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wtf stibi !
omg stibi !!!! rchiwy said 3 times without reason mother fucker and flame me from start cause i kill him. only crying and he say always he is the best. really stibi Insult mom for game and no ban request ! dude you say other Player flame too...... omg really stibi you are not good and not fair ADMIN ! tez power !!!!!!!!

tell me for what i save replay ! this guy aways flame and Insult gz admin niceee ! time to stop playing btanks hf!!!! i stop btanks hf
lol ^^

i would also disapproved that ban request (i pm him to disapprove it)
we all know rchiwy comment every kill, especially he is involved,
but fact is, he knows how to play, he w8 for a ranked game and he is not afraid to play vs pros like carizma....
yeah sometimes he is very annoying, but i think we can promise if he insult/flame next time, he will get ban for 1 week Angel

like i said - it was a close decision & next time he'll be banned
ingame: /ignore or /squelsh "nickname" ... let him flame, ignoring is the best way in such situations anyway
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