2008-12-18, 20:05:30
Would it be possible to add some gamecache stuff which contains information about interesting game events, e.g. player kill, capture ect. which is just like in DotA.
A feature like this would make it possible to host a league using a hosting bot and actually get stats that way.
Just to clarify what i mean, i stole some code from the DoTA map.
Init&Global stuff:
Function using the game cache:
Should be trivial to add, just wanted to be clear about what i meant.
A feature like this would make it possible to host a league using a hosting bot and actually get stats that way.
Just to clarify what i mean, i stole some code from the DoTA map.
Init&Global stuff:
gamecache OI1OIO
call FlushGameCache(InitGameCache("dr.x"))
set OI1OIO=InitGameCache("dr.x")
Function using the game cache:
function II10OI takes string II100I,integer O100II returns nothing
call StoreInteger(OI1OIO,"Data",II100I,O100II)
if GetLocalPlayer()==OO1I then
call SyncStoredInteger(OI1OIO,"Data",II100I)
Should be trivial to add, just wanted to be clear about what i meant.