People acctually go so far as wanting to kick him from lobby, thats very bad of them, atleast they have a chance not to get him in their team.
If you get less then stellar players on your team I would advice you to tell them to play lanes, not mid.
Why: Because at lanes they probably have only one player to worry about, if you also tell them to camp and they do it they probably not even gona feed the enemy however it will cost in farming but you still got the lane.
Also as mid you often have to go to lanes and many less then stellar player don't do that and that is often a reason why weak mid loses the game.
So by placing these players on lane you likley will have a strong flexible mid which can support your lanes and if they got a weak mid they will likley lose the game.
So I would advice guangzhou to play at lane, at first maybe camp at tower look at what the enemy purcase, se what works well and what don't.
Copy the working builds and start to get less dependent on camping.
After you can lane decently then start to work on your mid game.
Now I don't know how good Wupti or liooooil is but I find this hard to belive that one of them with a team of 4 noobs would win over a team of 5 pros, even if they too is in one team with 3 noobs vs 5 pros I doubt they have much of a chance to win.
By noob I think of a pretty bad player who will feed and don't come to help often, while pro will help and seldom feed.
If they could make the noobs play better then they may have a chance but then its hard to call them noobs.
If you get less then stellar players on your team I would advice you to tell them to play lanes, not mid.
Why: Because at lanes they probably have only one player to worry about, if you also tell them to camp and they do it they probably not even gona feed the enemy however it will cost in farming but you still got the lane.
Also as mid you often have to go to lanes and many less then stellar player don't do that and that is often a reason why weak mid loses the game.
So by placing these players on lane you likley will have a strong flexible mid which can support your lanes and if they got a weak mid they will likley lose the game.
So I would advice guangzhou to play at lane, at first maybe camp at tower look at what the enemy purcase, se what works well and what don't.
Copy the working builds and start to get less dependent on camping.
After you can lane decently then start to work on your mid game.
(2013-11-14, 10:26:52)EarthR Wrote: if Wupti and liooooil could dominate enemy teams with noob teamates vs pro enemies the current ranked games shouldnt pose that big of a challenge to some
Now I don't know how good Wupti or liooooil is but I find this hard to belive that one of them with a team of 4 noobs would win over a team of 5 pros, even if they too is in one team with 3 noobs vs 5 pros I doubt they have much of a chance to win.
By noob I think of a pretty bad player who will feed and don't come to help often, while pro will help and seldom feed.
If they could make the noobs play better then they may have a chance but then its hard to call them noobs.