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Future Changes regarding Upgrades und TC
Exodus Wrote:Like I've said, its a question of balance. But I guess they should only affect creeps.
Yes, I forgot to mention: healing aura have to affect creeps only, of course.
And amount of healing should be the same as single factory does to player.
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Vomitus Wrote:Yes, I forgot to mention: healing aura have to affect creeps only, of course.
And amount of healing should be the same as single factory does to player.
LOL that's makes the troops nearly invulnerable (You know when you're attacked by a few creeps while healing, you don't get killed, and when it's hard to kill a tank in healing, then try to kill several creeps with that amount of healing) Perhaps half or third of factory healing to not exaggerate it. Or a pretty decent healing amount that perhaps makes them quite healed when the next enemy wave comes. Also put a visible aura that the players can see who got the healing aura.
Well, you're right, I've get heated a bit with that:)

I think third of factory's healing would be enough but it needs testing, of course.
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Factories have a percental healing, they heal 4% of your max HP each second (plus a 50 HP/s, so the low HP tanks heal faster). I don't think that a percental healing will be effective for creeps. And another thing, the Ghost Tank already has a healing aura as an ulti! It heals 56 HP at max level ...
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May be spawn an invisible unit?Confusedhock: :twisted:
Or a unit, that has invisibility as ability that need to be activated and modify that units behavior to use this invisibility once its cooldown is off.

Something similar I could propose with Divine Shield ability for the unit.

May be unit with divine armor and magic resistance 95% or smth.

Or a kamikaze unit with 450 speed and 1500 explode dmg in 600 aoe.

And how about making factory upgrades to add some additional abilities to spawned units at all?
Like overall increasing movement speed, attack speed, regeneration, (!)attack range.

Well... a lot of ideas are swirling in my head but only few I can transfer to you in understandable form:)

Exodus Wrote:Factories have a percental healing, they heal 4% of your max HP each second (plus a 50 HP/s, so the low HP tanks heal faster). I don't think that a percental healing will be effective for creeps. And another thing, the Ghost Tank already has a healing aura as an ulti! It heals 56 HP at max level ...
4% hp per second is 40 hp/s for 1000-hp unit. And it is up to 100 hp/s for 2500-hp unit. That is not so little I think.
So, the final formula would be: 15 hp/s + 4%/s (or +3%/s — a question of testing).
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
I suggested earlier a extra unit as a strong creep unit like a force tank, but that will just stress the spawn lagg even more every 20 sec, but that could also replace 1 ordinary force marine to keep same amount of creeps spawned. Also a aura bonus could work as well. If it's a chance that the unit get aura every spawn OR the effect of the aura is boosted for every player upgrade level and the commander always has it, is the same for me.

Exodus says that the ghost tank already has a healing aura, so healing aura is probably out of question. Commanders already does have a small damage aura, so I can only think of attack speed aura, armor aura or life steal.
@ Exodus: Any progress on this idea? or...? What will happen?
I have to say that I'm not too happy with that idea. It's too ineffective. I'm keeping the system for now, until I (or you?Wink ) have a better idea. Maybe its better to watch the situation and decide if such changes are necessary. I guess I'll change the TC the way I suggested it earlier (half the creeps and cooldown).

EDIT: heh, I just read your other post, but the TC still needs further tweaking, just adding an option to disable everything that may be imba is not a good solution from my point of view.
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This upgrade idea you suggested could rest, your decision. I have no protests against it. I suggested production upgrade that included more creeps, but the current amount of creep spawns create enough lagg alread. another solution to this could be add a tank production upgrade, that uses production points system, which eventually could for example add strong force tanks being spawned only at artillery fabs, and the upgrade only exist at the artillery fab, only 4 more units. Each upgrade give 3 production points, and each time when production amount reach 100, a strong force tank wave is spawned at artillery fab. Each level upgrade could cost 300 gold only at artillery fab. So only 1 level, would create tank spawn about every 11 minutes. Level 30 does create a tank spawn every 9 of 10 times. A loading bar consisting of |||||||||||| appearing above artillery fab could show the progress of when there is a tank wave. It also represents the 100 production points.

Otherwise I have no more upgrade solutions or ideas about this current subject for the time being.

Reducing the cooldown and creeps by half would actually nerf the troops command, since the time for human players to use it again would prove that the "dead" time while the item could be used again. Someone is saving the usage for troop command for the right time, as more micro management would be required (You have to click twice as often than usual). Long cooldowns could fit permanent items, while short cooldowns (5 or 25 sec) could fit consumable items, such as reinforcements, wards, hyperspacebreakers and net launchers.

Talking about TC and spawns, someone earlier suggested a upgrade solution for the factory; what if you you could buy the factory as a cheap variant (2200), that spawns 2 marines that you own. You could upgrade it for additional (1100) gold to allow it to produce additional 1 commander, zeppelin and artillery. It will then be the same as the current factory. Also this will also make a cheaper factory as foothold in end game, where additional troops aren't necessary.

But the problem with this could be that players would be suprised and the triggers that checks which factorys, has to be tweaked and changed to compare those 2 kinds of factories. That could be to much work.

Factory (2200) purchase cost: 1 attack and 1 defense required.

Factory (Upgrade) (1100) upgrade cost: 2 attack and 2 defense required to initiate upgrade. Building value 3300 gold.
A three second delay before all units are deployed at once, around the user when the time is up. Once initiated the tank can move freely without losing cooldowns or something. Also give a clear signal that Troop Command is on the way (Such as Curse, Spell Shield, Divine Shield animations) and increase the cost to 3,300.

Maybe even change "Troop Command" to like... "Golem Command". You summon a single unit with the HP of three soldiers, damage of three soldiers, but is the size of a Light Tank. If you get caught alone and deploy it three seconds later it would still be quite an advantage to have, just not as overpowering to weapons as before... While having more hit points increases its survivability to nukes, the three second deploy time should still suffice coupled with less evasion overall. Not that I've seen it in-game so I can't be certain how it plays out, but I have an idea...

Since we're working with a pretty tough unit instead of a bunch of tiny soldiers, applying a "penalty bounty" might work out so you have to think twice before using it. Something to the effect of -200 gold to that player and maybe +20 to the one who killed it, maybe keeping the price tag as it is.
A penalty for losing summon wouldn't be nessesary I think.
1 strong summon instead of a bunch of weaker ones does sound good to me, that way you have less to fear, there are less weapons aimed at you and your weapons are only divided by the summon and the summoners tank instead of a lot of creeps. Good idea! (imo)
So the future regarding the TC, will be that it gets half cooldown and half troops spawned in the next version?
Yes, I think so. The ideas with just one creep is worth a new item in my opinion. I already have an idea how to do it, but I think I won't implement it into the next version yet.
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