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[8.59] Upgrades dont work correct
Sry for Doublepost, but here are the facts from Bennies Replay:

Light Force gold "short" before 10minutes - inclusive 20Seconds gold for CP´s - "about" 7925 Gold.

Bennie and mates received: 753Gold (isnt it much for 10minutes gold with good players and 4k start goldWink - 500-600 is usual in "normal" gamesWink )
753*5Players = 3765Gold *3 because only a third of force gold is split to the players = 11295Gold

Difference: 3370Gold.

The light force gets (if I am up to date from the new upgrade system) 2100Gold +300/CP (4CP´s)
==> 3300 Upgradegold -- its nearly 3370Wink - I couldnt take the goldnumber just at the secondWink

--> If Bennie´s team need to upgrade the difference later u lost 66% of the upgradegold (in a 5 Player game... - in a 1on1 it is even 83.333% Confusedhock: ). From 3300Gold you only get 1100, if bennie was kicked the money for him is halved again, so only 1000 Gold from the upgrade money "stays" in the team --> a loss of 2200 with bennie and 2300 when bennie is kicked and only 50% of his 200 Gold advantage are spread to allies.

My suggestion to test a fix is, giving the trigger a "Wait 2 seconds" Command after 5minutes time, so maybe to much is calculated after every 5minutes - it really lags a short time because of the Creep replacements and whatever Big Grin, maybe something like that could stop miscalculations of the trigger.

(Otherwise loosing 2000Gold in upgrades for a game will be very hard, since infernal is quiet important in the endgame)
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
Yeah, I already thought this might happen, that the upgrade gold goes to the normal Force money. But I still have to find the reason ...
Also, I don't think that there happens too much, because at the end of trigger the money of the Force is given to each player, if there would be some kind of disruption you wouldn't get anything. Those two things are both calculated in the same trigger.

But still, thanks for your testing.
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isnt it possible to split the triggers ? - the money is not 100% given to the players, it is divided dependant of the player number, so it is really important - see the calculations. 200Gold for 5 Players is not as good as 2900Gold for 1armor and 1 weapon upgrade.
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
Just asking when this random unusual bugs occurs is the other team receiving as much money as we are counting in the upgrade part.
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
No - when i tested it the other side gets it upgrades as it should beWink

So it only happens for one side often. - this bug is rare, so I think the chance for both sides not upgrading might be extremely seldom. I experienced it just in 1 of 8 or 10 games, where it was importantSmile
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
I think I finally fixed that bug (talk about hard to find ...). According to what I discovered, only the Light Force should be affected by this bug.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Good JobSmile

Could you post the problem or not, because it could be exploited ? (I would be interestedSmile )
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
There is no way a player can influence this. This was caused, because I initialized a variable at a wrong position.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
dam gives me a headache

Exodus Wrote:There is no way a player can influence this. This was caused, because I initialized a variable at a wrong position.

what does that meanTongue
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
by initializing it in a spot that he didnt mean to, a few things could happen.

It could be reset or not updated properly, it might be referenced at a point where it does not exist (meaning nothing or a really bad error could occur). It really depends on how it was being referenced and used, and where it was accidentally initialized as opposed to where it needed to be.

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