(2011-05-07, 11:48:34)RaptorXI Wrote: For the ulti I found an old suggestion, still interesting, maybe you will find a new idea.
The other problem in my opinion that she can't move while she does soul restore (and she is so slow since she floats and the range of this spell isn't high, too). I mostly can do this spell for 1-2 seconds when I play against strong players because they move out of range fast or use stun to stall.
I'll consider this. I also got other ideas for the ultimate, I will see what works out best for the Ghost Tank.
On another note: in case you guys were wondering how the development of the next version is coming along:
I already did some bugfixes and additional changes, but my current semester proved to be pretty time consuming. So it will probably take a while, until I get to put together another beta for you guys.
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