2011-05-21, 02:03:52
Man I don't know why people argue that air tanks are imba because they have speed which is the same as a 3000 gold item. I mean just look at freaking tinker it has a teleport function with an equivilant price of 3000 gold for a normal tank, do I see people going tinker just so they can teleport? Teleporter is after all the most used mid to endgame item. Would tinker be worth -3000 gold because of this fact? of course not. How much is thunder arua worth? How about aiming missle? The point is you can't put a price on skills regardless of whether or not they have an item counterpart. It would take quite a lot of thinking to determine how much each is "worth," and it's hardly as simple as docking 3000 gold off the initial price just because a skill is supposedly worth 3000 gold.