Well, I didnt save the replay. (I play to much games so "Last Replay" is to fast overwritten )
I was light force. I can say until Minute 25 - we didn´t loose the middle CP - we got it since beginning. So its nothing of conquering and "re conquering" Also my team didnt conquer one of the 2 CP´s back.
To Replays: It happens the second time to me -
1st in 8.58 (see little comment in feedback part),
Gammagulp Wrote:I played some games now and I think the system is cool, but a bit to strong. I could swear there was a time my force get no upgrade and the enemy 3. After that we always got 1 upgrade as exo dexcribed.
2nd now
If it happen again I will post a replay here
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
Well, getting two upgrades, even when you have no CP is possible. But I don't know what happened, when you got no upgrades ...
You can get two upgrades, because the Force is saving the gold it couldn't spend on upgrades the last time. Because the attack upgrade only costs 1400, your Force will always save the 100 gold for the next time, until it's able to spend them.
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I understand that point, but it was more the no upgrade point that confuses me - as you already see.
In the old system it would be 1500Gold +500 = 2000 Gold - more than enough for an upgrade - there it happend to. In the new 1 upgrade is usally minimum i thought
You wrote you decreased that effect by 40% - that means 300/CP
or in numbers 3000Gold for 3 CP´s ->2100 minimum Gold for 0 CP´s then.
so --> 3 Cp´s 2100 Basic Gold +3*300Gold (= 900Gold)
== 3000Gold - if no CP´s change. (3 to 3) =>That should be 2 Upgrades.
Are that numbers right ?
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
I played a game with a bot and lost left-down cp. (I never got any of his cp)
When it was 20+min of game (i noticed at 22) He got 3/3 upgrades and i got 4/3.
He got more base for 10 or 15 min and i got more upgrades.
Might be a bug of that lane (left-down). Or maybe a total bug of calculation.
Now i checked the replay. At 10th minute, light force got 4 bases and force did not upg.
Maybe start the calculation a second or two before 5 minute
Maybe start pool calculation at 4:58 and upgrade the force just at 5:00. Maybe the "Map" is overloaded in calculations, because there are too much actions in the 5minute second :mrgreen:
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
I saw the replay and what happened. I tried to reproduce it, but it didn't work. I played like 6 games (with debug infos), without this bug showing up. The code seems fine too. I don't know what causes this bug, but I don't think that more replays will help me find it. Maybe you'll find some similiarities, but this is a strange bug ...
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Well ... although it would have been better to sleep , i took a few hours to test and calculate the gold numbers...
I could reproduce the bug with a bot - but dont ask me how - it just happened after 15minutes gametime - I couldnt reproduce in a normal 5k game but however here is, what I found out.
It only happens after 15 mintes in the replay and no longer over the whole game, although i let the AI get all points and conquered them back - everything was correct.
What happened after 5minutes:
Dark force earned about 10400 gol --> /6 --> YOu received 1750Gold from darkforce, +1/+1 Upgrades everything works like it should.
When the 15 Minutes gametime comes the following happened:
Light force got 10.000Gold --> should have been /6 something like 1666Gold for the AI, but ...
You received 2275Gold , 0 Upgrades (+0/+0)
5 Minutes before the force couldnt update 2 updates so it was 2/1 or 1/2, because AI lost a CP. But after the 15Minutes Gametime there should be enough Money to get +1/+1 from the "Upgrade saving pool".
The Money the Ai should get is 1666, but the AI gets 2275 - the difference is about 600 Gold. If you multiplicate it by a factor of 6 you got 3600Gold the force got as "Extra Money". ----> THAT seems to be the upgrade Money :mrgreen:
In rare situations I think the force didnt spend the money, but instead lower the POOL-MONEY by the factor for the players (0.33 [1/3] for 5Players and 0.166 [1/6] for 1 Player) and give it to the players.
So in a 5 Player game. 3000GOld / 3 --> 1000gold spread ----> all 5 Players receive 200 extragold, but force gets no upgrades.
I think that it is really true, because I thought in one game when we got no upgrade (My first post) that we received 800+ Gold, but 5 and 10 minutes before usally got 600+ Gold, that was strange - I though the force got much towers and kills or so, but maybe its really just because the poolmoney was spend to the players :mrgreen:
I will watch the other Replay and calculate it and report it soon.
Here´s the replay:
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^