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The Miner
DerSatan Wrote:i sometimes go for the huge mines lategame, when i see my oponnents have already an inventory full of stuff that costs 5000 or more. Tongue

interesting, they cant sell an item for a radar then, or they will loose more money than you^^

tinker mines: wait until your team is dominating for a short time, then run as far as you can, lay the mine and teleport back, do it again and again^^

healers: an often used strategy is to place the mines on healers, because there you have the highest chance to meat a weakened enemy

smoke generator: if you have mines which can kill players at once, buy a smoke gen and move to a control point, lay a mine, teleport back, so that everyone who teleports there is killed or if anyone wants to heal his tank

building killer: of course, mines arent building killers, but if you place them near buildings its a positive side effect that they will damage that building, too.. theres even no way of defusing such mines, because using a remote fuse will still damage the building... especially nice if you manage to place them into a bunch of tinker towers: the tinker wants to repair them, runs into the mine and dies, the towers are damage, nobody heals them and other players can finish them

hide your mines: if somebody has a radar, lay your mines beyond trees (perhaps those can be seen with ALT, too, but at least it works vs noobs)

hold your finisher ready: if your mines cannot kill an enemy at once (which is quite normal), you should have your artillery shot or aiming rocket ready to kill him

stun + mines: a difficult way of using mines is a teleporter + goblin tank or anything which has long stun; teleport to your enemy, stun him, and lay a mine into him as fast as possible, because it will only explode after the activation time... alternatively you can buy a remote fuse on your own

illusion: act like you are fleeing and will die soon and so on, get some damage and then run away, and hope that someone follows you through your mines^^

exploder/teleporter killer: buy teleport breakers, and place mines around them.. if you dont have mines that kill your opponent at once, first place a ring of ~3 mines, very near to each other, and then center a teleport breaker between them, teleporting players wont have a chance to evade your mines... also works for CP-ports afaik, so you can place your mines near a CP, add a teleport breaker and you will have no problem killing a light tank or something like that, the only bad thing about this is, that you wont kill much creeps and probably you will never damage two tanks at the same time

but all in all, laying mines is very risky, you have to be lucky, your enemies could buy hulls soon or start with demolishers for example, and only one item can ruin big parts of your tactic, however, the teleporter killer tactic will still work^^

Messages In This Thread
The Miner - by Fear_The_Noob - 2008-03-02, 20:15:00
Re: The Miner - by Tribulation - 2008-03-03, 10:55:48
Re: The Miner - by DerSatan - 2008-03-03, 20:33:03
Re: The Miner - by Bob666 - 2008-03-06, 21:07:19
Re: The Miner - by ancientsurvivor - 2008-05-17, 18:27:18

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