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Maybe some other changes (tell which)
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Base's Shops sink in Chaos
now, as the new pack recipes are implemented, i got to say this:

the base's shops sink more and more in chaos. :lol:

there are seven shops + the factories, where you can also buy some stuff. and why is the speed pack recipe in the mine shop, while the speed pack is in another one (together with the remote defusel kit) ?

my suggestion: clear the base! Idea
maybe rearrange the shops, putting the 3 weapon shops together, and the equipment shops away from them.
but most important: rearrange the items in the equipment shops:

:arrow: one shop selling cheap consumable stuff (detector, net launcher, teleport breaker, mana battery, reinforcements, mortar team, update, troop upgrades, ..?..),

:arrow: one who sells permanent vehicle buffs like hulls, speed, teleporter, radar, etc

:arrow: one who sells recipes (maybe there will be more? if not its ok, no shop has to be full)

:arrow: one who sells all kinds of explosives like mines, explosives, bombs, orbital control, remote defusal kit, ....

maybe that would result in 1 additional shop, but they werent full (meaning that you had to read less names/tooltips per shop), and if all of them would fit into a concept, so i think it would be far more cleary arranged and newb supporting.

dunno, just an idea. :roll:

new people won't notice the goblin trader for example, and will see no clear concept in the arrangement of equipment items. :?

here are some smaller suggestions which would go well with this, but you only vote for the suggestion above.

1) make a short text string at the shops which tell what kind of building/shop this is (example: weapons, equipment, ...). these text strings should disappear with -notips (or -nt?Tongue)

2) remove the speed pack, ulti pack, power pack and trader hunter pack from the shop. either it is available through the recipe, or can be bought straight from a shop. why? less confusing, better to balance (rgarding cost and upgrades needed, more space in the shops/less tooltips to read for newbs)

3) let reinforcements and mortar teams be bought in a regular shop in the base, and additionally maybe in player controlled factories.
Yeah, I thought so too, kinda confusing how its now.
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I'm fine with the current weapon shops. But I'm not against rearranging the other custom item shops.

:arrow: A panda/jaina/tinker/whatever character could sell the recipes.

:arrow: goblin trader is the explosives merchant (mines, explosives, bombs...) removing the consumables and recipes here.

:arrow: Blacksmith sells the permanent stuff

:arrow: Different shop/character sells only the consumables

I concur with DerSatans suggestion. I think it is a good idea Idea

But I don't have overview on whats useable and not... I'll will perhaps list that in detail later...
I concur too (haha, untill now i always tought concur meant "to disagree with" , but it seems its the other way aroundWink ), only not on the point of

Quote:) let reinforcements and mortar teams be bought in a regular shop in the base, and additionally maybe in player controlled factories.

Because i do not want to tp back and forward to the base to buy a 400 gold expandable mortar team, i want to be able to buy it immediatly in the factory when i need it.

Also the recipes for speed pack etc. and the speed pack itself can stay next to each other imo, since you do not want to
1) spend more money then necesarry on these items if you can buy the pack at once
2) if you can pay for it at once, you dont want to have to buy 2 (or more!!) things + recipe! (where you maybe even have to drop an item for a moment to be able to buy them all, like for ulti pack) This may take too much time in some situations!!!

So i vote YES for this idea, but NO for the additional ideas !Wink
Batto Wrote:
Quote:) let reinforcements and mortar teams be bought in a regular shop in the base, and additionally maybe in player controlled factories.

Because i do not want to tp back and forward to the base to buy a 400 gold expandable mortar team, i want to be able to buy it immediatly in the factory when i need it.

ok, maybe make them purchasable at CP factories too, this suggestion was just to decrease the item chaos in the base.

regarding the recipes.. uhm we just got different opinions on it Smile
I vote YES for all DerSatan's suggestions.
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