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APM and ELO bound.
(2012-01-10, 16:07:59)Velocity2k Wrote: Here is the apm "shitlist" (at least the ones with less than 30 apm in average Wink): (only players with >= 10 games).
Maybe we need to define a lower bound for the avg(apm).

I'd say 65 should be nice bund.
At first i thought about lower 20% (pareto-lorentz rule says that 20% of couses gives 80% of effects) but it would be ~90 as a bound wich is a bit 2high imo. besides apm isn't the only factor.

I think 2nd thing we should discuss about is ELO bound.
All of us played games when there were 4 pros and 1 guy with for example 1370 elo.
Noob gets kicked in 5mins, and game is over after 30mins with absurd kills score rate like 3:1.
Games like this happens every few days for me. Keeping the ultra noskilled players in league is stupid. It's like giving Polish 4th league football club ability to play in english premier league.

I'd say 1450-1470 ELO should be bound below players arn't able to play ranked.
Same as it is with penalty - each game played in quali should give guy like this 1point of elo so he can come back and try again in ranked.
Well, qualify does not record stats so it wouldn't be possible for someone to qualify for ranked if dropped below a threshold.

Giving penalty for low apm could be a possebility.
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
Any penalty for low apm would really harm disabled players and probably very young ones as well.
imho apm lower than 80 should be just penalted with the other rest people over this amount it's ok to play usually for me
Prog they can always play qualify for fun, right?
Every league on this planet has some requirements.

Esvau - stats aren't important. Just give +1 ELO for every quali game same as it is with penalty.
I thought that apm would help against games killer... but lookin at the stats, it seems that it is wrong. Actually the thing shocking me the most is the icnredible amount of leaver/ play ratio... For example 8IG8OY (33.5 apm), he has neutral stats. (or oOROACHOo 37.7 apm)

Banning on apm is finally wrong since that kind of players exist.

So plz ban on games/leave ratio. And not on the current time played/ total time of games ratio. Leavers make games shorter and it helps people to get enough ratio to play on the bots. If after 15 games u have more than 20% games where u left then u get banned.

(note: handicap or not, if u flame, leave games on purpose, feed on purpose, fail on purpose... then u get banned anyway)

"I got banned, i didn't leave my games"

U got banned 20% of your games; isn't something wrong? :p
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
(2012-01-12, 15:19:43)Velocity2k Wrote: There is a new discussion about the apm here:

Regarding hasmat: For me it looks like he's just a (very) bad player (at least in this particular game). I would prefer not to ban such people but maybe send them back to qualify. The question is which values and bounds to use for this and how these players can "requalify".

Currently i think an elo limit could be about 1350 (150 below 1500) compared to our best players with about 1738 elo (238 above 1500). Just had a look at the database: currently we've got 11 players with an elo < 1350.
For apm i'm quite unsure where to set a limit (maybe around 45).

There is a suggestion that could benefit both sides : You who want to let a chance to those players and players like me who are tired of these kind of play in League.
Can you make your "Ban" on two levels :
  1. The current ban : out of any bots : Qualify an Ranked
  2. The penalty ban : out of ranked bot

If we can submit some players to penalty ban (like ESvau did when he had a little disagreement whit some playersRolleyes , I just pick the case not restarting the polemic ), League admins instead of ban would just increase the penalty to 120 or 115 to make them play qualify a bit more.
And we wont have to wait 9 games where they get kicked to go back to qualify.
Because as some players already mentionned players like hasmat with low APM are often kicked and ruined the game for his team most of the time.

If you can tell me that I can submit a replay for you to raise the penalty, that would be fine with me. I dont care how people plays in Qualify, as long as i can have players who have a will to play in team and learn in ranked.

Updated with some more info.
Nothing has changed. He left his last few games which increases the penalty. It's been this way since months (or years? Wink).

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