2009-08-06, 20:10:33
After days without the latest BT maps, you are finally able to play again ;) Have fun!
v 8.62
The supported HCL-commands are the following:
v 8.62
- Battle Tanks is now compatible with Warcraft 1.24
- It's now possible to have two observers in a game
- Support of the AutoMod feature of the Ghost++ Hostbots
- Menu options are now also accessible via hotkeys
- Renamed Instable Projectiles (Titan)
- It's no longer possible to buy towers with a Pilot
- Fixed Support Systems (Medivac) mana bonus
- Fixed Lightning Strike (Thunder Tank) from being able to target Control Points
- Fixed Banish (Demon Tank) from being able to target ground tanks
- Fixed some minor bugs
The supported HCL-commands are the following:
- no - normal mode
- nt - no trader mode
- ru - rush mode
- nc - no custom mode
- nh - no high bounty
- pr - "pro" mode (no Tinker/Trader/Exploder, 3k)
- 5h - 5k hb mode
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