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Titan's Shutdown
Hey guys,

as some of you already noted, its not the best and most creative ability. I also think that this one wasnt my best idea. So I'd like to change the ability, but I have no clue what to choose.
This is your chance to make a suggestion for an ability which may be implemented (maybe altered a little) in one of the next versions.

There are some things which have to be considered when suggesting a new ability.
  • It does not have to be a complete new ability, maybe only a little change to make it more interesting to use
  • Its also possible to suggest a passive ability
  • Balancing and numbers are not that important when suggesting something
  • The idea behind shutdown was, to create an ability which makes siegeing the enemy base easier and so should the new ability, because the Titan is an endgame tank, which should bring the game to a faster end
  • When you are not sure if its possible to code, suggest it anyway, we'll tell you if its possible or not
  • You can make more than one suggestion, in case you are overflowing with creativityWink
  • This thread can be used to post and discuss the suggestions
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Hi, I would suggest this:

Siege mode

The tank goes in siege mode, some way, it can't move while using siege mode a titan i able to shoot from high range only on building (range increase with level of the skill 1000-1800). Then The Titan would be the best way to siege a base.
While the siege mode is on, the titan can't move and receive + x% damage (x is reduced with the level of the skill) Aslo, the titan can't use any other skill/item when he is in siege mode.

I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Why not a damage buff (or any other kind of buff) like roar?

An aura that cripples buildings?

Mana burn spell?

I like the siege mode idea, but it would be way too powerful if the titan could activate his invincibility while doing so.
Quote:the titan can't use any other skill/item when he is in siege mode.

I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Maybe it's a good idea to change titans shutdown skill.

DerSatan Wrote:my suggestion: replace the shutdown skill with something more useful. hailfire already does heavy damage against buildings, has aoe and long range.

i would suggest something like the titan's ultimate of TKF's mod to replace shutdown. although i dont fully understand his tooltip, its a nice skill, works against aircrafts and is looking good. test it if you havnt!
He said this in the Titan thread in Tanks and items forum.

Hell Ball or Lava Ball (W)

Fire a ball, which does 1000-1200 damage pr contact. The higher level, more creeps it can touch through contacts. At level 5 it does up to 1000 damage up too 5 times. If it hits a tower, 5 explosion will occur if it withstand it. Firelord projectile looks nice.

1 contact pr level.

You can test it in my BT mod to see how it works in action urush game. It's the Titans ultimate.

Volcanic Wave (W)

Does 1000 damage on units in a lane. Thunder quake and volcano erruption effect.

Siege Shot (W)

Fires a large projectile in a volley, which does 1000 damage pr level. Has 2000 range. Burning slow speed projectile which moves in a fine and has high AOE on impact of targeted area.

naah, maybe too similar with hailfire. But this can also be partially scripted.

Incinerate (W)

[attachment=0](Cloned Acid Bomb)
1200 damage pr level over 1.2 second (duration of animation). Death doom spawn animation. Does effect enemies within 300 range of primary target. Doom like effect on buff!


If these damage abilities don't fit, maybe I'll suggest some others later.

Attached Files Image(s)
Talking about siege I've found one idea.

A HUGE ROCKET that fires within range 2000, has 500 AoE and 2000/level damage(may be more).
It does 50% damage to allies, has 40 sec cooldown and 10-20 seconds casting delay.

You should PAY 500-1000 gold for each launch of this rocket.(may be more)
Yes, each usage of skill requires spending some money but does significant damage.

May be combine this with Althend's Siege mode idea.

Hmm.... 1000 gold - it is not serious. I think price about 5k or even 10k gold will be good for the launch. And damage should be equal then. This should make Titan's owner to think twice before use this 'Charge'.

note: If you've been interrupted on a casting delay you lose money spent for the charge.

Your thoughts?
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
2000 range
2000 dmg/level
20 seconds casting delay
10.000 gold per use

and if you diw within these 20 seconds you lose that money anyway?

are you serious with that? i think its totally crap. 4 seconds casting delay, 200 gold cost per level, maybe.
It has been said that numbers are not an issue here:)
So didn't calculate it well.

Vomitus Wrote:I think price about 5k or even 10k gold will be good for the launch. And damage should be equal then.
I think you missed that - damaoge wont be 2k/lvl if price is about 5k-10k. It should be raised accordingly(5k/lvl?) but this is a question of balance.

The idea is:
  1. Make a skill stronger than any 'free' skill in any case but for gold cost.
    • Either make fast skill(like any other) with slightly increased damage for additional price(200-500gold, +50% damage).
    • Make slow rate weapon with greatly increased damage for significant price(2000-10000 gold, +???? damage).

What you say?
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
I don't think the gold cost concept would fit with any skills.
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
Cuz I don't wanna waste money everytime I want to use a silly skill. That what you have items for. Like the bomb. What you are proposing sounds more like a long range nuke like item.

However a long range ability I'm not against, but the money concept on a skill.

DerSatan Wrote:are you serious with that? i think its totally crap. 4 seconds casting delay, 200 gold cost per level, maybe.
I kinda agrees, but pls no gold cost abilities.
TKF Wrote:What you are proposing sounds more like a long range nuke like item.
Exactly. Having such an ability will make a tank potentially much more dangerous because you wont use that ability always. And in some moments(for ex. when 3 or more enemies with low hp back to base) you can make huge multikill and damage their base accordingly. For a small price of 1000-2000 gold. Just imagine than you always have with yours that tiny black case with Big Red Button inside;-).

defcon : are you ready?
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
So with a paid skill, are you suggesting aswell that you remove the cooldown on that ability? Depends on the abbility ofcourse, but then you can for instance spam a few siege rockets (if we want the skill to be siege rockets) as long as you yourself think needed. (to kill an opponent or a particular factory/tower). So this would ad a way to be able to specify your own chose of amout of damage.

Normal skills: Damage is specified over time.
Paid skills: Damage is specified by money consumpion.

This will be a hard one to balance :?
But we may not remove a cooldown. And moreover we could increase it up to 3 minutes or so. And casting delay should be in range of 2..4 seconds I think.

But I admit that an idea with cost-driven damage(without cooldown) is entitled to exist. Yes, you potentially can do insane amount of damage but you'll have to pay insane amount of gold. That is yours to decide whether to use it or not. But indeed, this will be much harder to balance so I stack to the first idea.
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
Що, блядь, навчився читати українською?
Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
It will be imba.
Just need 2titans in one team then. They use their skill and BAM the base is destroyed, no more enemyes. 20 sec without the whole enemy team... The bomb is ok because players needs skills. For your idea, they just need timing..
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Well, your remark inspired me into new idea ;-)

What about make this skill free and with less damage than usual it should have(-50%).

But make an ability to increasy(multiply!) damage if it is used in combination with other Titans.

Let's say, it will have 5 seconds channeling delay. Within those 5 seconds other Titans may join this channeling(they must be in a certain range from initiator) by simply activating this skill. When channeling is over Initiator makes one shot which damage is calculated as DMG = BaseDmg * 2 ^ (number of Titans in channeling sequence - 1), where BaseDmg is 50% of Usual Dmg.
So if 5 Titans do this trick Damage is increased 8 times of Base Damage.

This would add some teamplay as well ;-)
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
Що, блядь, навчився читати українською?
Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
Vomitus Wrote:Well, your remark inspired me into new idea ;-)
So if 5 Titans do this trick Damage is increased 8 times of Base Damage.

5 titans -> 16 times base damage.

anyway, i dont like too sophisticated solutions. it should be much more simple i think.
DerSatan Wrote:5 titans -> 16 times base damage.
Yes, I've missed something:).

DerSatan Wrote:anyway, i dont like too sophisticated solutions. it should be much more simple i think.
Well, I think if a person who knows how to play owns Titan he wont be confused with a bit complicated things that come to an end game period.
Another thing if newbie eventually(or accidentally) owns Titan - why should he be bestowed upon with such power while do not knowing how to manage it?

Anyway, 5 Titans in one team will certainly make game to end because this was the initial purpose of Titan.
Regardless of number of Titans in a team you will still be able to use your skill as usual but with a penalty given in retort to its high teamplay potential.

Isn't teamplay appear to be that sort of thing we all fighting here for? Is it?
I mean, we play Battle Tanks, not Battle Punks! (or Bottle Punks, lol)
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
Що, блядь, навчився читати українською?
Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
May I remind you that it is not a new ultimate we are proposing, but just a simple skill that replaces shutdown.

But a siege like long range shot idea itself is not a bad idea, but I'm wondering what Exodus think of our suggestions so far...
Oops... it seems I got a bit carried awaySmile
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
Що, блядь, навчився читати українською?
Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!

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