20
Reduce all by 0.10
Good idea. The biggest ships 0.1 turning rate, while cheaper ships have higher. I'll decrease the overall turning rate so juggernaut have 0.15... the rest has less.

LuckyD0g Wrote:Cannon Barrage:
Harpoon Barrage:
Killer Barrage:
Has got 2 Tagets Ground and Something.
Change to difoult setting (Groung, Buildings).
I keep it this way to make aiming more challenging, since you can aim. Allowing targeting a unit would instead aim right at them. Though it should be possible to aim at them i think... but haven't tried that yet (I planned to removed aim and fire barrage from a random side)


I'm currently planning on expanding the terrain greatly after the beta, so you can access rare shops from afar, but a long journey to offworld. Also maybe allow yourself to become a pirate and leave the English and French empire for greater glory of gold, thus indirectly making a 3rd side which is enemies of both, but at the same time not disturbing the current win conditions, but make alternative pirate hideouts which alternatively can be destroyed by doing piracy quests. But I'm not certain if I'm going to make that and make the map 4 times bigger - 128x96 -> 256x192. This is just loose ideas... But Map is going to be bigger, that's certain...
You hosted the Open version.

Win bug
South Win and other win triggers
remove this KickOn is Yes

Add to South Win and North Win
wait 0.01

And I think Arrow Movement Left Press (trigger) and others
shoud be turned on when some one types -move

Edited is underscored
LuckyD0g Wrote:You hosted the Open version.
Is the map itself unprotected? or did i host open version with open in the filename?
TKF Wrote:
LuckyD0g Wrote:You hosted the Open version.
Is the map itself unprotected? or did i host open version with open in the filename?

The map is unprotected and the file name is Naval Battle v1.09 Open (Epic).w3x

I used Wc3 Map optimizer and it worked fine, i could host it.
I reduced compression too 35%, then it worked again and did show up on the list...
8 Aug 2008



NAVAL BATTLE (Epic version)
I've updated the naval map again. If you haven't tried this map yet, I recommend you to try it once at least just to test out the cannon weapon system.
i found a bug:
if you buy level up books when you are on lvl 100 they will be dropped to the ground.
then you have to become a pirate and pick up a book with a pirate ship and then a fatal error occoursSmile
Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
i tried naval battle and rage quit after about 2 minutes. i suck at it worse than ladder play. i'm still a big fan of insane mod though! those base bombardments were badass!
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
SCorpA1 Wrote:i found a bug:
if you buy level up books when you are on lvl 100 they will be dropped to the ground.
then you have to become a pirate and pick up a book with a pirate ship and then a fatal error occoursSmile

I've fixed it. It won't fatal error when you try to buy level up with other ships than hero ships. Also the ship still drops tomes when it reached max level. I've increase max level to 200, so this will more unlikely happen. I'm working on version 1.14.
Tzz, what a unclean way of fixing things :P You could solve this by just removing those tomes and give the player back his money. Or disable active items for non hero unit inventories, then they can't pick up tomes.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Exodus Wrote:Tzz, what a unclean way of fixing thingsTongue You could solve this by just removing those tomes and give the player back his money. Or disable active items for non hero unit inventories, then they can't pick up tomes.
Yeah, you are right. It fatal errors when the non-hero ships tries to buy stats. I have to make "fake" items and make it triggered so non-hero ships cannot buy crew tomes.

qweqqweq Wrote:i tried naval battle and rage quit after about 2 minutes. i suck at it worse than ladder play. i'm still a big fan of insane mod though! those base bombardments were badass!
This map is PRO L33T map. It requires much skills and ownage to play it.
The accuracy stat is the luck factor, but you can increase it and give you more precise aim.
i just played it in singleplayer to check out how this worksWink
i really like this system but some points im not really sure about what they do/how they work

can i have more buyable crews at the same time? can they all be unloaded?
i have not tried the boarding stuff yet, cause i dont have much time =(
how does this work/what happens if i board an enemy ship, how do crews effect this?

and how to get on the west side of the map?
i got in the "great ocean" by opening the gates, but i was not able to find any gates to the west side =(
ChronicStoned Wrote:crews:
can i have more buyable crews at the same time? can they all be unloaded?
i have not tried the boarding stuff yet, cause i dont have much time =(
how does this work/what happens if i board an enemy ship, how do crews effect this?
Use to -ul command to unload 40 crew (1 unit) on land/shallow water. They cannot all be unload at the same time, you can only deploy 1 unit at the time. But I'm going to add a -ula command so you can unload all the crew you can at once.

You have more crew capacity on bigger ships. You can also buy crew quarters to expand the maximum crew capacity. Some special crew items does require item activation and allows you to have various crew types on land, while standard melee crews can only be deployed with -ul command (You can read the description on the crew item)

When you board a ship, a "mana battle" occurs. Crew strength (Intelligence Stat) and number of crew increases your chance to win the boarding. The boarding lasts until one of the ships get 0 mana then it get captured by the other ship. Hero ships does get sunk instead (since this is an AoS map type). But you can capture several creep ships and build up an naval armada.

ChronicStoned Wrote:and how to get on the west side of the map?
i got in the "great ocean" by opening the gates, but i was not able to find any gates to the west side =(
Well if you figured how to open the east ocean gate which very few is capable to figure out, I'm really impressed. It shouldn't be so difficult to figure out how to get to the west gates, but I made that part harder to figure out cuz you get access to exotic stuff. (Hint: It's hidden.)



I've release 1.14 version with a lot of new weapons and 2 new ships.
ok now i know how to come to the west side^^ and boarding is really niceBig Grin
unfortunately no game last long enough to become a pirateSad
is there a way to open the wooden gate or do i always have to teleport behind it? i couldn't find such a ...lever(?) on the west side

all in all really good map =)
im looking forward to the next version, can you already give me a release date?
ChronicStoned Wrote:ok now i know how to come to the west side^^ and boarding is really niceBig Grin
unfortunately no game last long enough to become a pirateSad
is there a way to open the wooden gate or do i always have to teleport behind it? i couldn't find such a ...lever(?) on the west side
Wooden gate can be destroyed by a bomb.

ChronicStoned Wrote:all in all really good map =)
im looking forward to the next version, can you already give me a release date?
I'm not sure when I release the new version, I've just spent 4 days working on 1.14 and just recently released it. But I discovered some bugs that need fixing, so I don't know when I'm going to release 1.14b...


I'll released a new version with new boarding combat simulation which allows you to control your crew and fight against the other ship.

Here are some screenshots:

[Image: d9bbc0ab37fdea08fe09119152e62ed1_12386.j...1244229609]

[Image: f9738bd8a9452e6719b620dcdd5a2737_12379.j...1244084942]

[Image: cf326103c3e7884356a3a3aa1eca3cca_12503.j...1244387870]
Looks interesting and ive been meaning to try it out for a while, any chance for larger screenshots? Very good concept of seperate scene for the boarding actions.
#18 (Login is required to access all the screenshots)

I can't post the larger screenshots since this site has a pixel limit rule and I can only attach 3 files pr post.


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
I still update this sometimes and rarely; and updated it today.

You should give this map a try. This is the map I've put most effort in compared to my other projects and using a projectile engine for cannons which is you won't find in any other battleship maps.

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