2008-08-12, 02:47:49
Most BT player are in Europe and Useast
I am a Uswest player
There is another version of tank which is popular in Uswest
I think BT is better and more fun than this version of tank
But every time i host a BT game and few ppl join
They always say that they dont like to read english
They used to read traditonal chinese
Is there a possiibility that we have a tradition chinese version of BT?
Than it is easier to popularize BT in Uswest
I am a Uswest player
There is another version of tank which is popular in Uswest
I think BT is better and more fun than this version of tank
But every time i host a BT game and few ppl join
They always say that they dont like to read english
They used to read traditonal chinese
Is there a possiibility that we have a tradition chinese version of BT?
Than it is easier to popularize BT in Uswest