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Anti-Air Tank
I've been noticing that airship is the most used tier 2 tank BY FAR in league, I mean there's no comparison. There is a good reason for this, it's spells farm well, but most importantly its a very mobile air unit. I've noticed a majority of the mid / late mid game tanks have dedicated anti-ground abilities, in fact it's not intil demon tank, a whopping 10k that we have access to a tank with an "anti-air" ability so to speak. Since heavy and thunder tank don't have the mobility to keep up with it the best early counter for airships is... other airships whoop dee-doo. Now you may say, well these land tanks can buy nets, well air tanks can buy nets too and be just as effective. If we tally up all of the abilities that hit ground only vs. the abilities that hit air only you find that including the side effect abilities we have.

Air only: 3 (Nets, Banish, Sky fortress Pull)
Ground only: 8 (heli bombard, Demolisher Artillery, Shred, thunder hammer, earthquake, flamestrike, thunderquake, hunter gas)

More than twice as many for dedicated anti-ground. In fact we can't directly counter airships intil 10k demon, however 6.5k goblin, 7.5k earth, and 8k sky tank and 9k hunter are all ready to beat the shit out of any thunder and heavy tanks that walk the planet. I'd actually like to suggest a mid game anti-air tank to rival the tank's i've mentioned above and their massive anti-ground capabilities.

Tank - Radioactive Sludge (Come on we already have a walking tree and enchanted statue running around)
Model - Sea Elemental
Cost - 7000
Speed - 280
Manacost - All abilities have the normal 10x(ability rank) for normal abilities and the ultimate has the normal 10x(ability rank)+30

First Ability - Acid Bomb (Alcemist Acid Bomb Mechanic)
Description: Throws a blob of Radioactive Sludge onto a target unit, the unit along with surrounding units with take damage per second based on level. The acid will also seep into the target's generator causing to (if it's a hero) lose mana per second. Can be thrown at 1000 range or less. (Suped up demolisher ult with aoe to farm creeps)

lvl 1 75 dps 4 mps ManaCost: 10
lvl 2 150 dps 8 mps ManaCost: 20
lvl 3 225 dps 12 mps ManaCost: 30
lvl 4 300 dps 16 mps ManaCost: 40
lvl 5 375 dps 20 mps ManaCost: 50

Second Ability - Tempest (Druid of the Talon Cyclone with invuneriblity removed(is that possible?))
Description: Calls upon a cyclone onto a taget hero, the unit is immobilized in the sky for a set period of time. If cast on a "ground" unit the unit will be treated as an "air" unit.

lvl 1 0.5 seconds (Duration)
lvl 2 1.0 second
lvl 3 1.5 seconds
lvl 4 2.0 seconds
lvl 4 2.5 seconds

Third Abilitiy - Poison Gale "Air only" (Shadow Strike)
Description: Launches a concentration of poisonous spores into the wind, they will attach themselves to a target air tank slowing it and causing damage over time. Can be Launched at a 1000 Range. Shadow strike buff will cause a 15% slow on targetted unit. Buff will be removed if unit is no longer (see ability #2) an air unit.

lvl 1 175 initial damage 20 dps
lvl 2 350 initial damage 40 dps
lvl 3 525 initial damage 60 dps
lvl 4 700 initial damage 80 dps
lvl 5 875 initial damage 100 dps

Ultimate Ability - Acid Rain (Aoe spell like thunderstorm hits all units, puts up a aoe slow that hits air only)
Description: Causes an Acid Rain cloud in a target area. The Rain will last for a period of time and deal damage per second and reduce armor to the units in the aoe. The Raincloud also contains smog that will slow down any air units trying to pass through it by 25% lasts 10 seconds

lvl 1 125 dps -1 armor
lvl 2 250 dps -2 armor
lvl 3 375 dps -3 armor
lvl 4 500 dps -4 armor
lvl 5 625 dps -5 armor

Passive Tank Cannon - Flak Spores (Phoenix fire Orb of Venom Ranged animation)
Description: "air only" passive tank cannon, pretty simple Range 1000. Prefered something more rapid fire with less burst damage.

lvl 1 120 dps
lvl 2 240 dps
lvl 3 360 dps
lvl 4 480 dps
lvl 5 600 dps
That tank is way too strong....
Goblin Tank+Porter+Net=Anti Air Tank par excelence.
Well, the idea behind this is not too bad, but I don't see why you would suggest a 7k tank, to counter an (in your opinion) overused 4k tank? ;)
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
and there is a fine weapon for only 1k more which work well against airtanks.
you know the flakcannon, right??
would be a better choice because it will also change to antiground if the game reaches final state where the most powerful tanks are groundtanks. (except of a skyfortress war^^)
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

StarCraft II: Aggi, Charcode: 110
League of Legends: Agginator
AGGInator Wrote:and there is a fine weapon for only 1k more which work well against airtanks.
you know the flakcannon, right??
would be a better choice because it will also change to antiground if the game reaches final state where the most powerful tanks are groundtanks. (except of a skyfortress war^^)
flak cannon or aa gun are useless
you dont get it , it is the range melee max 800 vs a air which 1300 range , do you think who will win
air will win run and hit
use creep as cover
if at first you get feed by air , by the time he change to ground , you already lose AGGInator dont get it ..........
6k air swap on normal weapon are good but it is not enough , maybe you need to make one 3k anti air weapon

Ger-Dyers-Eve Wrote:Goblin Tank+Porter+Net=Anti Air Tank par excelence.
what if 3 air gang you ? not only anti air i need mult anti air weapons
Here's my blunt idea of a mid tier anti air tank.

Blaster Tank (6000)

A tank which has abilities which makes it more effective against air units and a good counter against troop spammers. It's abilities focus on hitting several units and is good vs clusters, but not as focused as hunter, which specialize in killing tanks. It's also a bit versatile and can be good against ground tanks as well, but it lacks stunning capabilities vs ground. Weak vs short range tanks and tank killers. Strong vs ghost tank, tank with creep summons, creeps, Air Tanks.

HP: 6000
Armor: 6
Speed: 310

Concussion Shot (Q) (Active)

Does 300 damage pr level on a single unit and causes 50% damage on nearby units near the target. Has 1500 range. Must target a unit. Causes 2 seconds 50% slow on affected targets.

Missile Barrage (W) (Active)

Fires a small rocket hail on nearby targets within 900 range, does 250 damage pr level, also does 50% more damage against air targets and air targets get stunned for 1.5 seconds, but doesn't stun ground targets. 10 mana pr level.

Density Field (E) (Passive)

Creates an dense field around the tank which increase the damage reduction of the tank by 3% pr level. Also slows the speed of nearby air units within 900 range by 8% pr level. (Alternative instead of slow, it can do damage pr second to air units withing 900 range of the tank, maybe 70 pr level)

Unstable Blast Grenade (R) (Active)

Fires a special chain reaction grenade that causes 800 area of effect damage + 200 damage for each level. For each unit which get killed by the grenade, the killed units explodes for 400 damage + 100 damage pr level, causing an potential heavy chain reaction of explosions as the units killed by chain reaction also explodes. Effective vs enemies which uses troop command and summons, and good vs large number of creeps. Bad vs few units. 40 mana + 10 pr level.
The tank looks very cool, but I have to say something:

Make the skills a little bit "worse" and sell this tank for 4k. 6k-tanks (like heavy or gobo) are very good at this moment, so we need perhaps a thrid choise for unpatient people.

Because: Who gets the thunder tank? Only people, who are unpatient to wait for heavy or gobo.
hey devs..
did u hear it???
flak and aa are USELESS..
never seen ingame! just remove it pls.. lol

we all have no clue!!.. Confusedhock:
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

StarCraft II: Aggi, Charcode: 110
League of Legends: Agginator
it is useless because it is too close range unless you have a teleporter , if it is heli , he can stun you and run away
you come closer to the air , the air will sure to back to make them out of range , + you need to constantly go to and back of your cp due to air dmg your tank
air with long range can hide at cp and farm for more gold
here another possible anti air tank i just thought of.

Dragonhunter (5000)
Armor: 3
Movement Type: Air
Movement Speed: 290

Seeking Missile [Q] (Active)
Send two missiles towards the target in a range of 1000, each able to deal damage. If the target moves out of range, the missiles may hit the ground dealing all the damage around the targeted ground. Missiles may be shot down.
Level 1: 150 Damage per Missile, max range of 1000
Level 2: 225 Damage per Missile, max range of 1075
Level 3: 300 Damage per Missile, max range of 1150
Level 4: 375 Damage per Missile, max range of 1225
Level 5: 450 Damage per Missile, max range of 1300

EMP Orb [W] (Active)
Sends an fast moving orb towards the direction the Dragonhunter is flying. After a range of 900 it detonates in an area of 450, dealing less damage while releasing an EMP shockwave which cripples down all movement speed by 15% and armor of nearby enemy units. If the orb hits an flying hero unit before reaching the target location, all effects are doubled towards the hero being hit and mana is being consumed for additional 75 damage.
Level 1: AoE deals 50 Damage, decreasing Armor by 1, maximum depleted mana on single target of 3.
Level 2: AoE deals 75 Damage, decreasing Armor by 1.5, maximum depleted mana on single target of 3.
Level 3: AoE deals 100 Damage, decreasing Armor by 2, maximum depleted mana on single target of 4.
Level 4: AoE deals 125 Damage, decreasing Armor by 2.5, maximum depleted mana on single target of 4.
Level 5: AoE deals 150 Damage, decreasing Armor by 3, maximum depleted mana on single target of 5.

Ignition [E] (Passive)
Ignition increases the speed output by a couple of points. Moreover after using a spell, the speed of the Dragonhunter is increased by 10% for a couple of seconds. Ignition isn't stackable on itself.
Level 1: Increases default speed by 40. Effect lasts 5 seconds.
Level 2: Increases default speed by 75. Effect lasts 6 seconds.
Level 3: Increases default speed by 110. Effect lasts 7 seconds.
Level 4: Increases default speed by 145. Effect lasts 8 seconds.
Level 5: Increases default speed by 180. Effect lasts 9 seconds.

Hail of Missile [R] (Active)
After activating the spell, the Dragonhunter fires a 8 missiles against the targeted location, each dealing high damage and a littloe stun. Before activating, the Dragonhunter needs 1 second to prepare for the massive output.
Level 1: Missiles dealing 60 Damage and stunning for 0.3 seconds each to targeted location.
Level 2: Missiles dealing 80 Damage and stunning for 0.6 seconds each to targeted location.
Level 3: Missiles dealing 100 Damage and stunning for 0.9 seconds each to targeted location.
Level 4: Missiles dealing 120 Damage and stunning for 1.2 seconds each to targeted location.
Level 5: Missiles dealing 140 Damage and stunning for 1.5 seconds each to targeted location.

Flak [T] (Passive)
Tank cannon, two projectiles with 900 range and a 0.8 second cooldown.
Level 1: 50 damage per projectile. DPS of 125.
Level 2: 80 damage per projectile. DPS of 200.
Level 3: 110 damage per projectile. DPS of 275.
Level 4: 140 damage per projectile. DPS of 350.
Level 5: 170 damage per projectile. DPS of 425.

Possible Model: Space Orc Condor

__edit: typo and possible model
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An air-irsh Anti-Air-Tank? Well, at first I wanted to say, thats quite strange and dumb, but the idea looks GREAT!
well the idea of the both last tanks is nice
i would be happy to see a air ship counter but if you are true you have to say in 1 vs 1 thunder is even stronger than the ship
i myselve dont like thunder but i hate to play against it when im airship xD
after this tank we need an anti anti air tankBig Grin
I really do not see why we need an anti-air tank when there is one of the strongest items in the game anti-air: netlauncher.
Acually, it seems there will be no more new tank. So you should stop expecting ^^
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
srsly, anyone who has everplayed heavy vs air ship knows, that the heavy is already stronger, sure you have to buy speed, but thats usefull up until Titan, so i am d'accord with indete and say we really dont need a new tank.

but i would have no problem we a new generation of weapons, like flak and aa but for 3000 gold and a little bit better range, because 6k is too much to use it really in any game flow!
Net is a piece of shit. First you have to fucking catch up to them, then you have to make sure you're in range ~800. then you hope there aren't any creeps near the bastard.
Your doing it wrong, sir
Boobies Wrote:Net is a piece of shit. First you have to fucking catch up to them, then you have to make sure you're in range ~800. then you hope there aren't any creeps near the bastard.
yea but normally you are out of hp then you can sort of net him if he use long range weapons make him chase you that it the point but if they have 2 6k 1300 range weapon that is different story
normally air dont chase you that is the problem ,because you need to go to and fro to your cp which is different for air which 70 % of the time farming for creep
you will a bit less money but more gold at a lane that is not defend by air due to less walking time
yea net is a piece of shit i agree , firstly it reduce your gold by 600 second it is not unlimited , you need to buy it again , it make early game more suck
third in mid game if he dont use air , you waste half of your net gold by selling it

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