2009-09-23, 20:29:11
horselance Wrote:Quote:Wow, that was a nice post horse, I think you just ended the subject for now. Maybe some change will happen later though.
I will open a subject for tanks which becomes useless in a short time after buying.
Bigest problem is there is no good air tank in game currently (excluding SF though it dont belong to Hunter's timeline) and Hunter is a real ground shaker..
Can you send me your battletanks version, becouse in mine there are really good air tanks for 4,5k and 8k as well. ; )
Althend Wrote:In some cases that's true, but not in general. The sky tank skills are much more powerfull against ground, therefore going from zep to sky can be really good.Quote:Addin to that, I would add another problem: the sky tank.
It cost 8k... and zeppelin 4,5k. Going from zep to sky is a waste of money.
Adding to that, those tanks are the best tanks for going straight to inf/sky fort. It's really easy to play with air ship/sky tank even if the other players already got hunter/demon/frost. Also air ship and sky tank are (maybe together with goblin tank) the best tanks to teleport from mid to side lanes and two of the most played tanks in private clangames on northrend.