2008-10-23, 13:10:49
Exodus Wrote:Most of the time, the biggest problem is, to get all the way through the enemy base to their HQ and to destroy it. One solution could be, to place the building you have to destroy for winning, more in the middle of the base, and the enemies are spawning behind it, not in front of it. This would obviously make defending way harder, but would also ensure that the stronger team wins, when it pushed that far. I've played a lot of games where the enemy push stopped right in front of the HQ and the enemy was pushed back again, because of player factories and such.
I really believe this could improve the overall gameplay of BT and would make suggestions for more end game content more or less obsolete.
i think this is a very goob idea.
another way to make the games ending faster, is to forbid to build up 3 player factorys in our own base. reduce this number to only 1 (OR EVEN 0) and the other 2 (3) can only be build outside of the base.
toob (the new here)