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Allright, thank you for reminding meWink
Yes every noob needs to train but they can do this in gn "Battle Tanks 8.xx Only Noob<<" games. Not jumping in every public game even with gn "Only Pros".
I dont see any reason to not to kick a noob from a game automatically (with initial command - not every game). So i can safely play a game when i see that command is activated. Maybe + "-lai" with better efficiency on gameplay.

95% of public games with 5v5 start becomes 2v3 or 2v2 in 15-20 min. Waste of time...
Stop playing then, or play with a closed circle of pros, in a clan or whatever.

Auto-kicking noobs is out of the question as well, that would effectively end the expansion of the map, who would try to play BT a second time if the map itself kicked him the first time due to his inexperience? That would just lead to pissed off beginners. Moreover, auto-kicking noobs would not solve anything, you would still have games with a lot of inexperienced players (as you can hardly tell how experienced somebody is before the game starts), they would get kicked, and you got a 2vs3 again, same situation. The feature would also have to be able to check for suiciders, and you can basically suicide with any smaller vehicle, exploder, tinker, heli, etc., how is that supposed to work? The same applies to traders, no idea if it's even possible to include these exceptions.

The host should not have the privilege of a veto, but you should not be able to kick him either, as that easily disconnects people, as mentioned before. It's the question of which is the lesser of two evils: the possibility that some or all players get disconnected, or the possibility of a feeding/misbehaving host? I'd say the former is worse, hence the host should not be kickable.

I guess every map like BT, DotA, and many more has a problem with pub games of sometimes poor quality, due to leavers, inexperienced players, and players unable to communicate with their teammates, it's not a problem you can solve with some scripted feature.
horselance Wrote:Yes every noob needs to train but they can do this in gn "Battle Tanks 8.xx Only Noob<<" games. Not jumping in every public game even with gn "Only Pros".
I dont see any reason to not to kick a noob from a game automatically (with initial command - not every game). So i can safely play a game when i see that command is activated. Maybe + "-lai" with better efficiency on gameplay.

95% of public games with 5v5 start becomes 2v3 or 2v2 in 15-20 min. Waste of time...

omg.. its getting more and more sad to read things like that.. and who says you are not a n00b and should be kicked every game "automaticly" ? you ? God ? the President ?

there is no reason to kick anybody (except permanat flamers..but in this case just think your part)

if you want "even" Games stop playing Pups, just play arranged games..and your problem is gone...

if with it that in a puplic game you most time get 1,2 or more "feeders","n00bs" and "idiots" in your Team or in the other or in both...

if you dont like that..i say again stop playing puplic games... but i think mot people who like to kick others,like to play God..sad... :roll:

for me not the guy who doesnt play as well as you.. is the n00b for me.. for me its the guys who cant live with it... so go on kick players... to get your own ego better..your the hero of using a command which "deletes" the problem...

[Image: winke17trj2.gif]


Tribulation Wrote:I guess every map like BT, DotA, and many more has a problem with pub games of sometimes poor quality, due to leavers, inexperienced players, and players unable to communicate with their teammates, it's not a problem you can solve with some scripted feature.


a flamer will not stop flameing next game cause you kicked him or put him on your "banlist" lol

a "n00b" will no get better cause you kick him or tell him ingame 20 times,that he "is a n00b"...

and so on...

its just the person behind the monitor..if he likes playing (in this case BT).. and wants to get better..he will do it if he trains and plays a lot of games...

and remember..theres is always someone better then you..and then you are the "n00b" :mrgreen:
[Image: dtpc3banner88x31.jpg]
Concerning feeders and other noob... I don't see them as a real problem. Ok if there are 3/4 feeders in a team, it is quit impossible to win but is a sort of challenge. Playing in bad condition is also fun. It is not as if most of noob try to feed...

Concerning the current system of kicking, i feel it nice.
May be concerning the gold we receive from elaver: why not a equation fonction of the amount the of kill and lost of the player?

Concerning the -lai mode; why not remove all possession of the player, and give a certain amount of gold to the ia?
If the ia appear after 5 min, he get 4000 gold, 6000 after 10 min, 7 000 after 15min etc?
Then the ia would be able to choose his tank and weapon without being a pure feeder useless.
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
AI is no pure feeder, often takes control points in my games, when all other players are fighting at the same position, and it can also be a good fighter, but only if the player who controlled the tank before was okay... the strength of the AI depends on the strength of the leaver in this way

however, i feel like games with "-lai" have much less leavers because nobody thinks "okay, there arent much players left anyways... and its shit to play a 4vs2"
at least i think so.. i always use "-lai", and i dont have much problems with leavers... well, of course, in a public you will have 2-3 leavers, but not too much
About Althend's idea: what will happen if a player plays support character, such as upgrader/factory builder? You cannot give that leaver's AI a constant money, because he already used his money for non-item things...
And also games depends on players: some games go too slow; players dont die and kill much... All plays defensive and so game is cold. In this situation players dont get too much money but ai will take his constant money and will be stronger than that players... And reversively : players can go too fierce and die and kill too much. Where they got a lot of gold in short time... AI will be weaker in this condition.
If AI takes place of a good player, it playes better than anyone... If it takes place of bad player, it will be feeder.. Recent concept is this...

But one more solution can be : taking the average tank cost of all players in game (except leaver) and giving that much money to ai... With tank cost i mean upgrades etc + tank cost. And reducing upgrades done (if done) and factories built (if any) by leaver in given money...
Quote:But one more solution can be : taking the average tank cost of all players in game (except leaver) and giving that much money to ai... With tank cost i mean upgrades etc + tank cost. And reducing upgrades done (if done) and factories built (if any) by leaver in given money...

Nice idea then we must give the average xp of all players too :p
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
horselance Wrote:But one more solution can be : taking the average tank cost of all players in game (except leaver) and giving that much money to ai... With tank cost i mean upgrades etc + tank cost. And reducing upgrades done (if done) and factories built (if any) by leaver in given money...

yes, thats an interesting idea... but then i would do it this way:

if average costs > leaver costs then
    set leaver costs = (leaver costs + average costs*2)/3

so the AIs gold will only be changed if the average tank cost is higher than his tank costs... this way it does not have to start a complete new "tank", but some additional money can be added... not setting the leaver costs to the average costs instantly makes the whole thing a bit more balanced i think, and i would find it weird if a player left and the bot would take a complete different tank and complete different items, or have a complete different amount of gold
only problem is the way the AI is scripted... it gets much money at once, and then either buys a tank for as much gold as posible, or buys a weapon for as much gold as possible... however, that could be fixed easily
imo thats a good solution

and for kicking: i wont add anything which makes kicking easier, only i would add conditions for starting a kick-vote (feeder / afk), but i personally didnt have problems with kicking at all
the average cost idea is nice, i support it.

but then, the gold each players posesses should be added into the formula. saving for the heavy tank with your starting equipment is so popular, it could have a great impact on that leaver ai's money.
I agree with average XP or Level idea.
And yes average gold must include non-spent moneys.
Host SHOULD be unkickable, because when a host leaves(kicked) everyone get disconnected, and the veto was just for not kicking(ex: someone wants to kick someone else, when the host says no, he will not be kicked ,when the host says yes, it's like another vote). So the host has no chance of kicking someone by himself.
Host is also a player, he/she is not Game Master...
I say no...
hmmm.. if the host leaves, and there is someone who could host too, the game continues.

is there a possibility to see who can host before the actual host leaves the game? dunno if you got that, not easy to explain...

if possible, you could forbid kicking the only player who can host, as the game would end then. of course, combined with a message why this person is not kickable.
I dont think it is possible DerSatan...
Even detecting the host is a mess...
DerSatan Wrote:hmmm.. if the host leaves, and there is someone who could host too, the game continues.

is there a possibility to see who can host before the actual host leaves the game? dunno if you got that, not easy to explain...

if possible, you could forbid kicking the only player who can host, as the game would end then. of course, combined with a message why this person is not kickable.
But if someone kicks the host, and then the guy who can host leaves(ppl leave too often)?
I would assume that someone who hosts a game is much more likely to be somewhere above noob on a scale of skill, so I guess kicking the host for feeding is almost never necessary, and I guess someone who plays only occasionally would not bother to host, to reinforce the assumption. If a player flames and you cannot kick him for whatever reason, there's still the solution of squelching him in chat and ban him afterwards. Therefore, I'd still say the host should not be kickable, I believe the damage done through kicking the host is greater than the probability of having a feeding host.

Also, I have had quite some games (mostly DotA) where another player could host, so the game went on, but one or two players were disconnected anyway, so the game might be ruined either way.
I think kicking is discussed to much...

essecially noobkicking. You often have got noobs in your team, but most are happy about a god advise.
And i never was kicked by clanmates before... i even dont understand why you should kick someone for money. Because its usually a disadvantage for your team to kick a good player (or gamma). And if someone abuses the kick command he is a new victim for my banlist and i will never play with him anymore.
I give leavers a second chance but kickabuser and flamer are banned til the next ice-age.

the kick command schould used only for stupid a**holes who destroy the game.

Btw if someone wants to play good BT games without shit like kicking or should simpy join a clancannel just like "clan wzup" or "clan btnk" you are welcome we are also searchig good opponents and no victims.

I don't think changig the kick mechanism woud change the situation. Its good to have the opportunity to kick flamer or people who dont understand the advise "buy a weapon/tank/hull" but its bad that some people abuse this possibillity. Those players forgot that they play a game. And gaming should be fun.

Im totally fine with the kicking system.

Yours sincerely

Wehr Rächtschreibfeler findet darf sie behallten.

Join a BT Clan!! NOW!!!
Andibert Wrote:I think kicking is discussed to much...

essecially noobkicking. You often have got noobs in your team, but most are happy about a god advise.
And i never was kicked by clanmates before... i even dont understand why you should kick someone for money. Because its usually a disadvantage for your team to kick a good player (or gamma). And if someone abuses the kick command he is a new victim for my banlist and i will never play with him anymore.
I give leavers a second chance but kickabuser and flamer are banned til the next ice-age.

the kick command schould used only for stupid a**holes who destroy the game.

Btw if someone wants to play good BT games without shit like kicking or should simpy join a clancannel just like "clan wzup" or "clan btnk" you are welcome we are also searchig good opponents and no victims.

I don't think changig the kick mechanism woud change the situation. Its good to have the opportunity to kick flamer or people who dont understand the advise "buy a weapon/tank/hull" but its bad that some people abuse this possibillity. Those players forgot that they play a game. And gaming should be fun.

Im totally fine with the kicking system.

Yours sincerely

Wich is why i think the host should have a veto right over the kicking, so noone can abuse the kick command.
The host could abuse it as well, I'm against that, not necessary.

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