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What's your favourite BT version?
Hey ho,
I just wondered what your favourite version is, I'm always suprised how different people answer this question.

Maybe you can also tell us, why it is your favourite version. For me its quite clear, always the newest versionsWink Although I'm trying to improve it everytime.
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6.0ger & 5.2ger (heavy tank was imba). Maybe 4.2 - it was my 1st BT-expirience ^^
But I rly like new versions. =)
Make me happy by the ze.
The currently newest version. It's really well balanced.
To be honest, I think it was 8.15 (despite the issues), but now I'm not sure which version is best, cuz 8.15 lack so much features.
For me 8.42 is the best newest Bt version I like.
Why .....
hmmm, that could be a work of some Sites in a Word Document but I try to make it short.

If I look for a balanced version (scout, earth robot and so on)
till version 8.48 there is no one thats fits IMO - in version 8.48 the airship drones are so buggy, that it could kill easy other tanks, which cost more and creep like hell.
In version 8.49 fixed, but scout with only half bounty for tower gets even a slight more powerful.
Now the version is 8.50 is really good, but there is a point which I dont like. The ongoing overpowered Skyfortress....

So the last balanced, good fixed, playable version which makes no "wtf, you kill me easy with new tanks" is 8.42
(Thats why we made our intern tournament with that BT version - the main changes are included like only 1% HP/level bonus, different other balances and so on )

(I dont want to name old versions, where something is cool, because it is not balanced)

(This does not mean I dont play the newest version :mrgreen: )
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
TKF Wrote:To be honest ...

This sounds like you are afraid that I could get mad at you because you like a version best, which is not the latest one. Don't worry, this is not going to happenWink Well, at least not right now :twisted:

But actually, this can also help to improve the map, when I see why a particular version is more popular than others. So keep on posting!
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
The last version is always the bestBig Grin
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Exodus Wrote:This sounds like you are afraid that I could get mad at you because you like a version best, which is not the latest one. Don't worry, this is not going to happenWink Well, at least not right now :twisted:

But actually, this can also help to improve the map, when I see why a particular version is more popular than others. So keep on posting!
It's not that I'm afraid, the latest version kinda is almost better than the stable balance in 8.15. If I don't remember wrong, I think frosty was too imba in this ver. I'm not sure if the 8.15 or 8.50 versions is the best.
Recent version is most balanced.
I loved 4.53 version.
I have barely tried the older versions, i think they was non-understandable and horrible! The worst part was that the heli could trade and fight at the same time -.-
As much as I think this is the wrong answer...I'm gonna say I like the Battle Tanks Reflections by horselance quite a bit, mostly because the two sides each have their own different tanks and weapons. Though if you're just talking about regular BT, then the most recent version is always the best.
You may notice that some of my posts are somewhat disconnected in their ideas and don't really flow that well. That's because my mind drifts around like a jellyfish in a strong ocean current. You just lost the game.
Ditto. There's just something about it. Can't put my finger on why it is better. It could use some terrain polishing although.
i loved the last version where the skytank has the soul burner skill... no idea which vernum it was..
good old times... good old zeppelin :.(
No Support via PM!!
4.5 was really amazing.

Such intense fights in the middle and no camping :mrgreen:
When u want to play BT come Channel Clan BuG or Clan BuG2Smile We are waiting for good games !

Moreover visit us on http://www.clanbug.kilu.deSmile

[Image: paint1bw2.jpg]
Always the version before new content is added because that is usually the most balanced version, which is imho the biggest edge of this map.

Though I have to admit that one version was cool. I used to spawn a hell of a lot of troops with my gold, about 80+ or so and just own the enemy base(and enemy tanks) with that in waves. Though it was just noob public play that was quite some fun ^^

nice balancing, many different strategies possible, good jobWink
Captain-Iglu wo bist du^^

Solely because there was no scout to come and imbalance the game into next year.
pretty balanced, and good old times on pvpgn with friends
Hi all bt players,

I3attle Tanks are the best game ever play, big work on it (bugs fixed, league, big community), strategy used can be huge with teamplay.

8.15 is my favourite version mainly cuz I dislike troop spam fabs...

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