Since Btow clan will not join Btt2012, I am available to join any team who needs a player.
- Please mention your exact account name in Warcraft III So if someone meets you online they can recognize you.
Althend (on europe, us east west north south galaxia)
- Please mention where you are from/living. It is not necessary but a local team is better in some ways. At least you don't have time zone difference.
Brussel, Belgium
- Please mention how to contact you if you don't want to use the forum Private Message (PM), like email, MSN, skype etc.
By the forum, by skype, by facebook, by telepathic msg.
- How arrogant and amazing are u?
I was rank 1 in league. My elo can be above 1700 (now my 3 accounts are something above 1600-1690 and can be easily in top 10). I won btt2010. I write in blue. I know all top players and their weakness/strenght/hair color. I can make them surrender at my sight/voice/cam!!!!
- What/how do u play?
I can play any tank. Most of the time i play tanks nobody play, for exemple shredder, guard (cause I am sexy and I know it) (no, trader is not a tank!). At pro level, I usually go mid cause I am a teamplayer. On lane, I can handle lioooil/firephoenix and other solo lane player. (even if my chance to dominate them would be probably 45%) (and 90% to win on lane if i use gay tech but they forbid me)

- Please mention your exact account name in Warcraft III So if someone meets you online they can recognize you.
Althend (on europe, us east west north south galaxia)
- Please mention where you are from/living. It is not necessary but a local team is better in some ways. At least you don't have time zone difference.
Brussel, Belgium
- Please mention how to contact you if you don't want to use the forum Private Message (PM), like email, MSN, skype etc.
By the forum, by skype, by facebook, by telepathic msg.
- How arrogant and amazing are u?
I was rank 1 in league. My elo can be above 1700 (now my 3 accounts are something above 1600-1690 and can be easily in top 10). I won btt2010. I write in blue. I know all top players and their weakness/strenght/hair color. I can make them surrender at my sight/voice/cam!!!!

- What/how do u play?
I can play any tank. Most of the time i play tanks nobody play, for exemple shredder, guard (cause I am sexy and I know it) (no, trader is not a tank!). At pro level, I usually go mid cause I am a teamplayer. On lane, I can handle lioooil/firephoenix and other solo lane player. (even if my chance to dominate them would be probably 45%) (and 90% to win on lane if i use gay tech but they forbid me)
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !