2009-05-09, 01:33:01
Sry for Doublepost, but here are the facts from Bennies Replay:
Light Force gold "short" before 10minutes - inclusive 20Seconds gold for CP´s - "about" 7925 Gold.
Bennie and mates received: 753Gold (isnt it much for 10minutes gold with good players and 4k start gold - 500-600 is usual in "normal" games )
753*5Players = 3765Gold *3 because only a third of force gold is split to the players = 11295Gold
Difference: 3370Gold.
The light force gets (if I am up to date from the new upgrade system) 2100Gold +300/CP (4CP´s)
==> 3300 Upgradegold -- its nearly 3370 - I couldnt take the goldnumber just at the second
--> If Bennie´s team need to upgrade the difference later u lost 66% of the upgradegold (in a 5 Player game... - in a 1on1 it is even 83.333% hock: ). From 3300Gold you only get 1100, if bennie was kicked the money for him is halved again, so only 1000 Gold from the upgrade money "stays" in the team --> a loss of 2200 with bennie and 2300 when bennie is kicked and only 50% of his 200 Gold advantage are spread to allies.
My suggestion to test a fix is, giving the trigger a "Wait 2 seconds" Command after 5minutes time, so maybe to much is calculated after every 5minutes - it really lags a short time because of the Creep replacements and whatever , maybe something like that could stop miscalculations of the trigger.
(Otherwise loosing 2000Gold in upgrades for a game will be very hard, since infernal is quiet important in the endgame)
Light Force gold "short" before 10minutes - inclusive 20Seconds gold for CP´s - "about" 7925 Gold.
Bennie and mates received: 753Gold (isnt it much for 10minutes gold with good players and 4k start gold - 500-600 is usual in "normal" games )
753*5Players = 3765Gold *3 because only a third of force gold is split to the players = 11295Gold
Difference: 3370Gold.
The light force gets (if I am up to date from the new upgrade system) 2100Gold +300/CP (4CP´s)
==> 3300 Upgradegold -- its nearly 3370 - I couldnt take the goldnumber just at the second
--> If Bennie´s team need to upgrade the difference later u lost 66% of the upgradegold (in a 5 Player game... - in a 1on1 it is even 83.333% hock: ). From 3300Gold you only get 1100, if bennie was kicked the money for him is halved again, so only 1000 Gold from the upgrade money "stays" in the team --> a loss of 2200 with bennie and 2300 when bennie is kicked and only 50% of his 200 Gold advantage are spread to allies.
My suggestion to test a fix is, giving the trigger a "Wait 2 seconds" Command after 5minutes time, so maybe to much is calculated after every 5minutes - it really lags a short time because of the Creep replacements and whatever , maybe something like that could stop miscalculations of the trigger.
(Otherwise loosing 2000Gold in upgrades for a game will be very hard, since infernal is quiet important in the endgame)
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^