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Battle Tanks game mechanics (updated for v8.80)
Hey guys,
this thread is meant to provide useful information about everything in Battle Tanks.

Table of content
  1. Healing
  2. Bounty
  3. Assists
  4. Killing and assist sprees
  5. Weapon Formula
  6. Control Points
  7. Gold Distribution of the Force
  8. Magical and physical damage
  9. Experience
  10. Hero Death

The following buildings can heal your tank:
  • Vehicle Factory
  • Headquarters
  • Control Point
  • Factory (Spawning Factory excluded)

Each building has 3 different auras. One for a fixed amount of hitpoint healing, another one with a percentage hitpoint healing and a mana regeneration aura.
The Vehicle Factory and Headquarters have exactly the same auras. All of them have a 700 aoe. They heal 4% of your maximum hitpoints, plus 50 per second. The mana regeneration is increased by 5 points per second.
The Factories build by the Factory item have the same auras, except that the area is only 500.

The Troop Factories in each base also have an area of effect of 500, but only heal a 1/4 of the other factories. (1%+25 HP / 1 MP)

The healing of the Control Points is a little special in this case. They have the same healing as the player build factories (4%+50 HP / 5 MP in 500 aoe), but their healing gets reduced by half, when enemy tanks are within 500 range of your CP. This special healing works like this: the Control Points have the three auras mentioned above, with the following stats: 2%+25 HP / 2.5 MP
This is the healing you always get. The other half is completely triggered. The Control Points cast a heal on every allied tank in 500 range every second. This triggered heal lasts for 2 seconds.
This means: when an enemy is near your Control Point, the heal is reduced by half, as long as the enemy is there.

Each of these auras will stack with auras from the other healing buildings. Moving within the range of the healing building won't affect the amount of healed hitpoints. Each aura of Wc3 has a little delay, so even after leaving the range of the aura, you will be affected for ca. another 2 seconds.

1. Hero Bounty
The bounty of your tank changes throughout the whole game. Your bounty gets updated on several occasions.

Your bounty increases when:
  • You kill a tank, creep or building
  • You get assist gold
  • You get gold for conquering a Control Point
  • You trade in your items with the Trader

Your bounty decreases when:
  • You die

Whenever you receive gold from the listed sources, your bounty will increase by 5% of the received amount of gold. So when you kill a tank that had a bounty of 300 gold, your own bounty will increase by 15 gold.
When you die, your bounty will decrease by 12%.

Your bounty won't increase or decrease endlessly, however. There are limits, which are relative to your tank worth (tank value + carried items).
Your bounty won't go below: 125 + (tank worth / 100)
Your bounty won't go above: 125 + (tank worth / 33)

As it has not been mentioned in the list above, passive income, force gold and buying or selling items does not have any influence on your bounty.

2. Creep Bounty
The bounty you get for killing creeps and buildings increases over time, it's not influenced by upgrades. The bounty increases by 100% in one hour, so you get 200% gold after one hour, 300% after two, and so on.

To get assist gold, you have to damage an enemy tank in the last 7.5 seconds before his death.

Note: Don't confuse support points and assist points. Assists are counted as support points, but support points are not necessarily also assists. The main difference lies in the fact, that you gain gold for assists, but nothing for support points.

When scoring an assist, you gain one support point and a part of the original bounty of the destroyed tank.
Assists gold per player total gold
1 25% 25%
2 15% 30%
3 12.5% 37.5%
4 12.5% 50%

Or expressed in a formula:
Assist gold per player =(1.5*Bounty/(7-(assisting players)))/assisting players

Killing and assist sprees
Once you start getting 3 kills in a row, without dying a killing spree starts. Each kill in the spree since your last death will increase the gold you get for the next kill by 5%. So when you scored 3 kills without dying, then you will get 15% more gold for the next kill. The gold bonus won't increase beyond 50% or ten kills in a row, although the counter will still go up.
The killing spree consequently ends, when you die or you didn't score a kill for 3 minutes.
Getting multikills will provide a bonus on your spree. Each multikill will increase your killing spree counter by 1. So if you already have a killing spree of 3 kills active and score a double kill, the counter will increase to 5 for the two kills and then to 6, because of the bonus. Getting a triple kill after that will provide another bonus point, etc up to 4 bonus points in total for a godlike multikill (this includes all the other bonus points you got before).

Assist sprees work in a similiar way. Your assist spree counter increases for every assist you get, without getting a kill. So your own death won't end the spree, but rather a kill you make. You also get a 5% bonus for each assist in the current spree, with a limit of a 50% bonus.
Take note, that you won't get 50% more assist gold, but rather will the assist gold increase by 50% of the original bounty of the killed tank.
For example: if only one tank gets an assist, he will receive 25% of the bounty of the killed tank. With a full assist spree, he will get 75% of the original bounty instead.

Weapon formula

.zip   Weapon (Size: 19.99 KB / Downloads: 897)
You can find the exact formula in this Excel-Sheet (which can also be opened with Open Office) and also use it to easily calculate weapon values on your own, but in case you just want to know the formula, here it is:
damage = (4 * gold cost * fire rate * damage factor) / (0.06 * range)
Every weapon uses this formula, with a little rounding here and there. Of course, the higher the range of a weapon, the smaller is the Damage per Second.
Weapons with limited targets also get a bonus to compensate the restriction, most of the time. To see these bonusses, refer to the Excel-Sheet.

Control Points
Every team owns 3 Control Points at the beginning of the game and each Control Points spawns 2 Marines every 20 seconds. You can also use the Control Point Teleport, to teleport to one of your teams Control Points. But to use it, you have to be right next to another Control Point of your team, or somewhere in in the inner part your base (it doesn't matter if there are still factories or not). And of course, each Control Point has a healing aura, like described above.

To conquer a Control Point, you have to be in a range of 500 of a Control Point, without any enemy in this range. Laser and Rocket Towers also block the conquering of a CP, a Barricade on the other hand slows the capturing of a CP down. Normally you need 10 seconds to capture a CP, with a Barricade you need 20. When a enemy comes into the range of a CP, while you try to capture the Point, the progress of the capturing stops and stays at the level you had, before the enemy arrived, either until the enemy or you leave the area. In case you leave the area, the progress bar goes slowly down to 0 again (it takes 20 seconds for a completely filled bar to go back to 0 again).
When you try to conquer a Control Point with more than one tank, you'll conquer the CP faster. It works like this:
Speed = 1.0 + ((Tanks - 1.0) / 4.0)
This means: 1 tanks equals the normal speed of 10 seconds and 5 tanks conquer twice as fast, in 5 seconds (or 10 seconds, when a Barricade protects the CP). Since buildings can also conquer a CP, it's actually possible to speed up the progress even more (so it only takes 4.44 seconds with those 6 units).

In the Conquest Victory-mode, your team has to own all 6 Control Points for 15 minutes to win the game. When you lose one CP, the timer slowly goes back to the 15 minutes mark again, so you won't lose the whole progress, just because of one lost CP.

Gold distribution of the Force
Each Force collects the gold they earn until the 5 minute mark. The gold will then be distributed between every player of the Force, based on this formula:
ForceGold * 4 / (NPT * 9 + 15)
NPT - number of players in a team

When working with real numbers, it comes down to this:
5 players = 33.33% (6.67% for each player)
4 players = 31.37% (7.84% for each player)
3 players = 28.57% (9.52% for each player)
2 players = 24.24% (12.12% for each player)
1 player = 16.66%

As you can see, when there are less players in one team, each of them receives more gold, but the team as a whole, gets less money. The gold which wasn't distributed between the players is lost and the Force Gold is set to 0.
The Force normally also upgrades the troops, when all upgrades already have been researched, the gold for the upgrades will also be added to Force gold, before the distribution.

When destroying a Factory of the enemy base, your Force receives a compensation for the lost creep gold. For each creep, which isn't spawning, because it's factory has been destroyed, your Force receives 4 times the bounty of this creep. The same happens with captured Control Points.
Note: Player build Factories have no influence on this.

Example: The game lasted already one hour and your team of 5 players holds every CP
After one hour, one Marine is worth 24 gold, since two Marines spawn at each CP, there is a total of 12 Marines, which is a total of 288 gold. So your Force receives 1152 gold (4 * 288) every 20 seconds for your Control Points. After 5 minutes (they spawn 3 times a minute = 15 spawns), that's a total of 17280 gold. So each player will get about 1153 gold, just for the owned Control Points.

Additionally, each player also gets income each second, it calculated that way:
32 / (NPT * 3 +5)
NPT - number of players in a team

100% Efficiency = 8 gold distributed every second to players

5 players = 1.6 gold every second for each player (100%)
4 players ~ 1.88 gold every second for each player (~94%)
3 players ~ 2.28 gold every second for each player (~85.6%)
2 players ~ 2.90 gold every second for each player (~72.7%)
1 player = 4 gold every second for each player (50%)

Thanks TKF for the numbers.

Magical and physical damage
In Battle Tanks, physical and magical damage are now treated equally. This means, both get reduced by the tank armor. The amount of armor a tank has also incluences how much physical and magical damage gets reduced.
The second sheet in the weapon formula excel file shows how much each armor value reduces the damage your tank takes (or increases, in case you have negative armor).

You receive experience (XP) for every unit you kill. BT has it's own XP-system. It works this way: for every kill, you receive 50% of the XP. It doesn't matter which of your units get the kills, where you are or even if you are alive. The other 50% of the XP are equally divided between the allied tanks in an area of 1500 around the killed unit.

You get this much XP for the different unit types:
Player summoned creeps: 6 XP
Marines, Aura Creeps: 12 XP
Commander, Zeppelin, Artillery: 24 XP
Buildings: Bounty / 2
Heroes: Bounty / 1.75

Player summoned creeps are for example:
  • Dead (Ghost Tank)
  • Mortar Teams (from any source)
  • Creeps summoned by a player factory
  • Creeps summoned by a Troop Command, Siege Pack or Advanced Troop Command
  • Creeps summoned by the consumable Reinforments and Mortar Teams
  • Creeps summoned by the Troop Command Center (except Aura Creeps)

If a tank is dead in the moment he kills a building or tank, this tank will only receive 50% XP.

Hero Death
Unlike in other AoS maps, you won't lose gold when your hero dies.
The respawn time is calculated as follows:
10.00 + (Tank worth / 3333)

Your respawn time increases by 20%, when you die within your own base.

Specific hero skills won't be discussed here, for questions, use the Tanks-Forum.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
1. I wonder how much extra gold is given totally every 5 min for destroying 1 single enemy base factory. And how much total gold is distrubuted for an advantage of 4-2 CPs every 5 min and 5-1 and 6-0.
2. I wonder how much is the acquistion range of creeps? They really disturb meSmile
"Not considering the range, 1000 range weapons are the least effective ones in the game, but easy to use. Weapons become more efficent, the more their range differs from the 1000 range."

So that's why I haven't used medium ranged weapons for a long time.Tongue
Quote:But the calculated values are not that linear. In fact, this formual has been designed in a way, which benefits long range and low range weapons. Not considering the range, 1000 range weapons are the least effective ones in the game, but easy to use. Weapons become more efficent, the more their range differs from the 1000 range.

I don't understand how this is not a linear equation. Am I doing something wrong?

When alll other variables remain constant and I just change the range doesn't the damge changes in a linear ratio with the range? If I use 500 range in the formula given then the damage I calculate is 2 times when I use 1000 range.

For instance, if gold, cool down (fire rate) and factor are all 1 then damage = 66.67 times the range every time, is that wrong?

or, if i check with actual values of real weapons then the gold/damage for tornado @ 888 range is 13.31 and the gold/damage for swarm rockets @ 1000 range is 15. 888/1000 = .888 and 13.31/15 = .888 as well. That is linear so unless I'm doing something wrong in my calculations that's a linear equation you're using.

Wouldn't you need the equation for a parabola or soemthing liek that to get extra benefit for 500 and 1300 range? A parabola is the set of all points in a plane equaidistant from a focus point and a fixed line (directrix) not containing the focus point: y =4cx (with focus (c, 0) and directrix x = -c) or x2 = 4cy (same thing but sideways)
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
Ok, I have to admit that I'm not sure about that.
About two years ago, before I applied the new formula, I made a comparison between the old formula and the new one. You could see the effect there. Maybe the old formula was the unlinear one. Unfortunately, the old forum, where this topic has been discussed, has been deleted and don't know the old formula anymore :/

But it's a fact, that the new formula improved the low and high range weapons, compared to medium range.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
In old formula, long range and short range weapons had less dps than medium range weapon. Old formula must have been nonlinear.
And it was logically better than new one. Because long range and short range have significant advantages than medium range.

To understand the advantage of short and long range i have 2 examples.
Imagine a weapon with 200 range. Cost is 10k. Its dps will be ~3300. When a tank with this weapon tp and stun you, you are dead in seconds before you are released from stun.. It will be too imba..
Imagine a weapon with 3500 range and 10k and hero only. Its dps will be 200. But it will hit you safely and permanently. And out of tp range...

Longer range gets safer and and shorter range gets dangerous.
About range:
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
It would also be good to mention how there is no death penalty, how the death timer is calculated
There should also be a mention of the mechanics of how a CP teleport works (delay, CP aoe and stun cancelling)
How explosived/mines/bombs work (formula for how dmg is calculated as you are further away)
How the junkyard works (how much the items actually cost, refund ammounts and leaver item refunds after an elapsed time)
The resale value (50%) of tanks should also be in there somewhere - I get asked that question by newbies a lot.
Into Alien Crossfire? It has been almost 10 years. Time to update your datalinks.
Try out my Comprehensive Datalinks Update. Now v1.3!
i like the new linear formula better. going short range is not imba because it's incredibly hard to siege a base with it and also you can get killed if you can't reach your enemy, ya, u can tp, stun and kill easy with short range, but a 1k range guy can also stun you and kill you without taking any damage or get flying tank and stay out of your range by using impassible terrain. A short range player is completely screwed by a skilled 1k ranged frost tank, and by any idiot in a sky fortress with 1k range... anyways, long story short, i like the current formula and i hope it doesn't change.
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
weapon formula is good the way it is except for:
-building only weapons, they are almost never used
-player only, high range, short/normal cd weapons (death magic)
Updated with info about Control Points and Gold distribution of the Force.

@GooglyBoogly: this will also be added later.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
The gold distribution section should also cover the case when force upgrades are fully and partially maxxed out.
Into Alien Crossfire? It has been almost 10 years. Time to update your datalinks.
Try out my Comprehensive Datalinks Update. Now v1.3!
Updated with info about Magical and physical damage, experience and hero death.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
i'd like to see how the kick-vote system works
often the vote results in 4:2 and the player won't be kicked out, even if the player himself votes yes(dunno why he voted yes Oo)!
how many votes do you need for a sucessful kick?
is there a min. vote number?
for example:
you need x+2 yes' and x no's for the kick(?).
well what about the kick system now?
i still don't really know how it works.
Getting pretty extensive now - should be stickied
Into Alien Crossfire? It has been almost 10 years. Time to update your datalinks.
Try out my Comprehensive Datalinks Update. Now v1.3!
What is the time a weapon takes to fire first shot, when target gets into range?

When using torpedo and rocket hail on a tinker tower and creeps move in, the tower shot and torpedo come at the same time, while the rocket hail fires slightly earlier. I suspect its something like half weapon cooldown it takes for first shot to fire, so that if a target is just for 1.6 seconds in 1300 range a torpedo will not be fired.
Not at all. Weapons fire every x seconds. Lets assume it is onboard ability canon. It has 1 sec cooldown. When you take this ability or revive (if you died), it will start a 1 sec timer and every 1 sec it will fire to an opponent. If there is no opponent it does not matter because timer will still continue. If your enemy comes into range in 0.99th second of cooldown, then it will fire 0.01 seconds after. If your enemy enters your range in 0.5th sec of cooldown, then it will fire 0.5 sec after.
To try this, drop your weapons of same kind and pick them, you will see they will attack in an unsynchronized way...
I thought the moment you get in range, your weapons take their cd to fire their first shot. I have never seen anything fire instantly when in range.

Correct me if im wrong but, what youre saying is, all weapons follow their own global cooldown timer? That would mean once you 'unsynchronize' 2 of the same weapons, that they will never fire at the same time ever again until you 'resyncrhonize' them? which by the way, would be close to impossible (you would have to pick up the weapon exactly when the other weapon's cd is at 0.
this is exactly how it works, yes.

you can also get 5 upgraded basic magics, randomly drop and picking them up again just to make people fear you. few people have ever seen a basic magic fighter shooting in machine gun-like intervals.

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