2009-05-30, 13:54:24
I quote my opinion
Quote:I still think that the ultimate is a bit too weak (the hp value is so low, why not add it something like giving mana?). Currently concerning the converter, It is quit rare to convert enough hp to be really valuable, it damages creep but even with a good pack it is really too low to make it an usefull skill to increase.
The supertrust damage is quit weak even if the cooldown is low, Maybe replace it by a 0.1 sec stun?
Decoy seems more usefull now, giving priority to decoy may make it more interesting. (it is probably the most itneresting skill against long range)
I still think ranger is too weak. (just my opinion ^_^ )
Quote:After another try, 3 players vs bot. The ranger has too low hp for his price, making it long range tank would also be nice. Maybe reduce his price at 1k? (at 1500, the choice of build is too limited)
Comparing to antigrav, the ranger is so weak. anti grav has usefull skill at anytime and it still can be played after 20. Currently, playing 20 min to getl level 10 ranger is not enough interesting.
Decoy is probably the best skill but there is no enough incentive to increase his level. Level 1 is quit nice, I would probaly level it once to help against torpedo ^_^
to increase and encourage teamplay, making the converter give same amount of heal to all teamamte without dividing the number would be much more interesting. It happens often that the skill gives 40hp to each players; it doesn't even help to survive one sec ^_^Ranger and creeping. The build ranger + bow is too weak, and with other weapon, the ranger can creep and lack offensive skill to kill enemies. In order to correct that, maybe make the converter kill then enemy creep instead of removing a part of hp. So the tank would not lack creep capacity ^_^
(many bunch of ideas, I know ;o )
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !