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Ban request (old)
feeding all the time to get a fast game.
he hasn't got the 80% for ranked league bots yet, i think he should be banned so he cant ruin these games too.
a friend sent me this replay.
he wants to ban the blue player for afk.
never watched, i trust himSmile

about min 40 he said.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

StarCraft II: Aggi, Charcode: 110
League of Legends: Agginator
Please ban ChickanDaddy.

1. Of the 13 games played he has left 6...that's nearly 50% of all league games!

2. Follow his movements through this game, particularly after 20 minutes. He farms out too far, then dies. Farms out alone too far and dies. Over and over and over. I have watched this replay very carefully: This player did not ONCE teleport to save a control point! Not once. Not ever. Unacceptable for league. Even Computer(Easy) TPs to save control points!

It is completely unfair to the league community to suffer when the balance of the game's lowest common denominator becomes about leavers and lamers.

Whether this game sabotage is intentional or pure ignorance I don't care to know, but this person should not be ruining league games. Check out his CP TP count, a very clear trend compared to the rest of the team in EVERY game he has ever played in league. The team is tping in, he is NEVER coming. This is no exaggeration either, I mean NEVER tping save a control point. This is acceptable for league play??? Allies MUST assist the team and not 'farm in their own little world.' That's what TDs are for.
3. Check out his full record of only 13 games...there has not been a single game where he hasn't fed horribly. He's ruining EVERY game he plays! Take a look.

This is not "Make a wish foundation", please prevent this retard from ruining anymore league games.

- Rob
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.
this is called stalking.
foxerer ( green ) start whining on min 15.
after we told him to stop beeing a noob and stay behind force, especially gray said alot times he's a noob, he started feed on purpose.
u can read in the chatbox that he wanna feed the other team because we are no teamplayers and also count how often he wanna die.
in the end we lost the game because of him, he ruined the whole game and my day too.

good luck to you

~=| LuVs |=~
Player: B4F-gaylords

What: He build cannon towers in front of there base so he blocked all creeps, that Bug Abusing.

Time: From the beginning
Player Black_Cayman

At around 36 Min he starts flaming because he didnt got a single lane, then he went afkai for around 40 mins
Player: True_Creep

On 28th minute (and earlyier i think) he started to run into the enemy as a tinker with the aim to get killed.
With this action he wanted to give the enemy money because he quarreled with a team mate (and finally wanted to punish the team mate)
I like 2 get lilwil21 banned.

When there team started losing he started feeding on purpose. I told him it was lame, and could get him banned. He sayed that then BOT HOST had told him it was ok. Now.. what kinde of SHI* is that 2 say Confusedhock:

game is name: BTanks League Beta #42245

If u see his score list u can see he did it before or check chatlog for his comments.

Hope u ban him, for that just sucks!!
wheres your replay?
hey lilwil :lol:

@nikok: i also know true_creep as a flamer and camper, but never seen him too feed on purpose. i like to see him banned too. 3 games with this guy were too much...
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

StarCraft II: Aggi, Charcode: 110
League of Legends: Agginator
Ban request for: theeegamer
15min before game end he sell all and feed 0-36
Don't worry, don't cry, take ecstasy and flyExclamation
User: Hardcoremuffin Color: Grey
Bot: Battle Tanks League Qualify (so no link)

Reason: after losing a CP in 14:30 (wasn't supported as noone watched that side and he didn't blink) he started to turn aggro and start to useless feed on purpose after min 17:00 until the end.


P.S.: There should be a report formular for guests aswellWink.
yellow : zWx

When lost all cps and defending base : bought bomb try to plant in base ( but not allowed) so bomb external towers and went afk. at 25 mn.(not that we would have won, but bad spirit)
BTanks League Beta #42370
Pink is a feeder and want to comeback to ancient kick mode.
I don't know all he said, i'm not speaking Deutch (allemand?).

Player: RiEsEn

- Grief playing (bombing teammates)
- flaming
- feeding on purpose
started to feed on purpose because i didnt want to give up (even tho i asked him several times to stop that)
(they are responsible for their crappy stats not me - so i want them to play this till the end)
penalty win lose leave
111.01 22 21 8
Like 2 get Born2dlpron banned.

Played with him 3 times now, all the times he starts FLAMMING like hell.....then he gos "AFK" in base with out leaving, so team cant kick him.

U really should read chatlog! He is dizzing ALLMOST every player in the game.

BTanks League Beta #42545
Ps. Tryed to upload savegame 3 times now....dosnt work!

Any help me out here.....??
Hi, I am requesting a ban on player "Born2dlPorn" (Player RED)

I have only played a single game with this player but from what I heard in game from a couple other players, he has a record of blatant team and opponent trash talk.

In regards to the game in question though:
-Trash talk starts around 45:00-50:00min. into game. Raging against a teammate that is doing relatively well, and from what i could see, for no apparent reason such as "stealing" a kill or not porting to save a ctr pt. etc.

-Intermittent trash talk for the next 10min.

-@59:00 this player essentially quits with the active, yet unvoiced intention of ruining a strong, good, and balanced game.
-@59:32 player directly makes comment saying that he's going to sit behind our castle and wait the game out. (fyi this is so far a pretty balanced game, and it's not like we are starting to become over-run or anything like that, relative stand-off)

-For the duration of the rest of the total game length of 2hrs he sits back in our base behind our castle. At this point i stopped watching the replay, but i distinctly remember that maybe 10-15min.(don't quote me on this time) red left his spot behind the castle and purchased a bomb, then ran around the inside of our base before returning to his post behind the tank shop. Although he didn't make a comment in regards to it after i asked him about the bomb, i can only assume that he intended to drop the bomb within our own base to hinder our attempts at a win. (Game was still at a relative stand-off although purp had recently quit the game so at this pt. with red sitting out, it was essentially 3v5 odd against us.

-Intermittently during his hour long session of not going directly afk for 5min. to allow us to votekick him through to the end of the game he would occasionally make raging comments.

In the end, my/our team, the Dark Force, prevailed against all odds of essentially 3v5 to conquer the Light Force. Irregardless of the fact that we still managed to win, RED in-directly attempted to hinder our attempts to win the game by blatantly keeping himself from directly going afk so a votekick could be initiated. I feel that this fact alone rather then any of the "trash talk" is grounds for a ban. If not a ban, I hope that I have managed to brings this players attitude to the attention of the btanks community so that an eye can be kept on his future actions. Here is the direct game statistics from the league beta tracker.

Also attached should be a full replay of the entire game to view for action verification. If my attachment doesn't work, please let me know so that I can attempt to fix my replay attachment.

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