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[8.55] Some problems with AI - Printable Version

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[8.55] Some problems with AI - skillet - 2008-11-19

I forgot the version number in the title. It's 8.55

Today i have played a pretty massive leaver game (again), so in the end there were only 2 human players left. One on the light team and one on the dark team (myself). i had -lai enabled (ofcourse :wink: ).
The game took for about 3 hours but none of the AI players did use the middle shop for their weapons... they bought titans though but no good weapons. Furthermore i saw that they didt even buy any more weapons allthough they should have had an enormous amount of money in the end, mostly 4 slots were filled with weapons.
AI doesn't buy a speedboost too, and it's pretty annoying when they heal themselves at a controlpoint, they stand right at the entrance. So when you are already healing your tank you can't get out.
i think i got a replay if you need it.


Re: Some problems with AI - SCorpA1 - 2008-11-19

yeah the AI doesnt buy hulls and doesnt sell weapons either.
it would be a nice feature if the AI would be more "late game compatibly", but it would be opposed, because of the Ai crash bug, because the most time playing with AI the game crashes before it comes to a late game

Re: [8.55] Some problems with AI - skillet - 2008-11-19

yeah you are right. i played with -lai enable again and it crashed. Would be awsome if bot's woulden't make the game crash. it's great for leavers.

Re: [8.55] Some problems with AI - DerSatan - 2008-11-20

skillet Wrote:Would be awsome if bot's woulden't make the game crash.


its not like that on purpose... its just very hard to find the reason which causes the crashes, exo is working on that for several versions.

Re: [8.55] Some problems with AI - skillet - 2008-11-20

i hope he finds it soonSmile