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After playing some games with sky tank/sky fortress, i save a lot of people using nets to bring air to the ground. That's fair and that's not the point. The point is that this way he can negate all guns or air tank if this one go anti ground or anti air.
Then i wondered if another item like a tornado would not be good to put on : make the ground to in the air, higher price (because of air advantage - flying over trees...), same effects. This way it would be more fair especially on late game where sky fort vs inf is almost even until inf use nets.

Thanks for reading,

I don't know if its a good idea to add such an item because you self said net exist because of air tanks mobility advantage.
Also this item would not be as usefull as net because its easier to corner ground tanks then air tanks.
This item would also remove a pretty big advantage of ground tanks.
Hum yeah, maybe i didn't make myself clear and I gave a bad name to the thread.

The biggest problem I find in nets is that it can inactive all dps of an air tank and "active" some dps of a ground tank (flak/bombs ; axes). Thing you can't do with an air tank. And then you can be 1vs1 with a 0 dps tank vs a 4k dps just with 200g spent on net to get 1k bounty. That's why I suggested tornado but something better would be to change inactivation of weapons when an air tanks are on nets imo.
Well its my fault too because I made that post so hasty.

If I understand correctly the ting your looking for is not to add another item.
What your looking for is to allow the air only (only air tanks can use) to work then your tank is netted.
That is something I agree on because its strange that of all weapons only these 2 get disabled by net.
It make these two weapons weaker then they should be.

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