2009-06-23, 18:23:13
I think percantages are really good, too. If you got stats like 80:25 and kill 2 enemy tanks who got stats like 10:30 and 15:30 e.g. you dont get the same double kill Bonus like killing enemies which got really high tank values. It´s a good balance factor.
But I think we have to think over your numbers
Lets say you manage a Godlike in Midgame --> quiet rare without exloder. With your formula:
You get 25*5 => 125Gold
+ 5X "400KillGold" X 0,22=> 440Gold (Killgold is an average suggestion for the whole enemy team, that means player1 maybe 450 , player 2 350 and so on)
== 565Gold, is quiet less for a whole multikill.
Or do you mean you add every kill. That means Doublekill 2*Kill*0,22+Multi + Tripple + ... ??? Then it could be ok for midgame
Then it lookslike:
Double: 226Gold
Tripple: 320Gold
Multi: 452Gold
Godlike: 565Gold
Makes: 1563 in Total --> nearly like it is now :mrgreen:
If all tanks give 1000Gold Bounty:
Whole Double - Godlike Bounty: 480+735+980+1225 = 3420Gold
In the beginning with 5 Tanks 200Gold Bounty:
Whole Double - Godlike Bounty: 138+207+276+345 = 966Gold
... seems fair to me
Edit: If all tanks got a value of 340,9090... Gold a Godlike with that formula give exactly the same amount like now I suppose --> 1400Gold.
means less at the beginning mor after early midgame. That means after maybe 25-30min Multikills would get better like it is now and worse before.
But I think we have to think over your numbers
Lets say you manage a Godlike in Midgame --> quiet rare without exloder. With your formula:
You get 25*5 => 125Gold
+ 5X "400KillGold" X 0,22=> 440Gold (Killgold is an average suggestion for the whole enemy team, that means player1 maybe 450 , player 2 350 and so on)
== 565Gold, is quiet less for a whole multikill.
Or do you mean you add every kill. That means Doublekill 2*Kill*0,22+Multi + Tripple + ... ??? Then it could be ok for midgame
Then it lookslike:
Double: 226Gold
Tripple: 320Gold
Multi: 452Gold
Godlike: 565Gold
Makes: 1563 in Total --> nearly like it is now :mrgreen:
If all tanks give 1000Gold Bounty:
Whole Double - Godlike Bounty: 480+735+980+1225 = 3420Gold
In the beginning with 5 Tanks 200Gold Bounty:
Whole Double - Godlike Bounty: 138+207+276+345 = 966Gold
... seems fair to me
Edit: If all tanks got a value of 340,9090... Gold a Godlike with that formula give exactly the same amount like now I suppose --> 1400Gold.
means less at the beginning mor after early midgame. That means after maybe 25-30min Multikills would get better like it is now and worse before.
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^