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Ban Request (cont. II)
(2012-08-12, 00:59:12)progg Wrote:

reason: insult, flame, team sabotage, trolling, regular AFKing FadmU (1)
Hmmmm...... if i will see more stupid games of him....

(2012-08-16, 00:35:58)progg Wrote:

reason: eco sabotage, denial of playing XMAL (3)
reason: team sabotage
~ 50 min demolisher,only stupid weapons and in the end he bought tinker -.-

(2012-08-18, 04:36:31)progg Wrote:

reason: flame, insult. Saiyan_Phoenix (2)
Sure there were some insults of him, but i also would be annoyed about unnessary suggestions and chatting Big Grin

(2012-08-27, 01:24:30)progg Wrote:

reason: dumudium voted to kick purp. He said to his team that he's controlled by AI so they kick him. He had 3-5. (another example of how bad kick system is 3-5 kickable, but lb with 3-15 wasn't).
Anyway kicking a guy with 3-5 and tricking noobs in team that he's controlled by AI just to get leaver gold and easy win is IMO eco sabotage. And simple bitch way to win. Dumdium (1)


reason: "go fuck your mother" and after he used ulti on me during fight so i can't kill or can't run few times he said "i said, i will make it on you". So also team sabotage.
(2012-08-30, 20:09:09)stibi- Wrote: game
reason denial of playing, hiding behind the hq jack_ice (1)
reason: denial of playing
Hope he will ask back for his account after 1 week Wink

(2012-09-01, 17:29:02)progg Wrote:

reason: flame, blame, insult, unsocial behaviour.
when red saveed for his fort i made 3 ups, purp and and yellow instaed making 4th - they tried to kick red ;O they ruined a game wich was easy to win. FadmU (1)
disapproved Urbanflare (3)

progg. u should try to stay cool for some Ranked games Tongue

Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

best part of this game was the question from urbanflare:

-> [34:10] [urbanflare]: is progg always this annoying
-> [24/7] [Tez.Sick]: Hell yeah!

(2012-09-01, 18:51:08)RaptorXI Wrote: game:
player: IIILLLIII (1)

reason: flaming, denial of playing (switched from sky to fortress to heli, hided in the base) IIILLLIII (1)
reason: eco sabotage

(2012-09-04, 17:56:12)progg Wrote:

reason: "go fuck your mother" and after he used ulti on me during fight so i can't kill or can't run few times he said "i said, i will make it on you". So also team sabotage. masterkiller21 (1)
disapproved progg. (1)
reason: flame, insult

Really....... masterkiller21 was the best teamplayer in dark force, he bought hunter for mid, did so much ups (he even sold his hull for last upgrade ) i saw tb and nets, then he put repair in tower........ he never deserve a ban!!!!

progg. just blame masterkiller21 for everything..........

Maybe someone would like to read it Confused (first advice at minute 36) Big Grin

[00:00] [drakulas]: Player [konors] has been unmuted after 30 sec auto mute due to spamming.
[00:00] [skytomb]: -zoom 4540
[00:00] [drakulas]: Please wait. Players are still loading the map.
[00:00] [progg.]: -rc
[00:00] [progg.]: -zoom 4000
[00:00] [drakulas]: Player [ichwillrotsein] finished loading.
[00:00] [im_no_pro]: y not fadmu and kasanagi
[00:00] [progg.]: bot
[00:00] [drakulas]: Player [masterkiller21] finished loading.
[00:00] [masterkiller21]: -zoom 4444
[00:00] [drakulas]: Player [drakulas] finished loading.
[00:00] [drakulas]: Player [konors] finished loading.
[00:00] [drakulas]: Shortest load by player [im_no_pro] was 27.34 seconds.
[00:00] [drakulas]: Longest load by player [konors] was 61.34 seconds.
[00:00] [drakulas]: Your load time was 40.10 seconds.
[00:00] [masterkiller21]: -rc
[00:00] [im_no_pro]: top
[00:07] [konors]: hahah
[00:20] [progg.]: hi
[00:22] [konors]: gj ich
[00:26] [konors]: -zoom 4500
[00:26] [im_no_pro]: rot du wirst verlieren ^^
[00:27] [ichwillrotsein]: ty
[00:29] [konors]: -rc
[00:34] [ichwillrotsein]: ah was
[00:47] [im_no_pro]: du hast grey and lb
[01:16] [ichwillrotsein]: pls no flame this game
[01:28] [progg.]: shut up!
[01:30] [progg.]: ;)
[01:35] [ichwillrotsein]: BANNED!
[01:40] [JK_Livingstone]: and no gonting
[01:43] [ichwillrotsein]: xD
[02:11] [progg.]: -stats 8
[03:10] [JK_Livingstone]: no wave ?
[03:19] [progg.]: -stats 8
[03:20] [im_no_pro]: already used
[05:36] [progg.]: -stats 8
[07:13] [fadmu]:  
[07:25] [progg.]: lol
[07:26] [ichwillrotsein]: awww
[07:29] [ichwillrotsein]: all hit me?!!
[07:37] [progg.]: only u was in range
[07:43] [progg.]: I move like jagger ;)
[08:12] [konors]: yellow stun tinker
[08:23] [progg.]: Heal late?
[08:33] [ichwillrotsein]: unfortunatly
[08:37] [konors]:  
[08:40] [konors]:  
[08:47] [ichwillrotsein]: was 1 more sec
[09:32] [fadmu]:  
[09:38] [konors]: bit luck ^^
[10:12] [progg.]: ops
[10:16] [progg.]: cheat
[10:18] [progg.]: !
[10:25] [ichwillrotsein]: star shooter honey
[11:21] [progg.]: i actually
[11:30] [ichwillrotsein]: yes?
[11:43] [fadmu]:  
[11:46] [konors]: lol xd
[11:52] [fadmu]: 0/3 pro
[11:53] [SgZ_Kusanagi]: sry ^^
[11:57] [progg.]: don't know when q skill has no cd
[11:58] [progg.]: in raide
[11:59] [konors]: and?
[12:04] [konors]: we will see after game fadmu
[12:08] [fadmu]: heheh
[12:08] [konors]: what have every one
[12:09] [konors]: ^^
[12:15] [konors]: you will be 10-30
[12:18] [konors]: ill be 30-10
[12:27] [fadmu]: 0/3
[12:30] [fadmu]: 0/3
[12:38] [konors]: when noobs talk before eld
[12:40] [konors]: allways happen the same
[13:04] [progg.]: -stats 6
[13:04] [fadmu]:  
[13:07] [progg.]: why run btw?
[13:46] [fadmu]:  
[13:50] [progg.]: ops
[13:56] [progg.]: -stats 6
[14:01] [progg.]: -stats 4
[14:14] [masterkiller21]: -hp
[14:24] [konors]: ohh..
[14:32] [fadmu]:  
[14:35] [konors]: 2-3
[14:41] [fadmu]: ks as always
[14:46] [konors]: lol
[14:48] [konors]: hahahahahaha
[15:46] [konors]: i had cd :/
[15:50] [progg.]: -stats 6
[17:05] [konors]: haha do you want stun air? xd
[17:24] [fadmu]:  
[20:31] [im_no_pro]: red swap pls
[20:41] [konors]: yellow
[20:42] [konors]: stun him
[20:45] [konors]: when i ping
[20:57] [ichwillrotsein]: wb
[21:14] [progg.]: see u;)
[21:21] [konors]: yellow
[21:23] [konors]: are you noob?
[21:24] [konors]: talk english?
[21:38] [progg.]: -stats 8
[22:24] [fadmu]:  
[22:28] [konors]:  
[23:04] [im_no_pro]: red pls back
[23:08] [konors]: lol xd
[23:11] [SgZ_Kusanagi]: ^^
[23:48] [konors]: master hunter?
[23:55] [masterkiller21]: y but
[23:57] [masterkiller21]: 1 year later
[24:05] [konors]:  
[24:08] [konors]: yellow
[24:09] [fadmu]: !
[24:12] [konors]: do you see when i ping?
[24:21] [konors]: you have no vision game
[24:35] [ichwillrotsein]: bored
[24:41] [progg.]: i'm not laner
[24:43] [progg.]: and i hate grav
[24:50] [fadmu]:  
[24:58] [ichwillrotsein]: and i hate heavy
[25:03] [progg.]: Swap ? ^^
[25:12] [ichwillrotsein]: ok i buy anti
[25:15] [ichwillrotsein]: u heavy
[25:22] [konors]: yellow
[25:24] [konors]: are you noob?
[25:56] [ichwillrotsein]: mana^^
[26:00] [progg.]: D:L
[26:02] [fadmu]:  
[26:20] [konors]: yellow
[26:24] [konors]: can you stun grey when i ping?
[26:25] [progg.]: you guys keep pushing
[26:29] [progg.]: and noone has positive stats
[26:31] [skytomb]: k
[26:36] [konors]: .ate
[26:37] [konors]: when i do
[26:50] [progg.]: -stats 8
[27:05] [konors]: he have port
[27:08] [progg.]: ko2ors
[27:12] [progg.]: omg
[27:15] [fadmu]:  
[27:24] [konors]: yellow
[27:25] [konors]: when i ping
[27:40] [ichwillrotsein]: xD
[27:51] [ichwillrotsein]: that move was jsut brilliant
[28:40] [fadmu]:  
[28:40] [konors]: noob
[28:41] [konors]:  
[28:58] [progg.]: -stats 8
[29:14] [konors]:  
[29:45] [fadmu]:  
[30:31] [fadmu]:  
[30:35] [konors]: noob xd
[30:36] [konors]:  
[30:42] [konors]: master
[30:52] [masterkiller21]: whastr
[31:04] [konors]: share damg
[31:05] [fadmu]:  
[31:05] [konors]: help
[31:07] [masterkiller21]: lol
[31:10] [masterkiller21]: with 2 k
[31:17] [masterkiller21]: in 3 min hunter
[31:20] [ichwillrotsein]: cd
[31:20] [ichwillrotsein]: :.
[31:21] [masterkiller21]: then share
[31:23] [im_no_pro]: ^^
[31:24] [konors]: one more player is enought to force them to back xd
[32:32] [im_no_pro]: haha
[32:52] [konors]: gj
[32:54] [konors]: going
[33:32] [masterkiller21]: b
[33:40] [konors]:  
[33:43] [masterkiller21]: b
[33:44] [masterkiller21]: b
[34:00] [im_no_pro]: lol who have fed lb?
[34:01] [masterkiller21]: i go mid
[34:34] [progg.]: so slow
[34:46] [konors]: gj fadmu xd
[34:49] [konors]: fadmu
[35:24] [fadmu]: blue care on runing looking for easy kill u need
[35:35] [konors]: haha xd
[36:34] [konors]: gj ulti
[36:41] [fadmu]:  
[36:42] [masterkiller21]: ,lol
[36:42] [progg.]: lol
[36:55] [progg.]: buy net teal
[37:09] [progg.]: -stats 6
[37:34] [konors]: bigch xd
[37:35] [fadmu]:  
[37:50] [fadmu]: break fail
[37:51] [im_no_pro]: campst du immer so viel?
[37:52] [progg.]: they raping mid
[37:54] [fadmu]: :D
[38:05] [ichwillrotsein]: alter halt einfach.... usw
[38:14] [fadmu]:  
[38:23] [im_no_pro]: also ja
[38:33] [ichwillrotsein]: hast son ballanve und heulst rum
[38:34] [konors]: hull
[38:36] [ichwillrotsein]: kann ich nciht verstehen
[38:45] [im_no_pro]: ?
[38:51] [ichwillrotsein]: ???
[38:52] [ichwillrotsein]: höö
[39:02] [im_no_pro]: ballanve?
[39:04] [ichwillrotsein]: mein name isthase und ich weiß von nichts
[39:06] [SgZ_Kusanagi]: lol
[39:07] [fadmu]:  
[39:46] [im_no_pro]: naja spiel mal wieter somne kacke campen
[39:53] [im_no_pro]: wior sind hire nicht im urlaub
[40:08] [ichwillrotsein]: alter ich hab low range
[40:12] [ichwillrotsein]: was soll ich machen?
[40:18] [konors]: gj
[40:20] [im_no_pro]: mich feeden XD
[40:23] [fadmu]:  
[41:17] [im_no_pro]: lol yellow so fail
[42:18] [konors]: omg
[42:21] [JK_Livingstone]: dead
[42:32] [progg.]: thx
[42:34] [progg.]: demon soon
[42:38] [im_no_pro]: good
[42:41] [JK_Livingstone]: camper purle :-p
[42:52] [im_no_pro]: hehe
[42:55] [im_no_pro]: one time
[43:11] [progg.]: camper pink
[43:18] [progg.]: teal bot
[43:21] [masterkiller21]: c d
[43:23] [progg.]: -kick 3
[43:26] [masterkiller21]: idiot
[43:29] [masterkiller21]: i tried top
[43:35] [progg.]: moron
[43:35] [konors]: why top?
[43:35] [im_no_pro]: ah fuck zu spät healer gedrückt
[43:36] [konors]: i was there
[43:37] [progg.]: fed first
[43:42] [progg.]: def first
[43:44] [progg.]: not attack
[43:46] [masterkiller21]: y
[43:48] [progg.]: fuckin idiot
[43:50] [masterkiller21]: where
[43:51] [masterkiller21]: was u
[43:54] [masterkiller21]: -kick 1
[43:55] [progg.]: dead
[44:01] [progg.]: pink ganged me
[44:15] [im_no_pro]: s
[44:19] [fadmu]:  
[44:25] [im_no_pro]: again too late the fucking healer
[44:38] [fadmu]: -team Sad
[45:04] [konors]: opmg
[45:06] [konors]: you take all kills
[45:16] [im_no_pro]: stry want help
[45:32] [konors]: np its not yor fault man
[45:57] [progg.]: kono swap bot
[45:59] [progg.]: u're more mobile
[46:06] [konors]: k
[46:32] [konors]:  
[46:35] [progg.]: gj
[47:12] [konors]: b
[47:22] [konors]: no chance bitch
[47:32] [progg.]: if teal got tp
[47:37] [masterkiller21]: y
[47:38] [progg.]: would be easy
[47:38] [masterkiller21]: rigjt
[47:40] [masterkiller21]: 1 sec
[47:43] [masterkiller21]: it was there
[47:46] [masterkiller21]: for thatshort
[48:14] [progg.]: cheap hull in junk
[48:22] [progg.]: steal hull upped in junkyard
[48:24] [progg.]: cheap
[48:48] [konors]:  
[48:49] [progg.]: n1
[48:53] [im_no_pro]: top too
[48:54] [konors]: fadmu?¿
[48:56] [konors]: what hapepned
[48:58] [progg.]: i see;)
[49:05] [konors]: why come so late?
[49:06] [konors]: i had it
[49:31] [konors]: omg
[49:32] [konors]: stupd mouse
[49:41] [fadmu]:  
[49:42] [im_no_pro]: yy blue
[49:45] [im_no_pro]: noob
[49:47] [im_no_pro]: XD
[49:55] [konors]: xD
[50:07] [progg.]: mid
[50:31] [progg.]: lol
[50:33] [progg.]: 0.0001 s
[50:47] [ichwillrotsein]: i knwo your slow
[50:49] [ichwillrotsein]: dont tell me
[50:54] [konors]: team
[50:56] [konors]: i pinged
[51:00] [konors]: dont wait plz
[51:15] [konors]: im saving tank
[51:51] [konors]: ^^
[52:00] [im_no_pro]: hehe oj
[52:05] [JK_Livingstone]: unbelievable#
[52:13] [JK_Livingstone]: but i played bad in this situation :-(
[52:47] [im_no_pro]: man ey
[52:49] [konors]: stop port so late
[52:51] [ichwillrotsein]: thx for coming
[52:57] [masterkiller21]: np
[52:58] [konors]: dont wiat they are in cp..
[53:01] [im_no_pro]: yellow nobody is in mid and teal and you dont watch at minimap
[53:02] [progg.]: i was saving your ass konors
[53:05] [progg.]: go mid konors
[53:06] [masterkiller21]: blaa
[53:08] [masterkiller21]: +i was
[53:08] [im_no_pro]: do noob behaviour
[53:09] [masterkiller21]: tzhgere
[53:10] [masterkiller21]: and die3d
[53:10] [konors]: i dont say to you
[53:12] [masterkiller21]: on ztop
[53:38] [progg.]: 3 afk?
[53:42] [masterkiller21]: no
[53:44] [masterkiller21]: i look
[53:45] [progg.]: dude buy tp
[53:49] [konors]: how can you port more than me?
[53:55] [progg.]: isee u have tv mode
[54:00] [progg.]: how hunter without tp? :O
[54:05] [JK_Livingstone]: wasn´t more
[54:30] [masterkiller21]: someone save for inf ?
[55:14] [masterkiller21]: someone save for inf ?
[55:17] [konors]: i
[55:17] [masterkiller21]: then i do ups
[55:18] [masterkiller21]: other
[55:19] [masterkiller21]: kk
[55:24] [konors]: i could now
[55:28] [konors]: without big items but now
[55:29] [masterkiller21]: iu do ups
[55:29] [konors]: or wait 1 hour
[55:35] [masterkiller21]: 1 hour
[55:37] [konors]: k
[55:43] [progg.]: teal
[55:45] [masterkiller21]: i can only dop 3 atm
[55:45] [progg.]: buy net and tp
[55:51] [progg.]: and u will make kill every 50 s
[55:56] [masterkiller21]: no
[55:56] [masterkiller21]: redc
[55:59] [masterkiller21]: iu save
[56:01] [masterkiller21]: for ups
[56:13] [im_no_pro]: yellow
[56:17] [im_no_pro]: no
[56:18] [im_no_pro]: omg
[56:21] [progg.]: teal is dumb
[56:21] [im_no_pro]: not all at one
[56:25] [masterkiller21]: fucmk u#
[56:25] [im_no_pro]: omg
[56:25] [progg.]: dumbest hunter i saw
[56:27] [masterkiller21]: -kick 12
[56:29] [progg.]: no speed no tp no net
[56:30] [masterkiller21]: -kick 1
[56:34] [masterkiller21]: io have spoeed
[56:35] [progg.]: only die
[56:44] [konors]: np guys
[56:46] [konors]: i have inf son
[56:46] [fadmu]:  
[56:46] [progg.]: no np
[56:46] [ichwillrotsein]: aww game over man
[56:46] [masterkiller21]: the next stun will go ion you red
[56:46] [progg.]: he's useless hunter
[56:46] [progg.]: and don't want to make kills
[56:46] [fadmu]: long time ago
[56:46] [progg.]: how to play hunter without tp?
[56:46] [konors]: haha
[56:46] [konors]: first
[56:46] [masterkiller21]: gio buy inf
[56:46] [konors]: we had more cps all the game
[56:46] [masterkiller21]: i do ups now
[56:46] [progg.]: especially when they kill you every 2min
[56:46] [fadmu]:  
[56:46] [ichwillrotsein]: no?
[56:46] [konors]: so dont say game over a logn time ago
[56:46] [progg.]: hunter with 6 kills
[56:46] [fadmu]: and more death
[56:46] [konors]: and it isnt over..
[56:46] [progg.]: so sad
[56:46] [masterkiller21]: fuck u son of a bitch
[56:46] [progg.]: BUY NET AND TP
[56:46] [progg.]: and u will have zylion kills
[56:46] [konors]: we will see if you win
[56:46] [konors]: or me
[56:46] [fadmu]: u have more everything
[56:46] [drakulas]: Player [progg.] voted to drop laggers.
[56:46] [drakulas]: Player [SgZ_Kusanagi] voted to drop laggers.
[56:46] [drakulas]: Player [ichwillrotsein] voted to drop laggers.
[56:46] [fadmu]: lol
[56:46] [drakulas]: Player [drakulas] voted to drop laggers.
[56:46] [drakulas]: Player [JK_Livingstone] voted to drop laggers.
[56:46] [drakulas]: im_no_pro lagged out (dropped by vote).
[56:52] [progg.]: -giveup
[57:09] [konors]: make ups team
[57:16] [masterkiller21]: thatg is all
[57:18] [konors]: 1 more up
[57:20] [konors]: someone
[57:24] [konors]: yellow?
[57:30] [masterkiller21]: go
[57:30] [masterkiller21]: buy
[58:50] [konors]: im reayd
[58:51] [masterkiller21]: bitch
[59:16] [progg.]: go konors
[59:17] [progg.]: go now
[59:35] [progg.]: fail hard
[59:40] [konors]: they stun me
[59:44] [konors]: i need you stun heavy when i port
[59:46] [fadmu]:  
[59:48] [progg.]: we all failed
[60:36] [konors]: wtf
[60:38] [fadmu]:  
[60:39] [progg.]: -giveup
[60:45] [konors]: fail
[60:49] [progg.]: our hunter is too stupid
[60:52] [konors]: as i said, i think they chagne hutner ulti range
[60:56] [konors]: go all mid
[61:03] [masterkiller21]: -kick 1
[61:15] [konors]: gj yellow
[61:15] [konors]: 2 inf
[61:54] [konors]: omg yellow
[61:55] [konors]: what a fail..
[62:00] [progg.]: let's try mid now
[62:25] [konors]: go all mid
[62:25] [konors]: run
[62:33] [progg.]: gj teal
[62:35] [progg.]: u killed me
[62:37] [masterkiller21]: np
[62:47] [progg.]: worst hunter i've seen
[63:00] [masterkiller21]: worst demon i ever seen
[63:06] [masterkiller21]: and u are big fat ass
[63:17] [konors]: gj
[63:43] [progg.]: go mid
[63:46] [progg.]: they wasted skills
[63:48] [progg.]: go go go
[64:05] [konors]: come all
[64:06] [konors]: go take top
[64:16] [progg.]: teal u move your ass?
[64:50] [progg.]: cc
[65:06] [progg.]: USE FUCKIN BRAIN TEAL
[65:11] [progg.]: when u ulti
[65:12] [masterkiller21]: -kick 12
[65:17] [progg.]: so dumb fucker
[65:20] [progg.]: u killed me once
[65:21] [konors]: we have 4 cps
[65:23] [konors]: they ahve 2
[65:24] [konors]: take md
[65:24] [progg.]: u saved lb 2nd time
[65:25] [konors]: and we win
[65:46] [progg.]: move teal
[65:47] [progg.]: mid
[65:52] [masterkiller21]: go fuck
[65:54] [masterkiller21]: your mother
[66:01] [masterkiller21]: play yoour game
[66:02] [masterkiller21]: bitrchg
[66:18] [konors]: go all mid now
[66:28] [konors]: they have 2 inf
[66:43] [progg.]: teal is 2 stupid to go mid
[66:44] [progg.]: i watch
[66:47] [progg.]: he wtach
[67:23] [progg.]: again teal ulti me-.-
[67:28] [masterkiller21]: like i said
[67:31] [masterkiller21]: iu will on you alway
[67:38] [fadmu]:  
[67:41] [progg.]: k
[67:44] [progg.]: that's enought for ban
[67:46] [konors]: fail stun again yellow
[67:55] [masterkiller21]: wow ?
[68:00] [progg.]: yes
[68:05] [masterkiller21]: blkaa
[68:12] [progg.]: go fuck your mother and team sabotage is enought for ban for everybody
[68:25] [masterkiller21]: go play your game
[68:28] [masterkiller21]: anbd shuit up
[68:31] [progg.]: i cant
[68:35] [masterkiller21]: idiot
[68:36] [progg.]: couseu saboting me
[69:03] [fadmu]:  
[69:05] [konors]: close ^^
[69:22] [skytomb]: -giveup
[70:01] [fadmu]:  
[70:14] [fadmu]:  
[70:21] [fadmu]:  
[71:25] [konors]: ggj prog
[72:17] [skytomb]: giveup no chance
[72:18] [fadmu]: :)
[72:26] [progg.]: they can have dc also
[72:45] [konors]: all top
[72:45] [konors]: now
[72:46] [konors]: now
[72:47] [konors]: all top
[72:47] [drakulas]: Player [konors] has been muted for 60 seconds due to spamming!
[72:54] [progg.]: all top - we lose all cps
[72:55] [progg.]: or base
[73:01] [fadmu]: blablalblablal blue
[73:02] [fadmu]: hahaha
[73:23] [fadmu]: :D
[73:46] [drakulas]: Player [konors] has been unmuted after 60 sec auto mute due to spamming.
[74:15] [konors]: all mid
[74:59] [fadmu]: jhahah wt desesperat tower?
[75:00] [fadmu]: hahahah
[75:08] [progg.]: gagagagagahahahahahahagsdgashahsha
[75:11] [progg.]: neurotic?
[75:11] [fadmu]: hahaha
[75:57] [fadmu]:  
[75:57] [progg.]: mid anyfuckin one?
[76:05] [progg.]: too fuckin late
[76:08] [fadmu]: die base die
[76:09] [fadmu]: :D
[76:28] [progg.]: def mid
[76:29] [progg.]: def mid
[76:59] [progg.]: gj grey
[77:05] [progg.]: u alsmost kill it
[77:23] [fadmu]: just wait 2 minut
[77:30] [konors]: i have 13k
[77:33] [konors]: ill go swarm
[77:40] [fadmu]: buy more
[77:43] [progg.]: go dakrness
[77:46] [konors]: we need repair towers
[77:47] [konors]: darkness?
[79:28] [konors]: we need repair on towers
[80:03] [konors]: put repair on last tower
[80:04] [progg.]: repair to towers 2ow
[80:04] [konors]: or we lose
[81:25] [konors]: nice ass save ^^
[81:39] [fadmu]: :D
[81:49] [konors]: we are feed now
[81:57] [fadmu]: tinker still wining
[81:57] [konors]: if i take back items we can win
[82:11] [fadmu]: :D
[83:07] [konors]: çteal go mid
[83:09] [fadmu]: good bye base
[83:13] [progg.]: -kick 4
[83:14] [konors]: omg teal
[83:17] [progg.]: -kick 8
[83:21] [progg.]: -kick 3
[83:27] [progg.]: teal ftw
[83:28] [masterkiller21]: look main
[83:28] [progg.]: yours
[83:33] [masterkiller21]: and you talk from mid
[83:35] [masterkiller21]: fuckers
[83:38] [progg.]: idiot
[83:39] [progg.]: he was dead
[83:40] [JK_Livingstone]: what shall he do
[83:41] [ichwillrotsein]: pls dont coplain about ballance
[83:44] [progg.]: and 1s was enought to def mid
[83:53] [masterkiller21]: red is biggest idiot i have seen
[83:54] [progg.]: noobshit
[83:59] [masterkiller21]: have done nothing for team
[84:00] [masterkiller21]: anb
[84:03] [masterkiller21]: and biggest talker
[84:10] [progg.]: u lose this game teal
[84:12] [ichwillrotsein]: last gamepurp cried because he had 9 and 10 in his team
[84:14] [progg.]: hunter without kills
[84:16] [progg.]: without brain
[84:22] [masterkiller21]: ui have no brain
[85:00] [fadmu]: blue
[85:01] [fadmu]: blue
[85:02] [progg.]: hunter use ulti only to kills his team
[85:04] [fadmu]: tinker won u
[85:10] [konors]: tinker
[85:11] [konors]: no
[85:14] [fadmu]: hahah
[85:14] [konors]: dc won me
[85:19] [konors]: not tinker
[85:33] [progg.]: and teal ultiing his team all the time
[85:40] [masterkiller21]: blaa
[85:41] [konors]: gg

But i think we start to ban every account from progg. when we saw a replay where he annoys people........ Huh

player: proggkiller
reason: flame, insult, general behaving

as far as i can see this player has real problems in general behaving
progg Wrote:CPU just to be clear progg is not proggkiller. progg is progg (wheresthelove), proggkiller is grizzlyb

~edit by admin: striked that line and inserted quote of progg - deleted other OT posts

the most funny thing is, he's one of the most flaming players i have ever seen. additionally he's a very bad player with absolutely lowskill. and believe me, i know what i am talking about - my skill is not even better. but i dont flame and i dont insult others. see the replay and decide on ur own. he should be banned permanently in my opinion, cause he had several chances to behave better after being banned, but he still is a very very "unneeded" player...
hoy olibaba

flamer, after flammed and been kicked by team he try to ban me for imaginar overflame Big Grin

Thanks to have a look
Best regards
Dont talk dirty
Dont do shit
Dont be progg.
U can have fun then!!! Angel
player: Hombre
reason lost side on purpose
Don't worry, don't cry, take ecstasy and flyExclamation
Game ID :
Player ID : (only_tinker_sry)

reason: flame

he flamed me (lb) and pink the whole game and blamed us for no reason the oppenent team

sold all items and bought tinker
Gamename: BTanks League RANKED #33227

Player: 4g.eXeQtOr. (1)

Game Sabotage
#90 (roca_3)

Sold everything bought tinker with mines after losing cp on 45mins . Soon after that his mates has just given up the game. (shadow84) (fistoumme) (Sweden_BT)

Reason - Eco sabotage :
1) on 10min
2) on 14min
3) on 23min
Reason: Saving game around 1:20
Flaming and actively refusing to participate with the team. Did not cover or defend our teammates to reduced the amount of deaths.
(2012-09-09, 16:29:28)cpu Wrote: game:
player: proggkiller
reason: flame, insult, general behaving

(2012-09-09, 23:25:43)PROGGKILLER Wrote: hoy olibaba

flamer, after flammed and been kicked by team he try to ban me for imaginar overflame Big Grin

player: Ollibaba (1)
reason: flame

(2012-09-10, 23:11:42)LoveComesAgain Wrote: player: Hombre
reason lost side on purpose

(2012-09-16, 16:09:06)Grischa187 Wrote: Game ID :
Player ID : (only_tinker_sry)

reason: flame

player: only_tinker_sry (1)
reason: flame
approved hope he will come back soon

(2012-09-20, 15:58:39)Ch4oSxD Wrote: player:

sold all items and bought tinker

player: Little-Joe (1)
reason: flame, insult, eco sabotage, game sabotage

(2012-09-23, 14:45:34)dachlatte Wrote: Gamename: BTanks League RANKED #33227

Player: 4g.eXeQtOr. (1)

Game Sabotage

(2012-09-24, 04:09:19)Baabaadoo Wrote: Game:
Reason: Saving game around 1:20
Flaming and actively refusing to participate with the team. Did not cover or defend our teammates to reduced the amount of deaths.

player: 4g.eXeQtOr. (1)
reason: flame
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
#93 (Acceleration_X) (0o0o0o0)

Airship -> Tinker , Thunder Tank -> Tinker after 31mins (ISAR_11)

No gun after 45mins until end

1) Bad mouth each game cause sb dislikes how he plays . There's always bad mood in his team cause he's too annoyingHuh? I know going mass torpedos and 2,5k hp isn't a valid reason to get banned but in addition he also didnt't defend CP's mid due to pretending afk and top due to arguing with yellow.
2) Tinker after 45mins

Player: (wooden_pc_)
Reason: Flame, nonstop all game, seems like he has a grudge against pink(urbanflare). It also seems like he was also requested directly above me for his previous game.

Player: (fatbc)
Reason: Game Sabotage, purposely leaves about 1:00 into the game because "he has to eat," this completely destroys any chance one team has of winning. We really need a rule to prevent people from doing this as it completely ruins games.
(2012-09-27, 09:25:56)DJantoine Wrote: (Acceleration_X) (0o0o0o0)

Airship -> Tinker , Thunder Tank -> Tinker after 31mins (ISAR_11)

No gun after 45mins until end Acceleration_X (1)
reason: eco sabotage,denial of playing
approved 0o0o0o0 (2)
reason: eco sabotage,denial of playing

Fucked up game Confused

(2012-09-30, 18:19:24)DJantoine Wrote:

1) Bad mouth each game cause sb dislikes how he plays . There's always bad mood in his team cause he's too annoyingHuh? I know going mass torpedos and 2,5k hp isn't a valid reason to get banned but in addition he also didnt't defend CP's mid due to pretending afk and top due to arguing with yellow.
2) Tinker after 45mins Urbanflare (3)
He always play tinker + torpedo with low hp Undecided
but his teamplay in mid is ok Tongue wooden_pc_ (1)
reason: denial of playing
guess he was in rage about the bad game, ....... --> tinker?Huh

(2012-09-30, 19:20:03)UnifiedDoom Wrote: Game:

Player: (wooden_pc_)
Reason: Flame, nonstop all game, seems like he has a grudge against pink(urbanflare). It also seems like he was also requested directly above me for his previous game.

Player: (fatbc)
Reason: Game Sabotage, purposely leaves about 1:00 into the game because "he has to eat," this completely destroys any chance one team has of winning. We really need a rule to prevent people from doing this as it completely ruins games. wooden_pc_ (1)
reason: flaming
This guy should play on lane, showing the bt-world his skills --> if he has the right to criticize other people Big Grin fatbc (1)
Yeah.... looks like he "just left" the game..... Undecided
next ban request for him we will check the replay precise

Hmmmmm seems like i missed something ^^
+ i forgot also:
(2012-09-27, 09:25:56)DJantoine Wrote: (ISAR_11)

No gun after 45mins until end

will be checked soon, maybe eSVau will watch the replays Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Gamename: BTanks League RANKED #33474

Save the game and let me die... i have a lot of this replay, and in few i got dc...


Hi all, im GrizzlyB in game
BTanks League RANKED #33506 Dumdium

Denial of play, sell all and get mines cus team dont givup, when ask him to stop mines cus blue get deminer and kill us with, he ignore and laugh. All he do in end is to help other team finish fast... Bad behaviour toward hes team mates
no hp, no share dmg, spend all gold to short the game and say is our fault about fail.

Thanks to have a look in end of game...
Best regards
Dont talk dirty
Dont do shit
Dont be progg.
U can have fun then!!! Angel
Player Warrior Emze:

Denial of playing.

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