2009-04-25, 18:46:13
I know, I haven't been on here for a long time.
*Takes beating*.
However, I come back hoping to address an issue...
While the overall talent of public btanks games has been on the rise (in US East). However, it seems that the number of hosts has gone DOWN. Finding a game is near impossible, especially over this past week. Even during relatively hot times (weekends, weeknights) I still have to spend atleast 10 minutes finding a game.
However, approximately three weeks ago I noticed an influx of hostbots. Anyone could find a game within a matter of minutes, if not mere seconds. It suffices to say that the btanks world rejoiced, people were happy and I noticed heightened activity.
Then, maybe... a week ago (?) I stopped seeing this heavenly ghostbots..... and now we are in a hosting slump.
So, I have two questions. Where are the hosts, and where are the bots?
*Takes beating*.
However, I come back hoping to address an issue...
While the overall talent of public btanks games has been on the rise (in US East). However, it seems that the number of hosts has gone DOWN. Finding a game is near impossible, especially over this past week. Even during relatively hot times (weekends, weeknights) I still have to spend atleast 10 minutes finding a game.
However, approximately three weeks ago I noticed an influx of hostbots. Anyone could find a game within a matter of minutes, if not mere seconds. It suffices to say that the btanks world rejoiced, people were happy and I noticed heightened activity.
Then, maybe... a week ago (?) I stopped seeing this heavenly ghostbots..... and now we are in a hosting slump.
So, I have two questions. Where are the hosts, and where are the bots?