2009-06-04, 19:53:39
It would at least help to combine the healing/damage AOE vs creeps with the superthrust. Killing that creeps also would help to produce decoys. But it shouldnt be so strong, that it get a super creeper like scout
The main advantage of longrange is, that with maybe 2 or 3 longrange you can kill the enemy creeps from far away and then when the enemy comes closer (especially in mid) the longranger with lower dps can hide between a lot of own creeps. So you cannot come close enough so easy to kill the longranger and sometimes even die yourself.
If the superthrust could deal a good amount of damage to creeps and boost up speed (but maybe got a higher cooldown and mana cost as disadvantage) it would be a better start up "longrange hunter" I suppose. (It would need a test to prove it :mrgreen: )
Usally longer cooldown and stronger abilities are better than fast and "useless", or nearly useless, ones. Because every enemy who received enogh damage retreat to heal and the cooldwon is too high to use it a second or third time while the enemy retreat.
(remember the troopcommand when it got double cooldown and spawned 10 creeps instead of 5 now --> it got weaker because half cooldown and half effect )
The main advantage of longrange is, that with maybe 2 or 3 longrange you can kill the enemy creeps from far away and then when the enemy comes closer (especially in mid) the longranger with lower dps can hide between a lot of own creeps. So you cannot come close enough so easy to kill the longranger and sometimes even die yourself.
If the superthrust could deal a good amount of damage to creeps and boost up speed (but maybe got a higher cooldown and mana cost as disadvantage) it would be a better start up "longrange hunter" I suppose. (It would need a test to prove it :mrgreen: )
Usally longer cooldown and stronger abilities are better than fast and "useless", or nearly useless, ones. Because every enemy who received enogh damage retreat to heal and the cooldwon is too high to use it a second or third time while the enemy retreat.
(remember the troopcommand when it got double cooldown and spawned 10 creeps instead of 5 now --> it got weaker because half cooldown and half effect )
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- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^