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Backpack item?
Is it possible to script something like a Backpack item? So its possible to carry more then just 6 items. I already saw that on other maps.

Nevermind I guess its possible without -that- much effort, what I am more interested in is, if you guys want to see such a new item or rather not?

I mean BT is a nice game, but big changes (and ofcourse this new item will open up tons of new strategies) except a new tanksfrom time to time or items, havent been done since ages.

The reason I come up with this suggestion is also the amount of items around. Ok weapon update was a while ago, but new items are scriptet more frequently, but the slots are not increasing to make more combinations.

As a suggestion how it should work:
Every Tanks starts with a "Backpack"-Item. So in total you can have 9 items/weapons while you can use the "main" slot of the backpack for use- and switchable items and the second slot for already upgraded not usable items or items you want to hide for your enemy... but just a personal idea from my side.

I know some of you will not agree with such a suggestion, but lets be serious, sometimes games need something really new to not die silently by people quitting and just getting bored after years of playing.

So what do you think?
Also @Exodus, do you think its possible in BT to script this item? And are you a friend of such ideas or rather not?
A trial beta if the communities oppinion is split up would be awesome :>

Every game is about managing the lack of resources like time, gold, slots, lack of possible moves, free order, etc..
There are always restrictions and constrains - without it's like cheating and there is no fun in "mastering" anything...
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline

I think it can be such a good idea but (btw architect can do that atm with his ultimate...) the problem is that it would increase differences in skills level between players i guess. Good players will use it well and make powerfull tanks when some average or let's say "bad players" would maybe max small weapons (as we can see some times heli steel hull + 4 bombarding rockets, it would end with 10 bombarding rockets :/) or just use it a bad way and will ruin some games. As we can see guys who play architect good way can still own with this tank after 1h20 when others just suck since they buy this tank until they sell it...

I think such a change like that would be hard to use.

Or maybe only for end tanks (starting after frost robot) then it could give new strategies in late game, because we all know in late game a lot of "average players" become "bad" because they don't use tanks well (for example ultimate their self with titan :O) and it could balance their "bad" playing with stuff... But even this way it could be abused : supercell is atm the most used weapon in late game and is overpowered imo (because of it range and speed) and instead of 4 supercells some guys will come with 8 or them : boring end...

I don't know if I make myself clear but to sum up : even if this idea seem really good to change game play, it will just make game harder to play for new players and to much easy for good players (easy to abuse : getting ultimate and power pack + negator pack and still 5-6 supercells etc...
+ when I play (I think 90% of players do the same thing than I do) I always watch my enemies inventory to decide what to buy to fight them. It would be easy to hide some stuff like tp to backdoor cp when no one know you have this item for example.

Sorry it's a little long but it's just an opinion...
Before I answer specificly...
Another option maybe open up more slots in the backpack for different Tiers of the Tanks.
Tier 1 = 1 Slot = 6 slots
Tier 2 = 3 Slots = 8 slots
Tier 3 = 5 Slots = 10 slots total
and so on...

@Max you know... a Heli with Steel Hull and 5 Bombardings and switchting to Rocket Hail later is also ruining a game. I guess its the wrong way to refer to scenarios of how noobs can destroy a game - becouse they do it also right nowWink. Also more place for weapons (your Mass superCell scenario) means more place for defencive stuff.

@eSVau... In a way i have to agree. But isnt it right now close to every game there are guys running around with blueprints, whats exactly the opposite of what your saying? Last versions there are added more and more blueprints becouse people want to optimize their items in slots? So its about mastering blueprints not the game. what do you think? And also its not about taking away ALL of the restrictions but giving some "underpowered" or less played tanks new options, or better: open up new strategics what imho is more worth then mastering a well restricted game. May I refer to Tic-Tac-Toe? I like chess a bit moreSmile
I like it, stronger tank more slots. But 10 is way too many. Maybe 8 max.

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