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Ban request (old)
TKF Wrote:
l2kassassisn Wrote:WOW YOU BAN ME, BUT YOU DIDN"T BAN Born2dlPorn, WTF The justice system here is rubbish!
So you want to appeal your ban? If you state more clearer why you shouldn't be banned the admin will consider unbanning you. Don't just spam large letters it doesn't help you much.

According to your account it seems you are somehwat a stable player.

Look, i appealed my ban TWICE and that mode told me that I am banned for life
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request for: mechbot9971 (green)
reason: insulting others, trashtalk, racism

cant remember a time.. but since it starts it last till end...

hope you guys understand.

a good example how a game shouldn't be.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

StarCraft II: Aggi, Charcode: 110
League of Legends: Agginator
AGGInator Wrote:request for: mechbot9971 (green)
reason: insulting others, trashtalk, racism

cant remember a time.. but since it starts it last till end...

hope you guys understand.

a good example how a game shouldn't be.
well, i see only a good flamer... but still he had some good stats...
just ignore players like this one next time.

but... how does banning him for a week for not knowing velocity2k sound? ^^
Not yet totally dead, you can find the Team and possibly new and old Players on our new Discord Server. Join by this Instant Invite:
could a mod delete this post?
i del. the content...
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

StarCraft II: Aggi, Charcode: 110
League of Legends: Agginator
well xD

u wanna ban someone because he said "nigger" ?!?
this guy is on bnet useast, in east live so much black people that call each other nigger.
i know its not nice calling other a nigger or some like that but....
1 word is not enough for a ban, i think
what he did was flame but u, aggi, flamed as well, starting at min 5.


ps: u r a noobWink, c ya in next game
~=| LuVs |=~
ICE2607 Wrote:well xD

u wanna ban someone because he said "nigger" ?!?
this guy is on bnet useast, in east live so much black people that call each other nigger.
i know its not nice calling other a nigger or some like that but....
1 word is not enough for a ban, i think
what he did was flame but u, aggi, flamed as well, starting at min 5.


ps: u r a noobWink, c ya in next game

If someone calls someone a nigger online, I am sure its not meant in a friendly way. It is a "fad" that lacks any kind of logic, and considering its nearly impossible to know if both of those players are black, it should just be considered racism.
start from 34'00" in replay. Prohunter attempted to kick teal(name: Klator) with a 4-12 stats, but can not initiate such a vote even after teal fed more to 4-17. However, teal successfully imitated a vote to kick prohunter(stats: 3-4) as a revenge. Teal confessed (replay at 42'10") that he had hack software that made him invulnerable to be kicked and he can ban anyone at his will using the hack software.
I was in the game, I don't know if it is true that he had a hack program but he kept saying that he can ban us and everything.
Totally nonsense, he can't ban you (at least not on the league botsWink).
would you trust me if i say i know where you're living and would try to kidnap your cookies? ^^
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

StarCraft II: Aggi, Charcode: 110
League of Legends: Agginator


started to bomb his teammates in the mid because he didnt like the tinker & the fact that he didnt get any creeps

I would have done the same thing last night too.after 20min im lvl7 :lol: . tinker steal everything in the middle :evil: . please delete tinker from the league mode Big Grin
Wer aufhört, besser zu werden, hat aufgehört, gut zu sein.
I Heart my Denglisch
Thats why I am more often playing the Bug PRO Mode without the shitty tinker *g*.
gah that guy just pissed me off
Ger-Dyers-Eve Wrote:Thats why I am more often playing the Bug PRO Mode without the shitty tinker *g*.

these games are even more pathetic ... just did a game and got every single stat beside the engineer & my tank was worth 28k (within 29 min)
Ich bitte darum,den spieler lerrkan für 1-2wochen zu bannen.Er hat als team name Hitler eingegeben.Habe ihn dann geändert.Was ihm aber nichtgefallen hat.Er änderte ihn wieder zu Hitler.Ich meinte dann das ich ihn reporten werde(reporten wird bei der Dliga gesagt,wenn man jemanden bei den Admins meldet).Habe den namen dann wieder geändert,daraufhin hat er ihn zu Nazi gewechselt.Rassismus hin oder her.Irgendwo ist eine grenze.Ich bin der meinung das man den leuten sowas nicht durchgehen lassen sollte.Und bitte halt um den 1-2wochen ban,um den spielern mal klar zu machen,das sie sich nicht benehmen können wie sie möchten.Ich bitte vielmals um entschuldigung das ich das auf deutsch schreibe,aber der googleübersetzer gibt mal garnicht das wieder,was ich schreiben möchte :cry: Vieleicht ist ja jemand so nett,und übersetzt das für mich ins englische.

GameID: 14671
Gamename: BTanks League Beta #36114
Wer aufhört, besser zu werden, hat aufgehört, gut zu sein.
I Heart my Denglisch
Quote:Ich bitte darum,den spieler lerrkan für 1-2wochen zu bannen.Er hat als team name Hitler eingegeben.Habe ihn dann geändert.Was ihm aber nichtgefallen hat.Er änderte ihn wieder zu Hitler.Ich meinte dann das ich ihn reporten werde(reporten wird bei der Dliga gesagt,wenn man jemanden bei den Admins meldet).Habe den namen dann wieder geändert,daraufhin hat er ihn zu Nazi gewechselt.Rassismus hin oder her.Irgendwo ist eine grenze.Ich bin der meinung das man den leuten sowas nicht durchgehen lassen sollte.Und bitte halt um den 1-2wochen ban,um den spielern mal klar zu machen,das sie sich nicht benehmen können wie sie möchten.Ich bitte vielmals um entschuldigung das ich das auf deutsch schreibe,aber der googleübersetzer gibt mal garnicht das wieder,was ich schreiben möchte Vieleicht ist ja jemand so nett,und übersetzt das für mich ins englische.

Player: Larrkan
Reason: Racism teamnames (hitler and nazi), also after changing into some kind of non-racism. Those players should be taught, that they cant do eveything they want.

(ok, its short, but including everything, which I consider as important)
stibi- Wrote:player


started to bomb his teammates in the mid because he didnt like the tinker & the fact that he didnt get any creeps


fucking idiot why you banned me instead remove gay ass tinker from league noob admins :evil:
Erwin_Rommel Wrote:fucking idiot why you banned me instead remove gay ass tinker from league noob admins :evil:
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

StarCraft II: Aggi, Charcode: 110
League of Legends: Agginator

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