2008-03-24, 19:01:18
-fm -fastmode
Works in any modes. Must be typed within 2 min.
Increases xp gain rate by 100% (-he)
Increases tank bounty with 100% (-hb)
Gold pr second increased with 100% (-hi)
Using -wc command here, will stack with the -fm mode and make it even faster.
I like short games. I would like a command which would make a game shorter. I think this is the best suggestion. Also being killed gives more consequence in this mode, thus making it faster. A fast game with high xp rate.
Other random suggestions:
-dm -duelmode
No force creeps is spawned from creep factories at all in this mode. Upgrades disabled. Gold received from the force every 5 min gives a huge amount of gold, does cover some of the non-existing creep income.
-rs -resourcemode
At each trade post, there is a small trade hut which players can capture for increasing the gold income. At start both both force control 5 trade stations. Dark force control the windmill and light force control the fountain. The remaining closest trade stations is owned by the force. (This doesn't affect traders ability to trade).
The resource control benefits:
gold pr sec.
gold given by the force.
Each 20 min, each trade hut under control by the force trade hut gives a 2x marine value in gold directly to the force.
-wt -weaktanks
All tanks has only 50% of original hp
Works in any modes. Must be typed within 2 min.
Increases xp gain rate by 100% (-he)
Increases tank bounty with 100% (-hb)
Gold pr second increased with 100% (-hi)
Using -wc command here, will stack with the -fm mode and make it even faster.
I like short games. I would like a command which would make a game shorter. I think this is the best suggestion. Also being killed gives more consequence in this mode, thus making it faster. A fast game with high xp rate.
Other random suggestions:
-dm -duelmode
No force creeps is spawned from creep factories at all in this mode. Upgrades disabled. Gold received from the force every 5 min gives a huge amount of gold, does cover some of the non-existing creep income.
-rs -resourcemode
At each trade post, there is a small trade hut which players can capture for increasing the gold income. At start both both force control 5 trade stations. Dark force control the windmill and light force control the fountain. The remaining closest trade stations is owned by the force. (This doesn't affect traders ability to trade).
The resource control benefits:
gold pr sec.
32 / (NPT * 3 +5)
(32 + TH*2) / (NPT * 3 +5)
gold given by the force.
Each 20 min, each trade hut under control by the force trade hut gives a 2x marine value in gold directly to the force.
-wt -weaktanks
All tanks has only 50% of original hp