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Hunter's Plague Skill is Still too Over Powered
I know that the hunter tank has already been nerfed somewhat with 8.63, however I still feel that this tank is too overpowered especially late game when most tanks are camping inside their base. I have played in several games where it came down to 4 titans vs 3 titans and a hunter. The defensive capability of the hunter makes up for its relatively low hp. The problem I have with the hunter is only with the plague skill, I know that it is ground only however late game almost all tanks end up being titan, not only does the plague skill reduce their max hp by 40 percent (which is ridiculous), it also reduces their speed dramatically. Consider this being used in combination with the hunters ult and orbital attack. The combination is very very difficult to overcome especially if the hunter's teammates assist by using their ult (Titan's ult). I know many will say that the hunter is already toned down enough but I feel very strongly that for the price 9k vs that of a titan 25k, and especially endgame, the fact that the plague skill's damage is calculated not on actual figures but percentage makes it very unreasonable in my opinion.

What I would like to see changed is first to remove and at least reduce the speed reduction that results from the plague skill. Also I would like to the plague skill have a damage cap maybe with a max damage of 3k or 3.5k (considering that the titans aoe skill only does 5k when fully lvled, also consider that the hunter's own ult only does 2800 when fully lvled), which is much more reasonable. Consider this A titan at lvl 25 has about 35k of hp without any hulls, that means if the was under the influence of the hunter's plague skill for the entire duration it would lose 14,000 hp. That is almost the equivalent of 3 titans using their aoe spells one after the other.

Some might say that to counter a hunter all you have to do is get sky fortress, well that is true, if it was only a 1v1 between sky fort and hunter. However I believe the hunter/titan team is much more efficient then the sky fort/titan combo, especially in defensive purposes. I can not emphasizes just how over powered the plague skill is when it comes to playing defense especially in cp protection. The mere sight of a hunter's plague is enough to dissuade most players from attempting to get a cp, or at least make them think twice. So in short, I believe that the hunter requires either a dramatic price, but it would be much more preferable in my opinion if the plague skill received some major nerfing.

p.s. I think its rather ironic that the hunter is usually used for defensive purposes when its name would lead you to believe otherwise.

Messages In This Thread
Hunter's Plague Skill is Still too Over Powered - by xplodingtinkftw - 2009-09-17, 14:17:57

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