2008-10-23, 01:24:45
you'll notice that the map makers haven't posted on this topic casue all the ideas are so unique i think this whole topic is going to be ignored caue the suggestions are so off the wall but maybe not. if enough people brainstorm on new ideas here and come up with a good one, and then enough people say they like it, maybe it'll be integrated. one thing i know is that the map makers don't seem very interested in making recipies for weapons. and it seems that most the seasoned players (myself excluded) support not using recipies for weapons.
However, i'm going to show my support for this topic because i agree that the end game is a bit too simple. (although much better than most, if not all, wc3 custom maps).
suggestion 1:
the coolest idea i can think of for a recepie weapon that would rival the frost lazer as an end game weapon is a chaos cannon that fires at 3 different ranges with 3 different cooldowns. it would combine these items:
ion cannon (upgraded)
blaster (upgraded)
acid cannon (upgraded)
i think that would cost 38,750 gold just for the ingredients alone.
from what i've observed: when games are balanced and among seasoned players we all basically sell smaller weapons to get bigger ones and we sell smaller tanks to get bigger ones. i suggest making a strategy or two that can overcome the "u can't teleport into enemy base" challenge. i like things like trader bombing where u go invisible, spell shield, go invincible and teleport out of an enemy base but without a trader it's not easy to crack a well defended enemy base. The following suggestions are my attempt to deal with this issue.
suggestion 2 (concerning the troop comand center):
right now i rarely use the troop comander and i usually put it back in base a little bit behind the research center with a tech mech that can operate both for me. that's a good system, it works for me alright but if it had more hitpoints and could send goblin riots i might be able to use it more effectively as an end game finishing item on the front lines of battle. also, the mortar teams from that troop comand center are very dissapointing at only 1000 weapon range (i think the snipers might be that range too). if they had 1300 range it would be something to watch out for. i've tried having my whole team distract the enemy on the bottom lane while troop reinforcements and mortar teams work their way to their base top lane and even when perfectly executed it just hasn't work that well cuase the mortars got taken out by lazer towers and enemy creeps once they got to base due to their short range. i suggest making the t.c.c.'s mortars attack 1300 range to make this an effective alternative tactic.
suggestion 3:
tkf mentioned mcgyver and that got me thinking that if you controlled all the cps for 10 minutes a nuke could shoot off to a random spot in the enemy base. you could have the nuke shoot from the t.c.c. and u could give the t.c.c. an anti nuke too as a defense to it. or u could build a different nuking building like in total annihilation (the predecessor to supreme comander)
suggestion 4:
i suggest making the bomb look like a random item like a tp breaker, t.c.c. or factory in the inventory slot of the tank that has it. it's silly to know when an enemie's going to bomb you. i real life some one's not going to announce that they are about to bomb you so that u can try and kill him before he gets there.
suggestion 5:
a tp beacon. you set it in a spot and it works like a tp breaker but for allied tanks and without the stun. (works in enemy bases) ((that would help make exploder more viable which is on my regular suggestion list)
suggestion 6:
individual pilot stats: this is really off the wall and i don't think it's going to be well liked but i'll suggest it anyways cause you never know....
you could make random pilots or allow pilots to be picked wich have different buffs all throught the game and one tank that is their specialty so that when they get that tank they get another extra advantage only while in that tank. something like 10 % spell damage increase or 10% regeneration boost or 10% speed boost. some of these pilots could have an advantage more useful for early, middle, or late game.
btw: something like the idea to have a patrolling building that sells weapon recipies or sold weapons instead of the junkdealer could be cool. i liked that idea cause i'm not a big fan of the junkyard (it's too hard to get to imo). i know that ex and bob would consider that too much work for too little playing quality improvement award though if i'm not mistaken.
However, i'm going to show my support for this topic because i agree that the end game is a bit too simple. (although much better than most, if not all, wc3 custom maps).
suggestion 1:
the coolest idea i can think of for a recepie weapon that would rival the frost lazer as an end game weapon is a chaos cannon that fires at 3 different ranges with 3 different cooldowns. it would combine these items:
ion cannon (upgraded)
blaster (upgraded)
acid cannon (upgraded)
i think that would cost 38,750 gold just for the ingredients alone.
from what i've observed: when games are balanced and among seasoned players we all basically sell smaller weapons to get bigger ones and we sell smaller tanks to get bigger ones. i suggest making a strategy or two that can overcome the "u can't teleport into enemy base" challenge. i like things like trader bombing where u go invisible, spell shield, go invincible and teleport out of an enemy base but without a trader it's not easy to crack a well defended enemy base. The following suggestions are my attempt to deal with this issue.
suggestion 2 (concerning the troop comand center):
right now i rarely use the troop comander and i usually put it back in base a little bit behind the research center with a tech mech that can operate both for me. that's a good system, it works for me alright but if it had more hitpoints and could send goblin riots i might be able to use it more effectively as an end game finishing item on the front lines of battle. also, the mortar teams from that troop comand center are very dissapointing at only 1000 weapon range (i think the snipers might be that range too). if they had 1300 range it would be something to watch out for. i've tried having my whole team distract the enemy on the bottom lane while troop reinforcements and mortar teams work their way to their base top lane and even when perfectly executed it just hasn't work that well cuase the mortars got taken out by lazer towers and enemy creeps once they got to base due to their short range. i suggest making the t.c.c.'s mortars attack 1300 range to make this an effective alternative tactic.
suggestion 3:
tkf mentioned mcgyver and that got me thinking that if you controlled all the cps for 10 minutes a nuke could shoot off to a random spot in the enemy base. you could have the nuke shoot from the t.c.c. and u could give the t.c.c. an anti nuke too as a defense to it. or u could build a different nuking building like in total annihilation (the predecessor to supreme comander)
suggestion 4:
i suggest making the bomb look like a random item like a tp breaker, t.c.c. or factory in the inventory slot of the tank that has it. it's silly to know when an enemie's going to bomb you. i real life some one's not going to announce that they are about to bomb you so that u can try and kill him before he gets there.
suggestion 5:
a tp beacon. you set it in a spot and it works like a tp breaker but for allied tanks and without the stun. (works in enemy bases) ((that would help make exploder more viable which is on my regular suggestion list)
suggestion 6:
individual pilot stats: this is really off the wall and i don't think it's going to be well liked but i'll suggest it anyways cause you never know....
you could make random pilots or allow pilots to be picked wich have different buffs all throught the game and one tank that is their specialty so that when they get that tank they get another extra advantage only while in that tank. something like 10 % spell damage increase or 10% regeneration boost or 10% speed boost. some of these pilots could have an advantage more useful for early, middle, or late game.
btw: something like the idea to have a patrolling building that sells weapon recipies or sold weapons instead of the junkdealer could be cool. i liked that idea cause i'm not a big fan of the junkyard (it's too hard to get to imo). i know that ex and bob would consider that too much work for too little playing quality improvement award though if i'm not mistaken.
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?