2009-03-20, 14:29:54
Mmmhhh how can you use the theorem of central limite but not pay attention to main data of statistics: return and variance.
The variance is about the spread and the return, the total damage.
Admit A weapon and B weapon (torpedo), on same amount of target, the return is the same : (a shot one time each target when b shot shot one time one target)
Dmga= damage of single shot of weapon a
Dmgb= damage of torpedo
sample: 2 units
dmga*1 +dmga*1 = dmgb*1 + nodmg*1
---> return a = return b
The return is suppsoed to be the same but there is a waste if hp of the unit shots by the torpedo is lower than the damage itself. So the return of the torpedo would be lower.
---> return a > return b
Do you understand the waste now?
You suggest that all weapon should have the same variance. then all of them should have same countdown.... But it would not makes the variety of weapon better and decrease fun. High variance mean high risk but high effect.
With one torpedo (2 after 6-8min) you wont get all creeps. It is not hb. Torp is maybe imba in hb but in normal his weakness balance him.
The variance is about the spread and the return, the total damage.
Admit A weapon and B weapon (torpedo), on same amount of target, the return is the same : (a shot one time each target when b shot shot one time one target)
Dmga= damage of single shot of weapon a
Dmgb= damage of torpedo
sample: 2 units
dmga*1 +dmga*1 = dmgb*1 + nodmg*1
---> return a = return b
The return is suppsoed to be the same but there is a waste if hp of the unit shots by the torpedo is lower than the damage itself. So the return of the torpedo would be lower.
---> return a > return b
Do you understand the waste now?
You suggest that all weapon should have the same variance. then all of them should have same countdown.... But it would not makes the variety of weapon better and decrease fun. High variance mean high risk but high effect.
Quote:I certainly haven't excluded those definitions from my use for the term. While providing a little bit of extra protection, staying in front of a tower will see you lose exp and gold as the tower kses your creeps. Meanwhile as you will kill opposing creeps faster, smart torp users will go behind the cp and steal entire creep waves.
With one torpedo (2 after 6-8min) you wont get all creeps. It is not hb. Torp is maybe imba in hb but in normal his weakness balance him.
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !