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How can I get wood for special market pls???
Wood is only used by the trader, the only way to get it is to become a trader. Once you buy the tank you will get ten wood which will increase as you trade through the game. I believe that if you switch back to a regular tank you lose the wood, but I'm not sure.
1. you will not lose the wood if you change to another tank from trader
2. if a player that has traded leaves, his wood will also be distributed to the other players :wink:


Thank you, but how I become toa trader....sorry for my english but I´m not from english speaking nation, so I don´t understand well
you can buy a trade zeppelin at the trade master of your team (he is near the middel)

but trading is a difficult thing, so if you really want to trade, practice it first in singleplayer with bots (trader also cant carry weapons or hulls) :wink:
the pilot (the little guy you are starting with) got an ability to teleport to other tank shops. use it 2 times, and you are at the shop where you can purchase the trader.

now start trading, get a speed item as soon as you can, and remember the trader cannont get hulls or weapons.


can the trader carry a teleport? :?: