2009-09-14, 07:01:03
Yes popping-up numbers are annoying, but there's another issue for me which regards:
Defensive Systems (Scout) is now an active skill.
I understand that it was a bit imbalanced when it was passive and don't mind that it's now active, but the problem is there is a slight pause when you activate it. It's like the pause when you activate Light Tank's Repair skill.
You're fleeing from an enemy, you use this skill, only to be momentarily stopped, resulting in lost ground and/or death.
Maybe this skill is supposed to be used like Light Tank's Repair, iby which it's soley for the increased health regen, but you cannot go past the reduced damage it offers and I would like to know if it is possible to have no pause when activating.
Defensive Systems (Scout) is now an active skill.
I understand that it was a bit imbalanced when it was passive and don't mind that it's now active, but the problem is there is a slight pause when you activate it. It's like the pause when you activate Light Tank's Repair skill.
You're fleeing from an enemy, you use this skill, only to be momentarily stopped, resulting in lost ground and/or death.
Maybe this skill is supposed to be used like Light Tank's Repair, iby which it's soley for the increased health regen, but you cannot go past the reduced damage it offers and I would like to know if it is possible to have no pause when activating.