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New Role For Imba Raider-Ninja Nuker...
Pretty much just figured out another way to use Raider, late game....Ninja Nuker... Now that used to be hard late game since you can't tele into enemy base, but the Raider's Ultimate spell isnt Affected...Combined with the Raider's Self Heal spell...You can nuke enemy base with impunity with the right team cover/distraction... weather your ahead or behind....

Basic Idea: Farm well (either good guns/gold hull, or Adv troops). Get Raider ulti to level 3 and 2x gold hull (upgrade when necessary). Once enemy factories start dieing, change loadout to 2x gold hull, smoke, Advanced Troops OR Orbital Control, Speed Pack (Or just speed if you have CP close to enemy base). 6th Slot goes to Nukes, which if all enemy factories are destroyed, you should be able to afford 1 or 2 every 5 min.

Now with your Ninja Nuker Loadout, while your team is distracting enemy on lane, Rush to base, cast self-Heal/deflect, smoke, Cast Ultimate Tele from Inner Tower Ring to HQ, Plant Nuke. Either Before you tele OR after you plant nuke Cast your Troop Cmd/Orbital.

The Smoke/tele is to avoid getting stunned while planting, but you may need to use smoke to cover your approach to enemy base instead, Hence the "Ninja" aspect. Casting Troops after you plant will Tank Damage from HQ tower/Players, prevent nuke from dieing b4 timer.

Since Raider Ulti tele lasts 6 seconds before porting you back, timing your planting right is crucial to planting successfully and porting out b4 explosion, if you plan on surviving, and with Heal spell/2x gold hull you can tank ~20k damage while planting. (Assuming ~10k from heal and ~15k start hp)

How I learned to do this, and why Raider should be tweaked in future versions:

I Forgot to save the Replay, but here's what basically happened and how i learned to do this...Was playing a ranked game with Wupti on enemy team, among other very good players both sides, me probably being the worst. My side was doing decent all around till enemy team kicked a player (Score: 1/5/5 mid lane i think) at around 14 minutes +/-. Just the right time for Wupti to rush demon demon at 21 min.+/-.

Then Wupti started owning our whole team, especially w/ tele. So i switched from Medi to shredder, at which point our whole team was ground, so wupti goes axe, and i soon change again to raider. Long story short, wupti was only one fed on enemy so we had 5/6 CP at one point and i got adv troop to help kill base faster. Then wupti/his team rushed infernals and took back CPs, and eventually got All CP and Titan. At this point Wupti had ~100kills, to his team's ~200, and our team's ~100 kills.

At this point, a fellow infernal and me took turns nuking HQ (Full HP at this point), while rest of team defended/distracted by attempting to cap CPs with tanks and tinkers.

This Tactic was so effective, An Enemy infernal changed to Raider to copy my ninja nuking, but failed since he only had 1 gold hull and didnt time his heal spell well., then changed back to infernal again after 10 minutes of fail nuking. At nearly two hours into the game, it came to a point of who could nuke enemy base faster... and when we should have lost to Wupti and his Titan, we won.

If it weren't for Wupti/team and saving their stuns just for me while planting Nuke, His HQ would have been toast A LOT sooner.....Comments?
I always like, when people come up with new and unusual strategies ;) But the Raider will receive some nerfs in the next version (which will be pretty soon). One of them will be, that his ultimate will be affected by Teleport Breakers. With this, it should be easier to defend against a scenario like you described.
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dude .. u sucked hard that game!

But i have to admit it , that tactic was awesomeBig Grin
Especially when i started bombing them too , it was over..
Raider need big nurf..

Imagine that raider can stand a titan game.. thats so imba so plz do something about it
Don't be racist!
Be like a panda
Its white and black
Asian but fat:)
Yeah, I remember when scout could stand against titans before it was balanced. I guess it will be more balanced.
we know 4 gold hulls lol

but really like this = no weapon or little weapon

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