2008-08-14, 18:29:56
It happened at 18 min gametime and a second time later on.
Grey ported to mid control point and jumped towords light force base, but he nearly reached it!
The second time grey sayed it happens when u write while jumping
watch the replay and fix the bug please, becouse its annoying that he wasnt there when we fought at mid -.- also it could be abused to get away or chase - its nearly a teleporter with 4000 range^^
Grey ported to mid control point and jumped towords light force base, but he nearly reached it!
The second time grey sayed it happens when u write while jumping
watch the replay and fix the bug please, becouse its annoying that he wasnt there when we fought at mid -.- also it could be abused to get away or chase - its nearly a teleporter with 4000 range^^