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Animation of spells
Last game the demons stun had no animation just once is this a bug it still trigged?

Same applies to the airship shocker.
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
(2013-08-25, 18:35:35)griffin1987 Wrote: Regarding missing animations: How often do you reboot your computer? For me, after a few weeks wc3 always starts to display less animations - upon reboot it's fixed. Don't know if yours could be the same origin (or if I even got that part of your post right), but maybe it helps?
(2013-09-04, 03:18:50)gozo1985 Wrote:
(2013-08-25, 18:35:35)griffin1987 Wrote: Regarding missing animations: How often do you reboot your computer? For me, after a few weeks wc3 always starts to display less animations - upon reboot it's fixed. Don't know if yours could be the same origin (or if I even got that part of your post right), but maybe it helps?

Nothing is appearing on everyone's screen everyone has not restarted there pc in a week ?
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
It was just a possibility. You could also have a damaged wc3 installation or other gfx problems. Do you have a replay? Would be interesting to know if I see animation where you don't, because wc3 saves replays as commands and not as a video, so if animation is shown on my pc and you got no animation, it's some problem with your pc. If there is no animation on all PCs then it's probably a WC3 gfx subsystem bug (afaik the map only uses WC3 spells, so anything not working for animation would be wc3 itself at fault).
Getting used to the Sand everywhere. At least it brings us map updates.
That's not quite right griffin, there are quite a lot of spells that are triggered and coded by me, so it may be possible that those are bugged and show no animation. But the Demon Tank stun is not one of them (but Air Ship shocker on the other is triggered).

This sounds really strange I have to say. Do you still have the replay and know where it happened?
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Didn't know it was possible to get access to the particle system with JASS. On that note, is the electro cannon also coded by you? Because when switching wc3 to opengl (which gives way better performance) it's the only weapon from what I can tell which makes strange graphic errors randomly (just start wc3 with -opengl)
Getting used to the Sand everywhere. At least it brings us map updates.
No, from all of the tank weapons, only the long range weapons are triggered.

EDIT: just tried it with opengl active and could see what you mean, but it seems this is not something I can do anything about. Just to be clear, I can't actually change any effects with code. I can just attach it to other units / locations and scale it. So with my own triggered abilities missing animations are possible, albeit not likely. If there is a problem with the effect itself (like the one you described), it's a problem of warcraft and not the map itself.
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hey, i followed this thread now a bit and saw that scaling animations is possible. i hope its not offtopic but a suggestion for weapon + upgrades maybe is to scale the animation a bit up after upping a weapon. this would be cool feature i guessSmile just an idea.... i guess it does not work for every weapon, or some are already big enough (maybe scale them down a bit first) Cool
While the idea is nice, it's unfortunately not possible with the normal weapons. The object editor just doesn't support scaling the effect of the phoenix fire effect. The only scaling I could do there, is depending on the tank that is carrying the weapon. But don't get your hopes up there, this doesn't mean that the weapon effects scale based on the absolute size of the model, but rather depending on the relation of the current model size to the original size (several models have been changed in size, to fit within the scaling price classes). Anyway, that option wouldn't distinguish between upgrade or not, so I guess it is out of question anyway.

I could do it with the triggered weapons, though (so the long range ones).
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i see.. thought its easy possible but a lot of work maybe (if its has to be done for every weapon) - and thanks for the feedback! doesnt matter.. i guess theres also the problem that some weapons are not possible to size them up... laser and supercell for example.

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