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why I was banned again??
( please see above ban request!)
and my last game

asked my teamate! (Lagg)

if like that , I will stop to play this fucking game , it is not fair game system!
usually no reason ban in ranked game (only the penalty points by get from fucking players ) ! (LearN2GIveuP) (macherie) (Suger_Dad)

what is the fuck?really not fair for me

what's wrong of me and please to see overall the comment with the sugar_Dad with other player in the last game, please explain details !

Attached Files
.w3g   Lagg.w3g (Size: 2.6 MB / Downloads: 261)
well i played 2 games today with guangzhou 1 as enemy and 1 as teamate and i have to say something.There is no reason to be so rude against a player no matter how good or bad he plays. Yes he is lacking skills/experience but that doesnt give the right for some players to flame him or do constant kickvotes. Even before the game started some players were really hostile against him. Keep in mind its just a game. if you want competitive games you are out of luck because there arent that many good players left to play so be nicer to new players.

guangzhou you arent banned your penalty points are over 100 thats why you cant play ranked
I know the penalty points problem just a big partly get from fucking players recently!
one is sugar_dad other is LearN2GIveuP
the problem isn't about him just about no contacting in game
please watch an exemplary replay of him enjoy
you're not banned
Well if you constantly get kicked and by different players too you probably deserves it.
The best way to avoid getting kicked right now is to avoid being kickable, its hard to get somebody banned for kicking because that kicking itself is limitated to the penalaty point system.

However lets look at a fantasy ranked game:
We start random our tank, lets say we got a light tank.
Fine we purcase two basic magic and go to mid.
We get joined by a tinker with standard energy torpedo who rush foward to build a tower.
We look at our enemies and se a tinker with electro canon, a heli with plasma and a scout with mines.
The enemies push foward and destroy the tower and force us on the defensive with our tinker building tower close to our mid tower.
We checkout what the enemies got and then we press on the scout we see the mine and type "miner mid scout".
We are at 2 min joined by our 3 teammate, heli with fire canon.
We type "miner mid again, however the heli rush foward to farm better and die to a mine FIRST BLOOD!!
We tell the tinker to put radar in tower however his only bussniess is to farm and putting a radar in tower would delay more "usefull" modules.
Because the tinker will not help about mines we decides to purcase detectors.
Now you can see some of the mines however our heli see the unhulled tinker and go for a easy kill like a "normal" greedy player would do, BAM mine, his stats are now 0 2 0.
Min 5 comes and we purcase remote to be able to battle mines while tinker get hull and heli another weapon.
The enemies play well avoiding to get killed by own mines while using scout and tinker towers to destroy detectors forcing us to purcase a new pack to not be blind.
The heli again push and dies while the tinker just concetrate about farming.
With two allies concentrated on farming its no strange we fall behind.
Lets foward a bit:
At the bottom lane our player have done well however not good enougth to take the lane.
At top however our tower have been destroyed, had the tinker acctualy put a module in it, it would still be alive.
As the enemies as the teamplayers they are they all decide to rush top.
Only we, top and bot defend while our 2 mid both still on their starting tanks just farm at mid.
Top is lost.
We however is lucky the enemies now try to farm instead of rushing bot.
Now our mid allies can farm to thier big tanks and we are very underfeed.
Now our mid allies is somewhat usefull and now they actually with us start to push mid and get some kills.
However even at kills we probably deserves, somehow our allies het the last shoot in.
Every time we need help we don't get any whatsoever, however we still help our allies which often end with we die.
Lets foward a bit more:
Now alot of enemies got big tanks like inf, some in our team got big tanks to but we as underfeed we are got nothing like a inf.
Now the enemies realy start to attack our 2 cps and even if we get killed most of the times its better then they have them.
Because we die so often and we don't get kills and support can't keep check of our penalaty points we become kickable.
The player that started as heli, now inf thinks more money, better chance of winning decides to kick us.
The rest of our teammates look at our stats, few kills, way more deaths and by far most support points in our team by far but who however give a damm in support, it means nothing.
We are kicked and our team soon lose.
We could easy played a ego game in our team and maybe avoided to get kicked but we played as a teamplayer and got kicked because nobody likes a teamplayer because they just feed and waste gold.
In the current era of ego players you can't possible be banned for kicking a team player, that player couldn't be more wrong.

If you wan't somebody to acctualy be banned for kicking you, you realy must have a very good reason for it.
Just saying you got kicked for penalaty points won't get you far you realy must start with how and why you did get that amount of penalaty points to start with.
(2013-11-13, 23:30:30)El_Polacco Wrote: the problem isn't about him just about no contacting in game
please watch an exemplary replay of him enjoy
i dont have to watch the replay. I already know his skill level from the games i played with him. No matter how bad someone is that attitude towards him shouldnt be acceptable. trying to kick a player before the game even starts is just wrong. Later blaming him for not listening to you, sorry but nobody would listen someone who is that hostile toward him. If you are friendly and give an advice they will do it. <--already done that.
From the time he joined the game in lobby there were some players that started flaming him. Second when the game started they were celebrating because he was in enemy team. Later on when they started losing the same players started flaming and trying to kick other teamates because they are "noobs".
You have played the game long enough to understand how it works. If a player is that weak in mid it makes the other 2 mid player really strong early on. So if you decide to not take advantage of that its your own fault. Mid rarely has teamplay there is always(well 90% of the games) a tinker or scout with lr for 10-15 min. So mid players should be able to play that kind of game.

Lastly the skill level of the current league is really low. So there are always players of that level in each team. Just check the ranking. Its clear that there arent that many good players left.
Jozu especially for someone like you who is still active the current ranked games should be like qualify so there is no excuseTongue.
if Wupti and liooooil could dominate enemy teams with noob teamates vs pro enemies the current ranked games shouldnt pose that big of a challenge to someTongue

@Flygplan this isnt a theory the game can go in different ways so stop that.

For those who dont remember EarthR=Lagg Tongue
People acctually go so far as wanting to kick him from lobby, thats very bad of them, atleast they have a chance not to get him in their team.
If you get less then stellar players on your team I would advice you to tell them to play lanes, not mid.
Why: Because at lanes they probably have only one player to worry about, if you also tell them to camp and they do it they probably not even gona feed the enemy however it will cost in farming but you still got the lane.
Also as mid you often have to go to lanes and many less then stellar player don't do that and that is often a reason why weak mid loses the game.
So by placing these players on lane you likley will have a strong flexible mid which can support your lanes and if they got a weak mid they will likley lose the game.

So I would advice guangzhou to play at lane, at first maybe camp at tower look at what the enemy purcase, se what works well and what don't.
Copy the working builds and start to get less dependent on camping.
After you can lane decently then start to work on your mid game.

(2013-11-14, 10:26:52)EarthR Wrote: if Wupti and liooooil could dominate enemy teams with noob teamates vs pro enemies the current ranked games shouldnt pose that big of a challenge to someTongue

Now I don't know how good Wupti or liooooil is but I find this hard to belive that one of them with a team of 4 noobs would win over a team of 5 pros, even if they too is in one team with 3 noobs vs 5 pros I doubt they have much of a chance to win.
By noob I think of a pretty bad player who will feed and don't come to help often, while pro will help and seldom feed.
If they could make the noobs play better then they may have a chance but then its hard to call them noobs.
@flygplan just your idea that mid is more important than lane tells a lot about your experience in this game. If you send a really weak player to lane he will lose it in 5-10 min and that will force his team in mid to stay at cp in order to help him protect it. Dont think for a second that a weak player can handle a lane. In the first 30 min of game lane domination may decide the outcome of the game.

Flygplan if you werent at that time you wont understand it. Just to give you an example they had elos in the numbers of 1740+
(2013-11-13, 23:30:30)El_Polacco Wrote: the problem isn't about him just about no contacting in game
please watch an exemplary replay of him enjoy
no contacting? because you at starting said kick and no help in mid??
I remember in the game you over 15 mins not help mid , and then lost the mid and I die a few times, that is excuse let you can kick me out , you promise you never said you kick me or instigate my teamate kick me is want me to get high pently points?

you and Sugar_Dad also like that , the player 'Create' also said Suagr_dad never help and then let other teamate dead so many times , then kick other , I believe if like that , other player MUSTeasy can let yours to kick , because yours only want to kick players , not really to play the game!

(2013-11-13, 23:42:37)stibi- Wrote: you're not banned

Admin , I want to know reduce my PENALTY POINTS for kick in the game which is getting from below three players! (LearN2GIveuP) (macherie) (Suger_Dad)

you also know I have other account to play the game, but I think the main point is if they still do that fucking things ( not help teamate , and then wait the teamates until dead so many times which they can kick others , and then kick them and said other players are noobs) this problem is not healthy in Btanks , and all of us know join the ranked game need time to do it , I use one month to join that , so if every time when I join the game and let them kick , I open 10000 accounts are no use! Waste my money and time to enjoy the Btanks!
(2013-11-14, 01:03:09)Flygplan Wrote: The best way to avoid getting kicked right now is to avoid battle .

This is what guang doesn't get what necessary is in midplay . just a good teamplayExclamation

(2013-11-14, 01:03:09)Flygplan Wrote: Well if you constantly get kicked and by different players too you probably deserve it.

indeed moreover there was a some period within some people were leaving games if he was in due to inequal teams . According to replay you will get what he's doing wrong and you will be able to explain him it carefully because he just didn't want listen to any advices from any other person than me and this is a main reason of kicking him from ranked games .
Such an ego playing just to creep with no hull can't happen anytime more because of such way of playing from him might be discouraging for some players to join a game seeing him in a lobby .
in previous link was no replay so i upload it right now .

Attached Files
.w3g   guangzhou263_heavy_team_sabotage.w3g (Size: 2.98 MB / Downloads: 266)
  • there will be a penalty for leaving a ranked game before it ends
  • it will not be distinguished between
    • voluntarily leaving a game
    • dropping out by timeout
    • getting kicked
    therefore it does not differ whether you leave a game or want to get kicked!
  • there is a huge buffer before penalties applies and forbid entering a ranked game
  • it requires less qualify games to reduce penalty below threshold than creating a new account
  • even so the map does track kicks (since last version), they wont be considered now or in the future in terms of the penalty system
  • every missing player (independent of the reason) unfavourably shifts the game balance - this game it meant to be played five vs. five players

Unnecessary and repeated kicks might result into a ban.
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
(2013-11-14, 18:04:09)El_Polacco Wrote:
(2013-11-14, 01:03:09)Flygplan Wrote: The best way to avoid getting kicked right now is to avoid battle .

This is what guang doesn't get what necessary is in midplay . just a good teamplayExclamation

(2013-11-14, 01:03:09)Flygplan Wrote: Well if you constantly get kicked and by different players too you probably deserve it.

indeed moreover there was a some period within some people were leaving games if he was in due to inequal teams . According to replay you will get what he's doing wrong and you will be able to explain him it carefully because he just didn't want listen to any advices from any other person than me and this is a main reason of kicking him from ranked games .
Such an ego playing just to creep with no hull can't happen anytime more because of such way of playing from him might be discouraging for some players to join a game seeing him in a lobby .
in previous link was no replay so i upload it right now .

I just want to ask you ,you and sugar_dad against me so many times and you can said you kick me the main reason is not want my penalty points increase and then auto kick from ranked game? if you still think you are right , I nothing to said, just only can said, the europe players is discrimation other non-europe playrers!

(2013-11-14, 18:04:09)El_Polacco Wrote:
(2013-11-14, 01:03:09)Flygplan Wrote: The best way to avoid getting kicked right now is to avoid battle .

This is what guang doesn't get what necessary is in midplay . just a good teamplayExclamation

(2013-11-14, 01:03:09)Flygplan Wrote: Well if you constantly get kicked and by different players too you probably deserve it.

indeed moreover there was a some period within some people were leaving games if he was in due to inequal teams . According to replay you will get what he's doing wrong and you will be able to explain him it carefully because he just didn't want listen to any advices from any other person than me and this is a main reason of kicking him from ranked games .
Such an ego playing just to creep with no hull can't happen anytime more because of such way of playing from him might be discouraging for some players to join a game seeing him in a lobby .
in previous link was no replay so i upload it right now .

I want to know when is the replay?? is my first ban before or after?? honestly to said please!

after I was banned at first time, a few players taught how to play , and I listened them to try it ,that is improve my skill , but you (El_Polacco) sugar_dad, objectfin usually said : why guangzhou still here? who can ban ? if not banned , we kick him/her until the penalty points over the amount of request , guangzhou will disapper in ranked! yours promise you never said these? please face to the god to said, if yours had said these things, you will disable for your old in future.yours purpose are so clearly , just want to kick all of the players who is bias by yours or dislike or discrimation , that why this time I said so many things reason, just so easy , if yours dislike china people , just tell me and I will not play forever! and I will report this web site to relative department which is about the racial discrimation !
(2013-11-14, 14:15:37)EarthR Wrote: @flygplan just your idea that mid is more important than lane tells a lot about your experience in this game. If you send a really weak player to lane he will lose it in 5-10 min and that will force his team in mid to stay at cp in order to help him protect it. Dont think for a second that a weak player can handle a lane. In the first 30 min of game lane domination may decide the outcome of the game.

Well I feel like I can lane succesful vs whoever who still play BT however right now I try to work on my mid game.
If you get a weak player on your team, you can't really expect to win vs good players, because if the weak player play on lane, that lane will be weak, if weak player play mid, mid will be weak.
However if I get to chose I would place the weak player on lane, my mid playstyle make me be close to my cp anyway so I can help defend the lane.
If weak player play mid I feel its good chance that the weak player make rest of the players to underpeform to which will very likley cost the game.
Losing lane or mid may cost the game however its very dependent how the enemies use it, the real threat are if they got straight for base after taking lane or mid.
Losing one or two factories = game lost most of the chases.
However because alot of players are so nice and just continue to play mid or other lane this seldom happens.
I rather lose a lane then lose the game because our mid is all crapp.[/b]
(2013-11-14, 23:24:24)Flygplan Wrote:
(2013-11-14, 14:15:37)EarthR Wrote: @flygplan just your idea that mid is more important than lane tells a lot about your experience in this game. If you send a really weak player to lane he will lose it in 5-10 min and that will force his team in mid to stay at cp in order to help him protect it. Dont think for a second that a weak player can handle a lane. In the first 30 min of game lane domination may decide the outcome of the game.

Well I feel like I can lane succesful vs whoever who still play BT however right now I try to work on my mid game.
If you get a weak player on your team, you can't really expect to win vs good players, because if the weak player play on lane, that lane will be weak, if weak player play mid, mid will be weak.
However if I get to chose I would place the weak player on lane, my mid playstyle make me be close to my cp anyway so I can help defend the lane.
If weak player play mid I feel its good chance that the weak player make rest of the players to underpeform to which will very likley cost the game.
Losing lane or mid may cost the game however its very dependent how the enemies use it, the real threat are if they got straight for base after taking lane or mid.
Losing one or two factories = game lost most of the chases.
However because alot of players are so nice and just continue to play mid or other lane this seldom happens.
I rather lose a lane then lose the game because our mid is all crapp.[/b]
Have you ever seen a pro play lane? I find your thoughts on how game goes really weird. I wont try to change your mind but for someone(not only me) who has played this game a lot what you type makes no sense whatsoever.
(2013-11-15, 10:06:18)EarthR Wrote:
(2013-11-14, 23:24:24)Flygplan Wrote:
(2013-11-14, 14:15:37)EarthR Wrote: @flygplan just your idea that mid is more important than lane tells a lot about your experience in this game. If you send a really weak player to lane he will lose it in 5-10 min and that will force his team in mid to stay at cp in order to help him protect it. Dont think for a second that a weak player can handle a lane. In the first 30 min of game lane domination may decide the outcome of the game.

Well I feel like I can lane succesful vs whoever who still play BT however right now I try to work on my mid game.
If you get a weak player on your team, you can't really expect to win vs good players, because if the weak player play on lane, that lane will be weak, if weak player play mid, mid will be weak.
However if I get to chose I would place the weak player on lane, my mid playstyle make me be close to my cp anyway so I can help defend the lane.
If weak player play mid I feel its good chance that the weak player make rest of the players to underpeform to which will very likley cost the game.
Losing lane or mid may cost the game however its very dependent how the enemies use it, the real threat are if they got straight for base after taking lane or mid.
Losing one or two factories = game lost most of the chases.
However because alot of players are so nice and just continue to play mid or other lane this seldom happens.
I rather lose a lane then lose the game because our mid is all crapp.[/b]
Have you ever seen a pro play lane? I find your thoughts on how game goes really weird. I wont try to change your mind but for someone(not only me) who has played this game a lot what you type makes no sense whatsoever.
I have seen pro lane players.
For example Me[Rong].
I have also myself played over 800 games in BT, started in Mars 2013.
I feel this game is mainly lost or won on mentality and that why you sometimes can see teams colapses because of a single lost lane.
I myself play to end, never leave.
(2013-11-15, 14:34:46)Flygplan Wrote: I have seen pro lane players.
For example Me[Rong].
I have also myself played over 800 games in BT, started in Mars 2013.
I feel this game is mainly lost or won on mentality and that why you sometimes can see teams colapses because of a single lost lane.
I myself play to end, never leave.
from all the pro players out there your example of pro lane player is Me[Rong]? seriously lol. I have never seen him play outside qualify. And he isnt pro just good according to qualify standards which arent that high tbh. Not that i played qualify games recently but judging by the level in ranked games the overall skill in battletanks is really low currently.
(2013-11-15, 15:20:40)EarthR Wrote:
(2013-11-15, 14:34:46)Flygplan Wrote: I have seen pro lane players.
For example Me[Rong].
I have also myself played over 800 games in BT, started in Mars 2013.
I feel this game is mainly lost or won on mentality and that why you sometimes can see teams colapses because of a single lost lane.
I myself play to end, never leave.
from all the pro players out there your example of pro lane player is Me[Rong]? seriously lol. I have never seen him play outside qualify. And he isnt pro just good according to qualify standards which arent that high tbh. Not that i played qualify games recently but judging by the level in ranked games the overall skill in battletanks is really low currently.

Can you give a better example on a pro lane player who still play the game.
Me[Rong] got like 8k games played if you add Q[Q] stats.
And what do it really takes to be considered a pro lane player if Me[Rong] can't be considered.
(2013-11-15, 15:40:09)Flygplan Wrote: Can you give a better example on a pro lane player who still play the game.
Me[Rong] got like 8k games played if you add Q[Q] stats.
And what do it really takes to be considered a pro lane player if Me[Rong] can't be considered.
lets see there is Fighter or bennie who still play the game there are others also but like me they are rusty ;P. Flygplan if you want to be considered pro you have to play against pros playing against weaker opponents dont give you any credibility. Me[Rong] or Q[Q] avoids ranked games where the skill is higher because he probably cant or couldnt perform that well there or he lives in a really bad timezome for ranked games. either way If he has over 8k games and i never came across him in ranked when i was really active tells a lotTongue . Dont think for a second that the number of games is any indication to how well some play. Qualify is just too unpredictable and has many low skilled players so accomplishing anything there is nothing really special.

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