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little improvement of the speed upgrade for tanks
hey community,

as we know the speed upgrade uses 1 spot of the 6 inventory slots.
is it possible that speed upgrade works like battery to upgrade mana?
so u can buy speed step by step and upgrade the tanks speed-stat without losing a slot of inventory.

while writing, i mentioned that this possible improvement works only for the early- and midgame,
because most players buy teleporter (what needs 1 slot in any case) in midgame and get speedpack.

pro: save 1 inventory slot in early game, but no improvement in lategame

con: u have to do a closer look at enemy, if he has bought a speed upgrade

con: the speedpack cannot be sold
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i think thats no real argument, because mana cant be sold either.
dont u see any benefit in saving an item slot in inventory.

regards toob
imagine you have a tank. you buy a total of 150 speed.
then you want to change (why ever, doesn't matter here) to heli, zepp, ... any tank which has a speed skill.
you can't sell the speed but also can't get more speed than 522(w3 max speed) so you waste skill points or money.
anyways it's not the same with mana.
you need more mana on every tank when you skill more than 2 active skills(+tp/instant heal).
Quote:imagine you have a tank. you buy a total of 150 speed.
then you want to change (why ever, doesn't matter here) to heli, zepp, ... any tank which has a speed skill.
you can't sell the speed but also can't get more speed than 522(w3 max speed) so you waste skill points or money.

would u really learn a speed skill (of any tank with such a skill) when u already bought a speed boost?
i dont think so.
every thinking person would not learn the speed skill, due to not wasting skill points.
btw i dont see any benefit in selling speed.


EDIT: theres no hidden meaning in the last sentence.^^
I like the idea, because you have more free slots for weapons and other items.

Quote:then you want to change (why ever, doesn't matter here) to heli, zepp
you buy a "Speedpack" with a heli or zepp? this tanks are for me start or midgame tanks and i think only noobs buy a "speedpack" with this tanks. Other Tanks profit instant from the speed upgrade.

Quote:you can't sell the speed but also can't get more speed than 522(w3 max speed) so you waste skill points or money.
If u buy the speed upgrade u dont need to learn the speed skills!

I don't understand your contra statement because you lose nothing and win a weapon-slot more in the game.

Quote:con: the Speedpack cannot be sold
Whats the sense in selling a speed upgrade?

The idea is really good.

Gretz Matte
NoS_K1ll Wrote:I like the idea, because you have more free slots for weapons and other items.
this is the most crucial point in this option. how can you decide how much gold would be sufficent for it to be balanced? in early games it would be hard to obtain, in late game way too easy?
a solution would be: max 4 upgrades ( each 5 points ) per tank, doesn't apply when changing tanks, 1.200 Gold per upgrade
still, i don't expect it to be implemented, because of the saved slot.
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i think the solution is easy

1- make speed upgrade a single purshable
2- you need speed pack in your inventory to buy it
3- the speed pack disapears, and yours tanks now have the speed upgrade
4- put in a really high price in there, to ppl make sure to buy it, only when they already has all others slots occuped, something like 5k+

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