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Btanks on larger screen
I have a 24 inch monitor and a 46 inch television. If i play Btanks on the television through the VGA (blue) PC Monitor hookup.

Is there some way to keep everything scaled down to the monitor size so that the extra screen "real estate" shows more map or do I just have to keep using the -zoom command.

Also what -zoom level is ideal and why? I've usually been doing 3800 but am not sure if I should do a diff. level or not.

Warcraft has been designed in a way, that no matter which resoulution you choose, you always see just as much of the game. So the interface will always have the same size and the part of the map you will see will always be just as big. It's because Warcraft was designed to be competitive, so people with bigger monitors should not have an advantage, just because they spent more money on the hardware.

As for the zoom command, there is no real ideal value. You just have to try different zoom levels and use the one you are most comfortable with ;) But since Warcraft is not meant to be played with high zoom values, it may not run as smooth as with the standard values. But then again, you'll just have to try, which value you like best.
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