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Good bye Galadion
i was always funny to play with you !!! ^^
hf and gl in yr new games

"Sounds like you have no fun when you lose a game. cu ... not." gozo1985
its a shame to post that and close gala thread...
On that I can agree. Even if Galadion's thread comes from exasperation and is not "so constructive", it's absurd to close it. The point of a forum is to discuss, and if all discussions were constructive I guess we'd know about it.
I played dozens of game with him, and altought i don't like the unbalance he creates sometimes with his uncommon skill level, i wish the league keep this kind of player as long as possible "in". Everyone can feel bad, everyone can do mistakes. This considered, harshly closing his thread and even more pointless than his thread itself, aside being really rude.
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
there are 1000 better reasons to quit BT than just becouse of no answers on a "better balance system" threadWink
Not gonna encourage a ton of additional unconstructive QQ threads by a bad precedent.

If you want to announce a retirement in a friendly way to say good bye to other players feel free to do so in the off-topic area. I don't mind that.

(moved this topic there)

Edit: Also if you believe the close was rude: think about how much time the devs (especially exodus as the main mapper) put into the map, the league system, the page, the forum and how little respect galadian shows by pretty much demanding that we change the balance system because he cannot win more than 2 out of 3 games on average. It's ridiculous.
There might be a plenty of reasons for leaving a BT of best players

1. Allowed multibow ( why not just delete it , it's just overused and annoying )
2. Allowed explosives grey was the well playing exploder and in spite of hard losing on the beginning he turned around of the match
3. 1400 ELO limit is necessary due to one player permamently useless in ranked u know who i mean ...

Having omitted that changes there gonna be no good players anymore
(2013-12-27, 10:59:05)El_Polacco Wrote: 3. 1400 ELO limit is necessary due to one player permamently useless in ranked u know who i mean ...

Explain me how to increase your ELO if ranked is the only possible way to change it? How can you change a value which is determined by ranked games itself?
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
the game (+ every other game) is about friendship & fun
we're having so much fun @ teamspeak because when we're playing together (even if we play in differnet teams ^^)
imho you need mates - otherwise it gets boring because you're playing on your own ...
(2013-12-27, 12:02:26)eSVau Wrote: Explain me how to increase your ELO if ranked is the only possible way to change it? How can you change a value which is determined by ranked games itself?

I meant that lowered ELO isn't the accurate determinant to balance a game . Nowadays such games appearing more frequently because there are too few players .
Perhaps +0.5 ELO point per played qualify for all those below 1400 ELO who want participate in ranked . Since the kicksystem is changed there is no any factor to encourage them to learn anything . Allowing them to play ranked as you can see is no worthwhile anymore then i suggest to change it a little bit whether it would be viable and no that much time consumable .

(2013-12-27, 12:36:58)stibi- Wrote: imho you need mates - otherwise it gets boring because you're playing on your own ...

It gets boring also due to ego behaviour on the middle ( bow,skills on creeps/tower ) and playing MadCrazyGuang in ranked Blush .
(2013-12-27, 10:59:05)El_Polacco Wrote: There might be a plenty of reasons for leaving a BT of best players

1. Allowed multibow ( why not just delete it , it's just overused and annoying )
2. Allowed explosives grey was the well playing exploder and in spite of hard losing on the beginning he turned around of the match
3. 1400 ELO limit is necessary due to one player permamently useless in ranked u know who i mean ...

Having omitted that changes there gonna be no good players anymore
4. stop creating new nicks every time you reach 1550 elo (you ruin games also) Angel

You complain about guang all the time but you are no better. you do like to play at 1500 elo and you know you create unbalance by that but you keep doing it because its easy to win games than way. this goes out to all smurf accounts (mine included)

Just saying cause you seem to be way too ignorant when you create the unbalanceCool
(2013-12-27, 16:09:28)EarthR Wrote: 4. stop creating new nicks every time you reach 1550 elo (you ruin games also) Angel

Absurd accusation ... it's like you could tell jack_hijack to use that one .
People always used multi accounts because there were no preventing limitations . Blaming me for mass game ruin and is just improper moreover my current ELO wasn't above 1550 from very long time .
(2013-12-27, 18:26:26)El_Polacco Wrote:
(2013-12-27, 16:09:28)EarthR Wrote: 4. stop creating new nicks every time you reach 1550 elo (you ruin games also) Angel

Absurd accusation ... it's like you could tell jack_hijack to use that one .
People always used multi accounts because there were no preventing limitations . Blaming me for mass game ruin and is just improper moreover my current ELO wasn't above 1550 from very long time .
why did you stop using this account and switched to other ones?
its a new account 6 games only. Heck i dare you to list all your accounts here and prove me wrong. almost all of them have low number of games. Its easy to spot you in game from your gameplay. but thats not the point i was making nor tried to make

I am not blaming you. Read my post again. You just chose to ignore the second part of my post.
(2013-12-27, 16:09:28)EarthR Wrote: You complain about guang all the time but you are no better. you do like to play at 1500 elo and you know you create unbalance by that but you keep doing it because its easy to win games than way. this goes out to all smurf accounts (mine included)
I am just stating that you dont like to play with bad team. Guess what nobody does but at least we dont start saying nonsense to change the system to suit us. Same as galadions insane demand to change elo system so he has higher win/lose ration. You seem to blame guang for creating imbalance which is true to a degree(if the games goes over 1:30h) but he isnt the only problem there are many variables that create imbalance teams you cant just chose what suits you best and ignore the rest.
(2013-12-27, 19:38:42)EarthR Wrote: why did you stop using this account and switched to other ones
its a new account 6 games only. Heck i dare you to list all your accounts here and prove me wrong. almost all of them have low number of games. Its easy to spot you in game from your gameplay. but thats not the point i was making nor tried to make
mother russiaBlush dad CCCP . From fairly longer time i'm using 2 accounts , learn2giveup got because of guang denial of play/afk thx to that i'm mad on him

(2013-12-27, 16:09:28)EarthR Wrote: Same as galadions insane demand to change elo system so he has higher win/lose ration. You seem to blame guang for creating imbalance which is true to a degree(if the games goes over 1:30h) but he isnt the only problem there are many variables that create imbalance teams you cant just chose what suits you best and ignore the rest.

Do you really think anybody want be in the top of league list ? I find playing with guang as waste of time just because he buy airshits and not want try any alternative build . Playing with him on the middle isn't really a joy . Back to the point of changes recently played several games with bow on middle .
Bastus got a multibow been fed well it's 1:00h nexes not want make armor upg for bastus just because he extremely outfarmed him on middle all game long after denying they finally gave up . objectifn1 playing a multibow , his mates feeding he goes for explosives after outfarming the rest guys . If everybody will follow the same line of thought "my mates suck so i go explo" it goes nowhere
(2013-12-27, 22:30:23)El_Polacco Wrote: Do you really think anybody want be in the top of league list ? I find playing with guang as waste of time just because he buy airshits and not want try any alternative build . Playing with him on the middle isn't really a joy . Back to the point of changes recently played several games with bow on middle .
he might be playing wrong but his way of playing lets the other 2 mid players get fed really fast. If the fed player doesnt know how to use the extra gold then you cant blame him. Also you(and couple more players) made him play so defensive in the first place. For some unknown reason he has a fetish to play ranked even though he learns nothing but thats another story.
His way of playing just doesnt work with your favorite thunder tactic and thats something that piss you off. Because if you pick thunder you lost mid simple as that.
finally its rare to see all 3 mid players teamplaying, usually there are a lot of creepers(tinker/scout) so it gives you time and advantage. how you and your other teamate use its up to you.

(2013-12-27, 22:30:23)El_Polacco Wrote: Bastus got a multibow been fed well it's 1:00h nexes not want make armor upg for bastus just because he extremely outfarmed him on middle all game long after denying they finally gave up . objectifn1 playing a multibow , his mates feeding he goes for explosives after outfarming the rest guys . If everybody will follow the same line of thought "my mates suck so i go explo" it goes nowhere
all you suggest is to ban the weapon because the one that used it is a moron.
(2013-12-27, 23:28:19)EarthR Wrote: If the fed player doesnt know how to use the extra gold then you cant blame him.
For some unknown reason he has a fetish to play ranked even though he learns nothing but thats another story.

Naturally i can if he repeatedly stay with one weapon until very long time , then buy sth expensive and start saving a gold after 1:00h . It's so easy for him to blame everything on racism case , then he deserves to be put into a group of a box called "neverlearning aliens" for whose is aim to adapt in the ranked standards otherwise he can't be part of it .

(2013-12-27, 23:28:19)EarthR Wrote: His way of playing just doesnt work with your favorite thunder tactic and thats something that piss you off. Because if you pick thunder you lost mid simple as that.

I think i've never picked a thunder playing with him on the middle in a one team due to necessity of taking any advantage for kill attempt using the my stun which is unable for him .
(2013-12-26, 20:09:21)Prog Wrote: Edit: Also if you believe the close was rude: think about how much time the devs (especially exodus as the main mapper) put into the map, the league system, the page, the forum and how little respect galadian shows by pretty much demanding that we change the balance system because he cannot win more than 2 out of 3 games on average. It's ridiculous.

Fair point, which doesn't make Galadion's frustration totally ridiculous. ELO is not enough to balance the system in its current way, some important ingame stats should also be considered. Because it's not, it creates sometimes absurd games and as the highest active ELO, Galadion's the one most affected by the problem.

But right to move the topic out league section. My bad, i didnt see.

Congrats and thanks to the devs for the amazing job, no one denies it, and happy new year ! Smile
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====

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