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Titan vs Skyfortress has no stun
I played a game yersterday with neraly equal team, we got creeps lvl 30/30 and facts
The enemy base has no more buildings after some time with titan ... but !!!!

The enemies used 2 SF and 1 Titan, and we couldnt do anything against SF even with really good weapons.

The SF just stun us and me and my mates couldnt stop it because our stun is "Ground" only. We were ..... how to say ...
helpless. (3 helpless titan)

using teleporter to chase SF after it uses the burst is dangerous if it didnt used its ultimate yet. And the teammate SF could have stun you too. (or the other SF has teleport ready, because it only needs the burst to escape, because we cannot stun (did i mentioned it before :mrgreen: ))

The ONLY useful spell was the "devil explosion", but 4000 damagae didnt harm much (I thought it was 5000 in earlier versions)

So I ask if it would be possible to let that area stun also affect Air. Till now i sometimes (or better often :/ ) even missed the enemy titan, because little lag and the delay of that skill till that stun works was so big. (maybe I have to less skill with it)

Anyway 4k damage is nothing you can do something against a SF that you cannot stun with any teammate, so the only chance in future is to buy a SF.
(Skill, creeps explode (no use SF fly next to creeps not over them); antibuilding Skill, no use for units; Stun didnt effect; ultimate: deals no damage just let your death be some seconds laterSad )

pls make the titan a real end game tank. (Maybe before SF it was not important to let the stun affect air,, because the sky tank was the biggest Air Tank in the game and not that dangerous)
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
This is a very big leak in end game condition.

Quote:horselance wrote:
Titan has only one damaging ability vs air. This abilty must balance it vs. Sky Fortress.
Try a net and factory pushing next time

see my first line - we were 3 titans - the 4th man pushed factories and did .... maybe 20 or 25 updates so we had 30/30, when the other team reaches 18/20 or so
And we got 3 factories --> really mass troops, but we earned enough nmoney to fight the enemy even with the troops "stealling" some money.

(buying a net with all slots full with 8-9k weapons, speedpack, Powerpack and so on... means loosing money and firepower in big dimensions (but you are right I really thought of that, but the stun in the net would end when the net ends - so its not really good option i Think (3 seconds from the time the net works - and he could use his ulti ability even at ground :/ )

believe me we tried nearly all ^^
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
imo its all about tactics
if u or ur team mates dont want to change tank, to one which helps u counter sf, just only because u wanna rule all with ur omfgpwnzor titans. its not mean that titan should have air stun or be much stronger. imo only sf can counter titans in later game.
when 8.29 with new tank titan was released, its was pain in ass when enemy team got titan and u cant stop him even if u have much powerful weapons
imo imo there is no counter for a SF, especially mutiple ones. A tank costing 9k more and 9 extra upgrades should be able to easily win. There is no tactics, titan has become useless and SF is now the most rigged/powerful tank in the endgame. Hint to anyone, never upgrade past 16 or ever buy a titan until there is a MAJOR balancing done.
Share the love in the unknown. Only way to understand (understatement) (wink). -Bang Bang in Blindingly Brilliant Bliss because of benevolent beneficiary being belonging 'bove, always, love...
Before I played SF often, but in that game I wanted to give the titan a last Chance ! - he dissapointed me so much that I quit playing titan as it is now anymore and just use SF - sry to say that .

Now I played Sf and found it just to easy to kill even demons with extreme better weapons and so on just by bomb +ulti.

ANother question to warder is. If we take a Titan for 25.000 Gold !!!!.

And the enemy then chooses a SF - you want to tell me, that I should sell the titan for 12.500 (loose 12.500 gold !) and buy a SF.

You are right that would have been the only chance, but now tell me wy should I ever buy a titan then ???
(please give me the answer to that question warder I am very interested :mrgreen: )

And one thing you said is very interesting- titan is implemented in 8.29 - that means there was no SF - so there is no need to make good anti Air abilities - but now it is Confusedhock:
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
You are right, because there was no Sky Fortress, the Titan was fine. But he isn't anymore.
You can expect some rebalancing for both, Titan and Sky Fortress next version to improve balancing between those and in general. I can't say exactly what kind of changes that will be, because they have to be tested and if necessary be adjusted.
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The stun effect against air would be nice.

@ Gammagulp, i too have probs too use the stun nicely, is a bit difficultWink
But the net is nice against air units, this stun is more effective then one 10 K weapon
Captain-Iglu wo bist du^^
Thats why I supposed the infinite netlauncher :mrgreen:
(The problem is, when the net stops to hold the air down, the stun from the titan, which works in "waves", has no use anymore - so perfect timing or extreme teamwork with net is important.)
I think the first 3 tries of teamwork even with Teamspeak will fail ^^.
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
I had a fucking annoying game.... :x :x :x I don't like Titan, next time I go SF ftw!

I played latest version, and I think it's even harder to play Titan against SF, in fact i miss the damn flying thingy everytime cuz he evade every hailfire attack -.- I liked it better when devil explosion did hit air, at least it was possible to hit air with it. I want to hit air with instant "I never miss that damn flying thingy with skill" skill.

Hailfire is useless, it's almost impossible to hit with it, especially FAST air. So titan still loses vs SF. You hit like 1 of 5 times against pros. At least in my latest bt game <.<. He barely had higher dps, also a gold hull, still i died all fucking time even the titan is supposed to be 9k gold better, it loses.... Titan dies to SF ulti, even if it's nerfed, it's still uber. Titan dies before he get to cast ulti, cuz you can't move, not that Titan ulti is so much of a life saver, he just fly away.... SF win often in a 1v1 duel!!!! Often with 1-2k hp left (of course hailfire missed!), and devil explosion hit air would make the difference.
Do you used a net to hold and then start stun ?
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
I don't waste 200 gold pr net

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