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Battle Tanks 8.63b - Printable Version

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Battle Tanks 8.63b - Exodus - 2009-09-13

Hey guys,
so here it is. If nothing critical demands my immediately attention, this will be my last version of Battle Tanks. From now on Paladon and Velocity2k will start working on the map. So BT won't die so easily ;) I hope you help them on improving the map even further. I won't be completly inactive in the future, but I'll be here a lot less (well ... to be exactly, I had not that much time for BT right now too ...). While those try to get to know the map code, enjoy this version!

v 8.63
  • Increased the target area of the CP teleport, but the tank will still be ported within the old range
  • Reworked armor and attack types of creeps and buildings
  • Reduced the regeneration of buildings even further
  • Scout's tank cannon now has a range of 1050
  • Defensive Systems (Scout) is now an active skill
  • Increased the initial hitpoints of the Medivac by 100
  • Rebalanced Acid Cloud (Hunter); damage, duration and cooldown -25%
  • Added an effect to Soul Collector (Ghost Tank)
  • Shredder, Thunder Hammer and Ice Prison are no longer able to target invulnerable units
  • The default zoom for observers is now 3500
  • Fixed the -give command, from sending the gold to the wrong player
  • Fixed the -team command, when observers are in the game
  • Fixed some minor bugs


Minor update done by the new mappers.

v 8.63b
  • Removed the floating debug messages
  • Creeps deal a bit less damage against tanks now (-8%)
  • Defensive Systems (Scout) is now an immediate cast, the tank doesn't stop his current action anymore

Re: Battle Tanks 8.63 - Equiem - 2009-09-13

Just reading thru the list it looks like some solid changes. I've felt like the scout and hunter has been a bit over the top for a while now, thought I was alone.

Any chance you could describe how/what the changes to armor is?

Great work as always!

Re: Battle Tanks 8.63 - Paladon - 2009-09-13

Great job Exo!

Re: Battle Tanks 8.63 - Exodus - 2009-09-13

Equiem Wrote:Just reading thru the list it looks like some solid changes. I've felt like the scout and hunter has been a bit over the top for a while now, thought I was alone.

Any chance you could describe how/what the changes to armor is?

Great work as always!

The changes basically have the following consequences:
Creeps deal more damage against heroes
Creeps (and towers, to a certain degree) deal less damage against other creeps

Re: Battle Tanks 8.63 - TKF - 2009-09-13

I played a game and the numbers was quite annoying. You should have set a cap at 40 when the unit it healing.

2+ 3+ 2+.... all the time is quite annoying.

Also a lot of tanks was killed by the force much more frequently now. I liked it how it was in 8.62 and the troop command and reinforcements are really imba! Factories are more lethal as in result. I couldn't see this happening when playing alone in beta, but in a real game I noticed.

Re: Battle Tanks 8.63 - Exodus - 2009-09-13

Ok, those were not meant to be in the final version ... this will be fixed next version. Until now you can deactivate those with "-debug".

Re: Battle Tanks 8.63 - BENNIE.FM - 2009-09-14

hey plz make the numbers spamming everywhere for damage and hp Regen optional so annoying

Re: Battle Tanks 8.63 - jman - 2009-09-14

Yes popping-up numbers are annoying, but there's another issue for me which regards:

Defensive Systems (Scout) is now an active skill.

I understand that it was a bit imbalanced when it was passive and don't mind that it's now active, but the problem is there is a slight pause when you activate it. It's like the pause when you activate Light Tank's Repair skill.

You're fleeing from an enemy, you use this skill, only to be momentarily stopped, resulting in lost ground and/or death.

Maybe this skill is supposed to be used like Light Tank's Repair, iby which it's soley for the increased health regen, but you cannot go past the reduced damage it offers and I would like to know if it is possible to have no pause when activating.

Re: Battle Tanks 8.63 - Paladon - 2009-09-14

I will fix the spamming number problem asap.

However, i also can try to avoid a casting time for both light tank and scout (heal/defense skill).

Re: Battle Tanks 8.63 - Paladon - 2009-09-14

I have released an updated 8.63b version. For the full changelog, download, etc, check this link:


Re: Battle Tanks 8.63b - qweqqweq - 2009-09-15

hmmmmm. i'm a little worried about all of this. but at the same time i'm excited to see what happens. Smile

good luck bob, exo, veloc, and pala!!!! i know u guys will let me down even though you try your best not to! hehe! Smile

but that doesn't matter. what i'm almost as sure of is that you'll just enjoy yourselves and do your best and try and blow all of our minds with your creativity and hard work in pulling this transition off. please let us all know what directions you'd like to go as soon as possible and be as open and honest with me and the rest of us players, be it casual or extreme fanatics, so that we can try to help with input.

polls are very nice btw! Smile