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Will there be StarCraft 2 Battle Tanks?
I know it's rather early to find out, but I've been looking at the SC2 info with Battle Tanks on the brain. What unit would do what, etc etc. I'll very likely begin working on a Btanks / Bships / Naval Combat style map for SC2 when it's released, but I think it's obvious Bob666 and Exodus have done a better job with this map than I would be able to do. My question is, are you guys planning to undertake the work of rebuilding the map from scratch for SC2?
The question is, if this will even be possible. At least it has been confirmed, that it will be possible to create heroes with the editor, altough they wont show up in the normal gameplay of SC. But there is another thing, right now every weapon in BT is bases on the ability Phoenix Fire, and we'd need a similiar ability to make a map like BT.

But if it would be possible I'd like to do it. They say that the new editor will be way better than the one we have now, which will be a great thing and I think we will see some really cool maps because of that. Also, the theme of Stracraft fits way better to BT than Warcraft, which makes it easier for us, with all the modells, effects and stuffWink

But I think we will have to wait another year or so to find it out.
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It would be so cool...
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Forget btanks as they are now and start dreaming, dreaming, dreaaaaaminnnnnnggggg.....................


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Btw, Exo, I think it WILL be possible. And even more - it will be possible to step on a new level of tank quality;-).
Just look at those new types of skills, like Mothership has. Or Terrain Siege Tank - siege mode could be used as something for today's Guard(btw, why didn't you implement such idea now?;-) Like change Ult for Guard to Long-Range cannon with AoE:)). Or "Walking Tripod"(forgot the name:)) with it's ability to pass broken terrain - these all and much more will make a huge foundation for new, hi-tech tanks!Smile
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Well, there is a lot of mech units in starcraft, as well as abundance of air units. There is only 1 proper tank model as far as I know...

However with ability to import custom models, it will be great.
Ehmm... Battle Tanks could transform into 'Battle Robots':) since there are many robot-like units in game.

It will be funny how would some Zerg units fit in BTanks?Smile
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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im a little bit sceptical about custom maps in SC2.

on the one hand, the editor will improve greatly, definitely.

on the other hand, there are three races in SC2 (wc3 had four), and barely additional units i think (think of wc3 original CREEPS, mercs, tavern heros etc)

additionally, one of these races (zerg) wont fit into a map without aliens (heavy mutalisk tank -.-)

you will be able to import custom models, but the standard models are of even higher quality, so it might get even harder to find/make proper custom models.

and also, SC2 will have much fewer pre-made abilities (like the mothership ones), due to lack of these many heros.

i would be glad if all these points turn out to be wrong, but... i dont know... SC2 custom maps wont just be better. they will be different.
Exodus Wrote:...

But if it would be possible I'd like to do it. They say that the new editor will be way better than the one we have now, which will be a great thing and I think we will see some really cool maps because of that. Also, the theme of Stracraft fits way better to BT than Warcraft, which makes it easier for us, with all the modells, effects and stuffWink

But I think we will have to wait another year or so to find it out.
Well you could be correcft. It might be a smaller ability list in starcraft than in warcraft. Also when there is no such large unit list as there is no creeps in starcraft. Maybe it will be lots of special units that are listed in the editor, such as tauren marine.

But it is always possible to customize skills, but preferable the ingame abilities has sufficient capabilities. If there is no phönix abilities, I'm sure there is another solution to that.

The bad thing about warcraft, is that it's kinda adventural, while starcraft is more mechanical like, and perhaps a cooler environment for Battle Tanks like maps.


I'm quite sure that Warcraft will still have it's charm when Starcraft II is released. Many will still probably stick to warcraft...
another important thing came to my mind:

will it be possible to have units with an inventory in SC2? so they can have items?

an important question i think, for battle tanks, and for many many other maps too.
Well, according to this screenshot there is no place on UI for items or so. But hope springs eternal in the human breast:) so I think their advanced editor will make it possible to implement such a thing like creating additional windows or changing existent UI elements(replace portrait with inventory for example).
Looking at this screen you may notice a small icon above unit info screen that may be used for unknown purposes(may be just for group assignment).
And there is also one more detail: if you look more attentively at the interface you'll notice that unit info screen appears to be covering some other elements of map section. We may make a supposition that this screen could be either resized or even hidden from UI uncovering some other elements.

So, guys, I have to say - we have all chances:)


I've also found some info:
Batch 9, q4:
Quote:Will there be some old units from StarCraft be included in the Map Editor for StarCraft II?

There will be units included in the Map Editor which will not be in the standard multiplayer skirmish mode. These will include various units from the original StarCraft, such as the Protoss Dragoon.

Batch 11, q2:
Quote:Will StarCraft II Heroes have unique abilities?

Heroes will have unique abilities different from regular unit abilities. Heroes will be playable only for single player and will not be a part of the multiplayer skirmish experience.

Batch 22, q1:
Quote:Chat with Devs: One of the most popular questions we get when it comes to creating UMS (User Map Settings) games or mods is: Will there be a DotA for StarCraft II? For those who are not familiar, DotA (Defense of the Ancients), is a popular UMS game created for Warcraft III. StarCraft compared to Warcraft III, does not focus on heroes as much, and heroes or units do not have the same experience gaining mechanic as Warcraft III, making it difficult to imagine how a game like DotA could be reproduced for StarCraft. Nonetheless, after chatting it up with our devs, we found out the ability to allow heroes and units to gain experience is built into the Map Editor, though it will not likely be in single player or standard multiplayer. In addition, those units can also be toggled to have the ability to carry an inventory, which is also a characteristic needed in UMS maps such as DotA. With those two additions, we can rest assured that our clever community modders can handle the rest in creating some awesome custom games.
I think this little note will make your hopes live longer;-)

I think I can now tell definitely: BT WILL be BETTER in SC2 than in WC3. And it will be more better than different:)
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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They somehow managed to create custom maps with heroes and items in the first StarCraft (thats where the first Aeon of Strife [AoS] style maps came from), so I think that this will also be possible in the new StarCraft.
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See edit to mys post - all questions will be answered;-)

Btw, I saw some maps in WC3 with increased inventory(about 30 or 50 slots, I don't remember). So I don't think it's a problem.
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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Biggest question is, as Exodus says, will there be an ability like phoenix fire. If not, it will require a big script to make such a skill.
You can make a phoenix fire abilty in WC3 too. Such as, "check enemy units in range of UnitX, then randomize unit in range, check range, make a moving missile animation, then make it cause damage."
But even for 1 player, it will sux. It takes too much calculations made by trigger. Game wont be smooth.

You can make such an abilty but it wont work properly/smooth as it does now.

You can mail to Blizzard from now to make such abilty. Maybe they care for it.Smile
My dear foreign friend;-)
I lay great hopes upon their new scripting engine that is based upon Legendary C Language(or C++, I don't remember, C++ would be much preferable). And I hope that their scripts will have an ability to compile in map build-time, not in runtime(like it is made for any usual script usage). Such ability is not critically complex to implement(for example, Regular Expressioons in .NET are compiled into usual MSIL instructions) and it will make possible to:
  • make possibly of making any kind of ability or anything
  • make this code to run smoothly like it was initially coded by Blizzard

According to extremely exposure to possibility of exploits that this method grants to hackers, we have all chances that will not be implemented. Or even if it would, numerous security checks, that could persist(and will) can make it run slowly...
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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Sadly, blizzard games are amongst the most hacked games there is rigth now. So the chance we would see a flexible script in custom map is near zilch.
Vomitus Wrote:I lay great hopes upon their new scripting engine that is based upon Legendary C Language(or C++, I don't remember, C++ would be much preferable). And I hope that their scripts will have an ability to compile in map build-time, not in runtime(like it is made for any usual script usage). Such ability is not critically complex to implement(for example, Regular Expressioons in .NET are compiled into usual MSIL instructions) and it will make possible to:
  • * make possibly of making any kind of ability or anything
    * make this code to run smoothly like it was initially coded by Blizzard

According to extremely exposure to possibility of exploits that this method grants to hackers, we have all chances that will not be implemented. Or even if it would, numerous security checks, that could persist(and will) can make it run slowly...

That's the reason I think it's more likely that they development a different script, rather than C++. Maybe JASS, but that is already used in WC3.

But I think they will make a unique C like language called "The C syntax style"

Batch 1, q2:
Quote:What type of scripting language is being used? Aspiring map/mod makers would like to know.

StarCraft IIs editor features a proprietary scripting language that is based largely on C with some special parameters specific to the game. Of course, for most users, they will have access to the more user friendly Trigger Editor which will allow beginner and intermediate map designers to make advanced maps without having to learn the particular details of the scripting language. Well release further information about the world editor as we move forward.
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!

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